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什麼是「export default」以及它與「module.exports」有何不同?

2024-10-17 23:01:29229瀏覽

What is \

ES6's "export default" Explained

JavaScript's ES6 module system introduced "export default," a unique way of defining a default export for a module.

In the example provided, the file SafeString.js defines a SafeString class and exports it as the default export using:

export default SafeString;

This default export can be imported from another module by using the following syntax:

import SafeString from './SafeString.js';

Equivalent Syntax

Before ES6, there was no direct equivalent to "export default." However, a similar approach could be achieved using "module.exports:"

module.exports = SafeString;

This would assign the SafeString class to the module object, allowing other modules to access it.

以上是什麼是「export default」以及它與「module.exports」有何不同?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
