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Frontend Fundamentals : The “Why is My Button Floating?” Guide for New Devs!

歡迎勇敢的靈魂進入前端開發的世界!如果您在這裡,您可能已經厭倦了聽到“組件”、“DOM”以及“使 div 居中”的重要性(它不是......直到它是)。讓我們來分解一下,嚴肅的風格。


前端開發基本上是用戶在網站或應用程式上看到並與之互動的所有內容。當有人點擊按鈕、刷卡或購買他們不需要的 40 美元貼紙時,這就是前端開發的實際應用。將其視為 Web 開發的面貌,其中每個按鈕、動畫和懸停效果都有一個目的 - 通常是為了讓事情看起來很棒並且工作順利。


HTML: The structure. It’s the bones of every webpage. Imagine you’re building a house: HTML is like laying out the rooms, doors, and walls.

CSS: The style. This is where the magic happens. CSS makes your HTML look less like a grocery list and more like a finished room. Want to paint a wall blue or give your title some bling? That’s CSS.

JavaScript: The functionality. This is what brings life to your page. JavaScript is the electricity, the Wi-Fi, the thing that lets users interact with your elements in ways that feel smooth (or confusing if done poorly... but you won’t, right?).

? ️ 讓我們來實踐:基本的前端設定


A Code Editor: Use something like VS Code (free and packed with cool extensions).

Live Server: A little extension in VS Code that lets you see changes instantly in your browser—yes, that means no more hitting the refresh button 50 times a minute.

Chrome DevTools: You can press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome to inspect and debug your code, check styles, and basically peek under the hood.

? HTML 基礎:建構骨架

在 HTML 中,您使用標籤。以下是重點的快速細分:

<div>: A box. Think of it as a basic building block.
<h1> to <h6>: Headings. <h1> is like the main title; <h6> is a smaller subtitle.
<p>: Paragraphs. Use this for, well, paragraphs.
<img>: Images. Add pictures and pray they load correctly.

這些共同構成了結構。如果一開始看起來很奇怪,請不要擔心;請記住,CSS 正在伺機而動,讓它變得更漂亮。
? CSS 基礎:加入一些樣式

希望您的網頁不再像 1996 年打電話要求恢復設計嗎?讓我們深入了解一些 CSS 基礎:

Selectors: These are how you choose which HTML elements to style. Want to make all <p> elements bold? p { font-weight: bold; }

Classes and IDs: These are more specific ways to select elements. Use classes (.myClass) for things you style multiple times, like buttons. Use IDs (#myId) for unique elements, like the main header.

Properties: Think of these like instructions. color, background-color, font-size—these are all CSS properties that’ll transform your content from plain to posh.

? JavaScript 基礎:讓事情發生

JavaScript 讓您從「靜態」變成「互動式」。您將從以下開始:

Variables: Store data. Think let userName = "Johnny Appleseed";.

Functions: Your mini-programs that do things. Like, function sayHello() { alert("Hello, World!"); }.

DOM Manipulation: JavaScript’s superpower is changing the HTML/CSS dynamically. You can make buttons respond, show/hide elements, or display a pop-up when you want.


讓我們製作一個按鈕,我們將使用所有三個部分(HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript)來建立回應點擊的內容。這是基本程式碼:


<button id="clickMe">Click me!</button>


#clickMe {
  background-color: teal;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;


document.getElementById("clickMe").addEventListener("click", function() {
  alert("You clicked me!");

僅用這幾行程式碼,您就建立了一個點擊時會做出回應的按鈕。這很簡單,但這是您在前端開發中真正邁出的第一步! ?

Practice: Go ahead and make simple projects—buttons, cards, forms. Don’t jump into big frameworks just yet; learn the basics first.

Stay Curious: Google is your friend, and Dev.to is your family. Ask questions, read posts, and keep an eye out for other beginners.

Have Fun: You’ll break stuff, you’ll get errors that make no sense, and you’ll wonder if divs are plotting against you. That’s normal. Every pro dev was once exactly where you are.

前端開發是一段瘋狂的、有益的、有時令人沮喪的旅程——但如果你在這裡,那麼你已經上路了。祝您編碼愉快,並祝您的 div 保持居中且按鈕順暢! ?

