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使用 javascript 函數建立資料報告

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原創
2024-11-05 06:27:02731瀏覽

假設您有一場體育賽事或比賽。結果很可能會儲存在資料庫中,並且必須在網站上列出。您可以使用 Fetch API 從後端取得資料。本文檔中不會對此進行解釋。我假設資料已經被檢索並且是一個記錄數組。此記錄數組必須按正確的順序排列,但來源函數可以在報表引擎中動態過濾和排序該數組。


每個標頭函數都會根據靜態文字和參數currentRecord、objWork和splitPosition傳回html。每個頁腳函數都會根據靜態文字和參數 previousRecord、objWork 和 splitPosition 傳回 html。



  • 報告有報告頁首和頁尾。可以是文字或只是 html,或兩者兼而有之。
  • 報告具有一個或多個部分等級。部分等級 N 從頁首等級 N 開始,以頁腳等級 N 結束。
  • 局部等級 N 包含一次或多次部分等級 N 1,最高部分等級除外。
  • 最高部分層級包含基於陣列中的記錄所建立的資料。 在大多數情況下,最高部分等級只是一個 html 表格或 html 彈性項目。


Create data reports using javascript function


const reportDefinition = {};
reportDefinition.headers = [report_header, header_level_1, header_level_2, header_level_3, ...]; // default = []
reportDefinition.footers = [report_footer, footer_level_1, footer_level_2, footer_level_3, ...]; // default = []
reportDefinition.compare = (previousRecord, currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // default = () => -1
    // code that returns an integer (report level break number)
reportDefinition.display = (currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // code that returns a string, for example
    return `${currentRecord.team} - ${currentRecord.player}`;
// source array can be preprocessed, for example filter or sort
reportDefinition.source = (arr, objWork) => preProcessFuncCode(arr); // optional function to preprocess data array
// example to add extra field for HOME and AWAY and sort afterwards
reportDefinition.source = (arr, objWork) => arr.flatMap(val => [{ team: val.team1, ...val }, { team: val.team2, ...val }])
    .sort((a, b) => a.team.localeCompare(b.team));
// optional method 'init' which should be a function. It will be called with argument objWork
// can be used to initialize some things.
reportDefinition.init = objWork => { ... };


reportDefinition.headers = [];
// currentRecord=current record, objWork is extra object,
// splitPosition=0 if this is the first header shown at this place, otherwise it is 1, 2, 3 ...
reportDefinition.headers[0] = (currentRecord, objWork, splitPosition) => {
    // code that returns a string
reportDefinition.headers[1] = '<div>Some string</div>'; // string instead of function is allowed;
reportDefinition.footers = [];
// previousRecord=previous record, objWork is extra object,
// splitPosition=0 if this is the last footer shown at this place, otherwise it is 1, 2, 3 ...
reportDefinition.footers[0] = (previousRecord, objWork, splitPosition) => {
    // code that returns a string
reportDefinition.footers[1] = '<div>Some string</div>'; // string instead of function is allowed;


// previousRecord=previous record, currentRecord=current record, objWork is extra object,
reportDefinition.compare = (previousRecord, currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // please never return 0! headers[0] will be displayed automagically on top of report
    // group by date return 1 (lowest number first)
    if (previousRecord.date !== currentRecord.date) return 1;
    // group by team return 2
    if (previousRecord.team !== currentRecord.team) return 2;
    // assume this function returns X (except -1) then:
    // footer X upto and include LAST footer will be displayed (in reverse order). In case of footer function the argument is previous record
    // header X upto and include LAST header will be displayed. In case of header function the argument is current record
    // current record will be displayed
    // if both records belong to same group return -1
    return -1;



reportDefinition.headers[2] = (currentRecord, objWork, splitPosition) => {
    // this is a new level 2 group. Reset objWork.runningCounter to 0
    objWork.runningCounter = 0;
    // put extra code here
    return `<div>This is header number 2: ${currentRecord.team}</div>`;

