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如何在標籤刪除期間保留 PHP 中的特定 HTML 標籤?

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton原創
2024-10-17 17:39:03653瀏覽

How to Preserve Specific HTML Tags in PHP During Tag Removal?

Stripping HTML Tags Selectively in PHP

Many programmers encounter scenarios where it's necessary to remove specific HTML tags from a string or keep certain tags while removing the rest. While there are common solutions for removing individual or specific tags, eliminating all tags except for a predefined list can be challenging.

Solution Using the strip_tags Function

PHP's strip_tags function provides a simple yet effective way to strip HTML and PHP tags from a string. It acts as a text-processing tool that can remove all tags by default or selectively remove tags based on provided criteria.

Allowed Tag List Parameter

To retain only specific tags, the strip_tags function accepts an optional second parameter that specifies the tags you want to allow. You can provide a string containing the allowed tags within angle brackets.


The following example demonstrates how to remove all HTML tags except for

, , , , ,
