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Python : Basics Concepts in Arithmetic, Data Types, and Conditional Logic

如果您是 Python 新手,了解基本操作、資料類型和條件邏輯至關重要。讓我們回顧一下一些基本主題。我們將透過範例探討每個主題。

第 1 章:算術運算符


Syntax Action Example Output
* Multiply 4 * 10 40
Addition 7 9 16
- Subtract 23 - 4 19
/ Division 27 / 3 9
** Power 3 ** 2 9
% Modulo 7 % 4 3


# Multiplication
result = 4 * 10
print(result)  # Output: 40

# Addition
total = 7 + 9
print(total)  # Output: 16

# Power
squared = 3 ** 2
print(squared)  # Output: 9


# Define total spend amount
total_spend = 3150.96
print(total_spend)  # Output: 3150.96

第 2 章:資料型態與集合

在 Python 中,您有多種儲存資料的方法,每種方法都適合不同類型的任務。

  1. 字串:用於文字。您可以使用單引號或雙引號定義字串。

    # Defining a string
    customer_name = 'George Boorman'
    # Double quotes also work
    customer_name = "George Boorman"
  2. 列表:列表是可以包含多個值的有序集合。

    # Creating a list
    prices = [10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35]
    # Accessing the first item
    print(prices[0])  # Output: 10
  3. 字典:字典儲存鍵值對,允許您根據鍵找到值。

    # Creating a dictionary
    products_dict = {
        "AG32": 10,
        "HT91": 20,
        "PL65": 30,
        "OS31": 15,
        "KB07": 25,
        "TR48": 35
    # Accessing a value by key
    print(products_dict["AG32"])  # Output: 10
  4. 集合與元組:

    • 集合:獨特元素的集合。
    • Tuple:不可變列表,表示建立後無法變更。
    # Creating a set
    prices_set = {10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35}
    # Creating a tuple
    prices_tuple = (10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35)

第 3 章:條件關鍵字

Python 包含幾個用於評估條件的關鍵字,這對於程式碼中的決策至關重要。

Keyword Function
and Evaluate if multiple conditions are true
or Evaluate if one or more conditions are true
in Check if a value exists in a data structure
not Evaluate if a value is not in a data structure


  1. 使用和
# Multiplication
result = 4 * 10
print(result)  # Output: 40

# Addition
total = 7 + 9
print(total)  # Output: 16

# Power
squared = 3 ** 2
print(squared)  # Output: 9
  1. 使用或
# Define total spend amount
total_spend = 3150.96
print(total_spend)  # Output: 3150.96
  1. 用於
# Defining a string
customer_name = 'George Boorman'

# Double quotes also work
customer_name = "George Boorman"
  1. 不使用
# Creating a list
prices = [10, 20, 30, 15, 25, 35]

# Accessing the first item
print(prices[0])  # Output: 10


本概述涵蓋了 Python 中算術運算、各種資料型別和條件關鍵字的基礎。這些基本概念將幫助您建立更複雜的程式。

