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如何使用 file_get_contents 傳送多個 Cookie?

2024-10-18 08:42:02531瀏覽

How to Send Multiple Cookies with file_get_contents?

Passing Multiple Cookies with file_get_contents

As the PHP manual demonstrates, it's possible to send a cookie along with a file_get_contents request by using stream contexts. However, the question arises: how do you send multiple cookies?

The following options are considered:

Option 1:

"Cookie: user=3345&pass=abcd\r\n"

Option 2:

"Cookie: user=3345\r\n" .
"Cookie: pass=abcd\r\n"

Correct Answer:

Option 3:

Cookie: user=3345; pass=abcd

To send multiple cookies with file_get_contents, you should separate each cookie with a semicolon (;), as shown in Option 3. This format is the correct syntax for specifying multiple cookies in an HTTP header.

When using Option 1, the cookies are not properly separated, which may lead to unexpected behavior. Option 2, while technically valid, is not as efficient as Option 3, as it sends two separate Cookie headers when a single header with multiple cookies would suffice.

以上是如何使用 file_get_contents 傳送多個 Cookie?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
