首頁 >後端開發 >Golang >Go中如何使用通道來實現觀察者模式?


Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原創
2024-11-06 05:01:021079瀏覽

How Can Channels Be Used to Implement the Observer Pattern in Go?

觀察者模式的 Go 語言實作

觀察者模式涉及一個發布者對象,在發生特定事件時通知其訂閱的觀察者。 Go 語言提供了一種使用通道來實現此模式的簡單方法。


以下是示範觀察者模式的 Go 範例程式碼:

package main

import "fmt"

// Publisher is an object that can notify subscribers of an event.
type Publisher struct {
    listeners []chan string

// Subscriber represents an object that can receive notifications from a Publisher.
type Subscriber struct {
    ID       int
    Channel  chan string

// Sub adds a Subscriber to the Publisher's list of listeners.
func (p *Publisher) Sub(sub *Subscriber) {
    p.listeners = append(p.listeners, sub.Channel)

// Pub sends a notification to the Publisher's subscribers.
func (p *Publisher) Pub(msg string) {
    for _, c := range p.listeners {
        c <- msg

// Run starts a Subscriber listening for notifications from the Publisher.
func (s *Subscriber) Run() {
    for {
        msg := <-s.Channel
        fmt.Printf("Subscriber %d received: %s\n", s.ID, msg)

func main() {
    // Initialize Publisher
    publisher := &Publisher{}

    // Create and add Subscribers
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        subscriber := &Subscriber{ID: i, Channel: make(chan string)}
        go subscriber.Run()

    // Send notifications
    publisher.Pub("Hello 1")
    publisher.Pub("Hello 2")
    publisher.Pub("Hello 3")

在這個範例中,發布者(Publisher)有一個清單廣播通知的頻道(偵聽器)。訂閱者(Subscriber)有自己的頻道(Channel)來接收通知。當發布者發送通知 (Pub) 時,它會透過其通道將其發送給所有訂閱者。然後每個訂閱者列印收到的通知。這演示了發布者如何向其觀察者廣播更新。

