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Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原創
2024-10-03 06:38:02354瀏覽

What is requestAnimationFrame?

什麼是 requestAnimationFrame?

  • 用於建立與螢幕更新率同步的動畫的 JavaScript 方法
  • 它告訴瀏覽器在下次重繪之前呼叫指定的函數

使用 requestAnimationFrame 的好處?

  • 透過讓瀏覽器處理時序,確保流暢的效能並降低跳幀的風險1
  • 根據設備性能自動調整幀率,無需您手動控制2
  • 當選項卡不可見時它會自動暫停,節省資源並防止不必要的動畫 3


  • 按照指定的時間間隔執行,而不考慮瀏覽器是否準備好渲染下一幀,可能導致跳幀1
  • 以固定速率運行,不適應使用者的裝置 2
  • 無論選項卡是否可見都繼續運行,這會浪費 CPU 週期,並可能導致電源使用效率低下和效能問題 3

與 CSS 動畫比較

requestAnimationFrame CSS animations
Requires writing JavaScript for each frame of the animation Implement by defining CSS properties, run automatically. No need to manage frame updates
Automatically adjust the frame rate, pauses when the tab is not visible Runs independently of the JavaScript engine. CSS animations may not pause as efficiently when the tab is not visible
Ideal for complex animations that involve multiple elements or need custom control over each frame Best for simple, declarative animations like fading, scaling, rotating, and moving elements