如果您只想在報告開頭初始化objWork.runningCounter,您可以透過在reportDefinition.headers[0]中放置正確的程式碼來實現。我稱之為屬性 runningCounter,但您可以給它任何您想要的名稱。

您必須增加程式碼中某處的運行計數器,因為...否則它不會運行;-) 例如:

const reportDefinition = {};
reportDefinition.headers = [report_header, header_level_1, header_level_2, header_level_3, ...]; // default = []
reportDefinition.footers = [report_footer, footer_level_1, footer_level_2, footer_level_3, ...]; // default = []
reportDefinition.compare = (previousRecord, currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // default = () => -1
    // code that returns an integer (report level break number)
reportDefinition.display = (currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // code that returns a string, for example
    return `${currentRecord.team} - ${currentRecord.player}`;
// source array can be preprocessed, for example filter or sort
reportDefinition.source = (arr, objWork) => preProcessFuncCode(arr); // optional function to preprocess data array
// example to add extra field for HOME and AWAY and sort afterwards
reportDefinition.source = (arr, objWork) => arr.flatMap(val => [{ team: val.team1, ...val }, { team: val.team2, ...val }])
    .sort((a, b) => a.team.localeCompare(b.team));
// optional method 'init' which should be a function. It will be called with argument objWork
// can be used to initialize some things.
reportDefinition.init = objWork => { ... };


reportDefinition.headers = [];
// currentRecord=current record, objWork is extra object,
// splitPosition=0 if this is the first header shown at this place, otherwise it is 1, 2, 3 ...
reportDefinition.headers[0] = (currentRecord, objWork, splitPosition) => {
    // code that returns a string
reportDefinition.headers[1] = '<div>Some string</div>'; // string instead of function is allowed;
reportDefinition.footers = [];
// previousRecord=previous record, objWork is extra object,
// splitPosition=0 if this is the last footer shown at this place, otherwise it is 1, 2, 3 ...
reportDefinition.footers[0] = (previousRecord, objWork, splitPosition) => {
    // code that returns a string
reportDefinition.footers[1] = '<div>Some string</div>'; // string instead of function is allowed;


// previousRecord=previous record, currentRecord=current record, objWork is extra object,
reportDefinition.compare = (previousRecord, currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // please never return 0! headers[0] will be displayed automagically on top of report
    // group by date return 1 (lowest number first)
    if (previousRecord.date !== currentRecord.date) return 1;
    // group by team return 2
    if (previousRecord.team !== currentRecord.team) return 2;
    // assume this function returns X (except -1) then:
    // footer X upto and include LAST footer will be displayed (in reverse order). In case of footer function the argument is previous record
    // header X upto and include LAST header will be displayed. In case of header function the argument is current record
    // current record will be displayed
    // if both records belong to same group return -1
    return -1;


reportDefinition.headers[2] = (currentRecord, objWork, splitPosition) => {
    // this is a new level 2 group. Reset objWork.runningCounter to 0
    objWork.runningCounter = 0;
    // put extra code here
    return `<div>This is header number 2: ${currentRecord.team}</div>`;



reportDefinition.display = (currentRecord, objWork) => {
    // put extra code here
    return `<div>This is record number ${objWork.runningCounter}: ${currentRecord.team} - ${currentRecord.player}</div>`;

什麼是 objWork

objWork 是一個 javascript 對象,作為第二個參數傳遞給 createOutput 函數(可選參數,預設為 {})。它作為淺拷貝傳遞給頁首函數、頁尾函數、比較函數、初始化函數、來源函數和顯示函數。所有這些函數共享這個物件。例如,您可以將其用於配置資訊或顏色主題。 objWork 會自動使用 { rawData: thisData } 進行擴充。例如 createOutput(reportDefinition, { font: 'Arial', font_color: 'blue' }).



以上是使用 javascript 函數建立資料報告的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
