Injecting Greasemonkey Script Multiple Times on the Same Page
For users new to Greasemonkey and JavaScript, a common requirement arises where a userscript needs to be executed multiple times without a page refresh. This scenario becomes essential when a request, such as an Amazon search, occurs using Ajax without triggering a complete page reload.
Solution: Utilizing waitForKeyElements() Utility
To address this need effectively, the waitForKeyElements() utility offers a robust and simple solution. This utility monitors a specified element and executes a callback function whenever the element's content changes. Below is a complete script that leverages jQuery and waitForKeyElements to modify Amazon search results:
// @name _Amazon Search, alter results // @include* // @require // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== function addCustomSearchResult (jNode) { jNode.prepend ( '<div>
Implementation Details:
Using this solution, you can now execute your Greasemonkey script multiple times on the same page without a refresh, providing you with greater flexibility and control over your browser interactions.
以上是如何在同一頁上多次執行 Greasemonkey 腳本而不刷新?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!