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Apple Intelligence:關於摘要和智慧回應的了解

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton原創
2024-10-12 06:06:02815瀏覽

摘要和智慧回覆選項並不是 Apple Intelligence 中最華麗的功能,但這些是 Apple 在 iOS 18.1 中引入的功能,可能對大多數人的日常裝置使用很有用。

Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies





Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies


Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies



對於幾乎所有通知,Apple Intelligence 可以將它們分組並為您提供簡短的一句話摘要裡面有什麼。點擊可展開堆疊,以便您可以單獨查看所有內容。

Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies

通知摘要適用於內建應用程式(如訊息)以及第三方應用程式。 Apple Intelligence 試圖找出最相關的內容。對於訊息傳遞應用程式或電子郵件,它會提供一兩個訊息的簡短摘要,而相機動作通知等聚合會被分組,以便您一目了然地看到哪些區域有動作激活。

通知摘要是當您打開Apple Intelligence 時會自動進行,但如果您想將其關閉,您可以通過打開“設置”應用程序,轉到“通知”,然後關閉“摘要預覽”來實現。您可以完全停用該功能,也可以針對每個應用程式停用該功能。


Safari 支援新的 Apple Intelligence Summary 功能,讓您了解網頁或文章的概述。如果您在網址列上看到紫色閃光,您可以點擊它以查看摘要。

Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies


您也可以在 Safari 中的任意位置選擇任何文本,然後點擊「書寫工具」 ,然後選擇摘要以取得突出顯示文本的摘要。此摘要功能是寫作工具的一部分。



在筆記應用程式中,您可以選擇文字並選擇寫作工具摘要選項,就像您可以在Safari 中,但也有為錄製的電話通話記錄和使用Notes 應用擷取的語音備忘錄記錄所建立的摘要。

Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies

在帶有錄音的筆記中,點擊它,您會在頂部看到一個「摘要」選項,您可以選擇取得成績單摘要。請注意,電話錄音、筆記中的語音備忘錄以及這些錄音的文字記錄可供所有人使用。只有摘要功能才是 Apple Intelligence 功能。


在所有應用程式中,您可以選擇任何文字並使用書寫工具產生該文字的摘要,就像您可以在 Safari 和 Notes 中。

Smart Replies

Smart Replies are a feature in Mail and Messages, and you'll see them in the suggestions bar above the keyboard.

Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies

Smart Replies can be useful when you're replying to a message that has a clear question in it, such as "Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" or "Did you see [insert popular TV show here] last night?"

Apple Intelligence: What to Know About Summaries and Smart Replies

It is less useful for most other responses. Smart Replies don't seem to learn from individual tone or voice, and most of the time, the suggestions don't always sound like they came from a human. It tends to use a lot of "haha" responses and exclamation points, and when it's not suggesting haha as a reply, it's often rephrasing what the other person said, which is not generally how people respond to messages.

How Useful Are These Features?

Smart Replies and other Apple Intelligence features are in beta right now, and will be released in a beta capacity, too. Summaries have room for improvement in terms of thoroughness, but the option is already useful, particularly when viewing notifications on the Lock Screen or scrolling through your email messages.

Summaries for longer form content could stand to be more detailed, and right now, you're only going to get a high level overview.

Smart Replies are of questionable use at the current time, and hopefully this is something that will get a lot better when the personal context Siri features are released next year. Right now, Smart Replies can almost be more of an annoyance, but we are in the very early days of Apple Intelligence.

Apple Intelligence Requirements

To use the summary and smart reply Apple Intelligence features, you need a device capable of Apple Intelligence. That includes the iPhone 15 Pro, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, any iPhone 16 model, any iPad with an M-series chip, and any Mac with an M-series chip.

Apple Intelligence features do not work on any other devices because of the processing power and memory required.

Release Date

Apple Intelligence is in the iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS Sequoia 15.1 betas at the current time. The betas are available to developers and public beta testers, and the updates are expected to see a release on Monday, October 28.

以上是Apple Intelligence:關於摘要和智慧回應的了解的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
