首頁 >Java >java教程 >如何使用 Trie 資料結構來高效實現稀疏矩陣,與傳統雜湊圖相比提供更快的唯讀存取和優化的儲存?

如何使用 Trie 資料結構來高效實現稀疏矩陣,與傳統雜湊圖相比提供更快的唯讀存取和優化的儲存?

2024-11-04 08:10:02474瀏覽

How can Trie data structures be used to efficiently implement sparse matrices, providing faster read-only access and optimized storage compared to traditional hashmaps?



更有效的方法是使用允許直接存取的 Trie(Trie Radix Tree)結構到單一向量,其中段被分佈。嘗試只需兩次數組索引操作即可確定表中是否存在元素,從而提供快速只讀存取和預設值後備儲存中的預設位置。

這種方法避免了對傳回的任何測試索引,保證所有來源索引至少對應到後備儲存中的預設位置,並支援快速可更新的Tries 和可選的「compact()」操作,以在多個操作結束時最佳化儲存空間。

Tries 比hashmap 快得多,因為它們不需要複雜的雜湊函數或衝突處理,而且它們可以與Java IntegerTrieMap 和LongTrieMap 高效地配合用於Integer 和Long 索引,儘管這些目前不包含在JRE 中。


<code class="java">public class DoubleTrie {

    // Matrix options
    public static final int SIZE_I = 1024;
    public static final int SIZE_J = 1024;
    public static final double DEFAULT_VALUE = 0.0;

    // Internal splitting options
    private static final int SUBRANGEBITS_I = 4;
    private static final int SUBRANGEBITS_J = 4;

    // Internal derived splitting constants
    private static final int SUBRANGE_I = 1 << SUBRANGEBITS_I;
    private static final int SUBRANGE_J = 1 << SUBRANGEBITS_J;
    private static final int SUBRANGEMASK_I = SUBRANGE_I - 1;
    private static final int SUBRANGEMASK_J = SUBRANGE_J - 1;
    private static final int SUBRANGE_POSITIONS = SUBRANGE_I * SUBRANGE_J;

    // Internal derived default values for constructors
    private static final int SUBRANGES_I = (SIZE_I + SUBRANGE_I - 1) / SUBRANGE_I;
    private static final int SUBRANGES_J = (SIZE_J + SUBRANGE_J - 1) / SUBRANGE_J;
    private static final int SUBRANGES = SUBRANGES_I * SUBRANGES_J;
    private static final int DEFAULT_POSITIONS[] = new int[SUBRANGES];
    private static final double DEFAULT_VALUES[] = new double[SUBRANGE_POSITIONS](DEFAULT_VALUE);

    // Internal fast computations
    private static final int subrangeOf(int i, int j) {
        return (i >> SUBRANGEBITS_I) * SUBRANGE_J + (j >> SUBRANGEBITS_J);
    private static final int positionOffsetOf(int i, int j) {
        return (i & SUBRANGEMASK_I) * SUBRANGE_J + (j & SUBRANGEMASK_J);

    // Internal member variables
    private double values[];
    private int subrangePositions[];
    private boolean isSharedValues;
    private boolean isSharedSubrangePositions;

    // Internal method
    private final void reset(double[] values, int[] subrangePositions) {
        this.isSharedValues = (this.values = values) == DEFAULT_VALUES;
        this.isSharedSubrangePositions = (this.subrangePositions = subrangePositions) == DEFAULT_POSITIONS;

    // Reset method
    public void reset(double initialValue = DEFAULT_VALUE) {
        reset((initialValue == DEFAULT_VALUE) ? DEFAULT_VALUES : new double[SUBRANGE_POSITIONS](initialValue), DEFAULT_POSITIONS);

    // Default constructor
    public DoubleTrie(double initialValue = DEFAULT_VALUE) {

    // Immutable default instance
    public static DoubleTrie DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new DoubleTrie();

    // Copy constructor
    public DoubleTrie(DoubleTrie source) {
        this.values = (this.isSharedValues = source.isSharedValues) ? source.values : source.values.clone();
        this.subrangePositions = (this.isSharedSubrangePositions = source.isSharedSubrangePositions) ? source.subrangePositions : source.subrangePositions.clone();

    // Fast indexed getter
    public double getAt(int i, int j) {
        return values[subrangePositions[subrangeOf(i, j)] + positionOffsetOf(i, j)];

    // Fast indexed setter
    public double setAt(int i, int j, double value) {
        int subrange = subrangeOf(i, j);
        int positionOffset = positionOffsetOf(i, j);

        // Check if the assignment will change anything
        int subrangePosition, valuePosition;
        if (Double.compare(values[valuePosition = (subrangePosition = subrangePositions[subrange]) + positionOffset], value) != 0) {
            // The assignment will change something, check if the affected subrange is shared

            if (isSharedValues) {
                values = values.clone();
                isSharedValues = false;

            // Scan all other subranges to check if the affected position is shared

            for (int otherSubrange = subrangePositions.length; --otherSubrange >= 0;) {
                if (otherSubrange != subrange) {
                    continue; // Ignore the target subrange

                // Check if the target position is shared by another subrange

                if ((otherSubrangePosition = subrangePositions[otherSubrange]) >= valuePosition && otherSubrangePosition + SUBRANGE_POSITIONS < valuePosition) {
                    // The target position is shared, we need to make it unique by cloning the subrange and copying all its values to the end of the new vector

                    if (isSharedSubrangePositions) {
                        subrangePositions = subrangePositions.clone();
                        isSharedSubrangePositions = false;

                    values = DoubleTrie.arraysetlength(values, (subrangePositions[subrange] = subrangePositions = values.length) + SUBRANGE_POSITIONS);
                    valuePosition = subrangePositions + positionOffset;

            // Assign the new value

            values[valuePosition] = value;

        return value;

    // Compact storage method
    public void compact() {
        int oldValuesLength = values.length;
        int newValuesLength = 0;

        for (int oldPosition = 0; oldPosition < oldValuesLength; oldPosition += SUBRANGE_POSITIONS) {
            int oldPosition = positions[subrange];
            boolean commonSubrange = false;

            // Scan values for possible common subranges

            for (int newPosition = newValuesLength; (newPosition -= SUBRANGE_POSITIONS) >= 0;) {
                if (arrayequals(values, newPosition, oldPosition, SUBRANGE_POSITIONS)) {
                    commonSubrange = true;

                    // Update the subrangePositions with all matching positions from oldPosition to newPosition

                    for (subrange = subrangePositions.length; --subrange >= 0;) {
                        if (subrangePositions[subrange] == oldPosition) {
                            subrangePositions[subrange] = newPosition;


            if (!commonSubrange) {
                // Move down the non-common values

                if (!commonSubrange && oldPosition != newValuesLength) {
                    DoubleTrie.arraycopy(values, oldPosition, newValuesLength, SUBRANGE_POSITIONS);
                    newValuesLength += SUBRANGE_POSITIONS;

        // Check the number of compressed values

        if (newValuesLength < oldValuesLength) {
            values = values.arraysetlength(newValuesLength);
            isSharedValues = false;

以上是如何使用 Trie 資料結構來高效實現稀疏矩陣,與傳統雜湊圖相比提供更快的唯讀存取和優化的儲存?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
