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如何在 Golang 中使用 Testify 和 GQLgen 有效測試 GraphQL 查詢和突變?

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原創
2024-10-26 12:26:02273瀏覽

How to Effectively Test GraphQL Queries and Mutations with Testify and GQLgen in Golang?

在Golang 中對GraphQL 進行單元測試

在Golang 應用程式中測試GraphQL 查詢和突變時,擁有強大的測試策略至關重要,以確保您的應用程式的功能和可靠性API 端點。

坐落在迷宮般的 Golang 測試框架中,testify 因其簡單性和全面性而成為首選。結合 gqlgen/client 套件(它為測試 GraphQL 提供了寶貴的幫助),您可以深入研究有效單元測試的回報領域。

讓我們開始一個實際範例來說明測試GraphQL 查詢和突變的過程:

<code class="go">// graph/resolver/root.resolver_test.go

import (



type MockedUserService struct {

func (s *MockedUserService) GetUserByLoginname(loginname string) *model.UserDetail {
    args := s.Called(loginname)
    return args.Get(0).(*model.UserDetail)

func (s *MockedUserService) ValidateAccessToken(accesstoken string) *model.UserEntity {
    args := s.Called(accesstoken)
    return args.Get(0).(*model.UserEntity)

利用這些模擬對象,我們可以繼續製作全面的單元測試來驗證GraphQL 解析器的功能:

<code class="go">// graph/resolver/root.resolver_test.go


// TestMutationResolver_ValidateAccessToken is a test example for the ValidateAccessToken mutation.
func TestMutationResolver_ValidateAccessToken(t *testing.T) {

    t.Run("should validate accesstoken correctly", func(t *testing.T) {
        // Create a mocked user service
        mockedUserService := new(mocks.MockedUserService)

        // Inject the mocked service into our resolver
        resolvers := resolver.Resolver{UserService: mockedUserService}

        // Create a GraphQL client
        c := client.New(handler.NewDefaultServer(generated.NewExecutableSchema(generated.Config{Resolvers: &resolvers})))

        // Set up expected return values from the mock service
        ue := model.UserEntity{ID: "123", User: model.User{Loginname: &loginname, AvatarURL: &avatarURL}}
        mockedUserService.On("ValidateAccessToken", mock.AnythingOfType("string")).Return(&ue)

        // Run the GraphQL mutation query
        var resp struct {
            ValidateAccessToken struct{ ID, Loginname, AvatarUrl string }
        q := `
      mutation { 
        validateAccessToken(accesstoken: "abc") { 
        c.MustPost(q, &resp)

        // Assert that the mock service was called as expected

        // Check the response from the GraphQL mutation
        require.Equal(t, "123", resp.ValidateAccessToken.ID)
        require.Equal(t, "mrdulin", resp.ValidateAccessToken.Loginname)
        require.Equal(t, "avatar.jpg", resp.ValidateAccessToken.AvatarUrl)


透過實作此測試方法,您可以有效地仔細檢查您的GraphQL 解析器,並為您的應用程式奠定品質和可靠性的堅實基礎。

以上是如何在 Golang 中使用 Testify 和 GQLgen 有效測試 GraphQL 查詢和突變?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
