使用與 Flask 後端整合的 CopilotKit 創建人工智慧聊天機器人可能是一個令人興奮的專案。以下是有關如何設定專案的逐步指南,包括前端(使用 React 和 CopilotKit)和後端(使用 Flask)的必要元件。
mkdir chatbot-backend cd chatbot-backend python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate` pip install Flask flask-cors
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify from flask_cors import CORS import openai # Make sure to install OpenAI SDK if you're using it app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) # Allow CORS for all domains # Set your OpenAI API key openai.api_key = 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY' @app.route('/api/chat', methods=['POST']) def chat(): user_message = request.json.get('message') # Call the AI model (e.g., OpenAI GPT) response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": user_message}] ) bot_message = response.choices[0].message['content'] return jsonify({'response': bot_message}) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True)
運行你的 Flask 應用:
python app.py
您的後端現在應該在 上運行。
在新目錄中,建立您的 React 應用程式:
npx create-react-app chatbot-frontend cd chatbot-frontend
安裝 CopilotKit 和 Axios 以進行 API 呼叫:
npm install @copilotkit/react axios
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; import { CopilotSidebar, useCopilotChat } from '@copilotkit/react'; import './Chatbot.css'; // Importing CSS file for styling const Chatbot = () => { const [message, setMessage] = useState(''); const [chatHistory, setChatHistory] = useState([]); const [selectedPrompt, setSelectedPrompt] = useState(''); const [conversations, setConversations] = useState([]); const [prompts, setPrompts] = useState([]); const [newPrompt, setNewPrompt] = useState(''); const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState(''); const [showPromptInput, setShowPromptInput] = useState(false); // State to toggle prompt input visibility const { addMessage } = useCopilotChat(); useEffect(() => { // Load conversations and prompts from local storage on component mount const storedChats = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('chatHistory')) || []; const storedPrompts = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('prompts')) || []; setConversations(storedChats); setPrompts(storedPrompts); // Load the most recent conversation into chat history if available if (storedChats.length > 0) { setChatHistory(storedChats[storedChats.length - 1].history); } }, []); const handleSendMessage = async () => { const userMessage = { sender: 'User', text: message }; const updatedChatHistory = [...chatHistory, userMessage]; setChatHistory(updatedChatHistory); setMessage(''); try { const response = await axios.post('', { message }); const botMessage = { sender: 'Bot', text: response.data.response }; updatedChatHistory.push(botMessage); setChatHistory(updatedChatHistory); // Add messages to Copilot addMessage(userMessage); addMessage(botMessage); // Save updated chat history to local storage localStorage.setItem('chatHistory', JSON.stringify(updatedChatHistory)); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending message:', error); } }; const handlePromptSelect = (prompt) => { setSelectedPrompt(prompt); setMessage(prompt); }; const handleConversationClick = (conversation) => { setChatHistory(conversation.history); }; const handleSaveConversation = () => { const title = prompt("Enter a title for this conversation:"); if (title) { const newConversation = { title, history: chatHistory }; const updatedConversations = [...conversations, newConversation]; setConversations(updatedConversations); localStorage.setItem('chatHistory', JSON.stringify(updatedConversations)); } }; const handleAddPrompt = () => { if (newPrompt.trim()) { const updatedPrompts = [...prompts, newPrompt.trim()]; setPrompts(updatedPrompts); localStorage.setItem('prompts', JSON.stringify(updatedPrompts)); setNewPrompt(''); setShowPromptInput(false); // Hide the input after adding } }; // Function to delete a conversation const handleDeleteConversation = (index) => { const updatedConversations = conversations.filter((_, i) => i !== index); setConversations(updatedConversations); localStorage.setItem('chatHistory', JSON.stringify(updatedConversations)); // Optionally reset chat history if the deleted conversation was currently loaded if (chatHistory === conversations[index].history) { setChatHistory([]); } }; // Filtered prompts based on search term const filteredPrompts = prompts.filter(prompt => prompt.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ); // Filtered conversations based on search term const filteredConversations = conversations.filter(conversation => conversation.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ); return ( <div className="chatbot-container"> <CopilotSidebar title="Recent Conversations"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search Conversations..." value={searchTerm} onChange={(e) => setSearchTerm(e.target.value)} className="search-input" /> {filteredConversations.map((conversation, index) => ( <div key={index} className="conversation-title"> <span onClick={() => handleConversationClick(conversation)}> {conversation.title} </span> <button className="delete-button" onClick={() => handleDeleteConversation(index)}> ?️ {/* Delete icon */} </button> </div> ))} <button onClick={handleSaveConversation} className="save-button">Save Conversation</button> </CopilotSidebar> <div className="chat-area"> <h2>AI Chatbot</h2> <div className="chat-history"> {chatHistory.map((chat, index) => ( <div key={index} className={`message ${chat.sender === 'User' ? 'user' : 'bot'}`}> <strong>{chat.sender}:</strong> {chat.text} </div> ))} </div> <div className="input-area"> <select value={selectedPrompt} onChange={(e) => handlePromptSelect(e.target.value)} className="prompt-select" > <option value="">Select a prompt...</option> {filteredPrompts.map((prompt, index) => ( <option key={index} value={prompt}>{prompt}</option> ))} </select> {/* Button to toggle visibility of the new prompt input */} <button onClick={() => setShowPromptInput(!showPromptInput)} className="toggle-prompt-button"> {showPromptInput ? "Hide Prompt Input" : "Add New Prompt"} </button> {/* New Prompt Input Field */} {showPromptInput && ( <input type="text" value={newPrompt} onChange={(e) => setNewPrompt(e.target.value)} placeholder="Add a new prompt..." className="new-prompt-input" /> )} {/* Button to add the new prompt */} {showPromptInput && ( <button onClick={handleAddPrompt} className="add-prompt-button">Add Prompt</button> )} {/* Message Input Field */} <input type="text" value={message} onChange={(e) => setMessage(e.target.value)} placeholder="Type your message..." className="message-input" /> <button onClick={handleSendMessage} className="send-button">Send</button> </div> </div> </div> ); }; export default Chatbot;
將 src/App.js 的內容替換為:
import React from 'react'; import Chatbot from './Chatbot'; function App() { return ( <div className="App"> <Chatbot /> </div> ); } export default App;
.chatbot-container { display: flex; height: 100vh; } .chat-area { margin-left: 20px; flex-grow: 1; padding: 20px; background-color: #f9f9f9; border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .chat-history { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; height: calc(100% - 120px); /* Adjust height based on input area */ overflow-y: scroll; border-radius: 8px; } .message { margin-bottom: 10px; } .user { text-align: right; } .bot { text-align: left; } .input-area { display: flex; align-items: center; } .prompt-select { margin-right: 10px; } .message-input { flex-grow: 1; padding: 10px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .send-button { padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #007bff; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; } .send-button:hover { background-color: #0056b3; } .conversation-title { padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .conversation-title:hover { background-color: #f0f0f0; } .save-button { margin-top: 10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-color: #28a745; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; } .save-button:hover { background-color: #218838; } .prompt-select, .new-prompt-input, .message-input { margin-right: 10px; } .search-input { margin-bottom: 10px; } .new-prompt-input { flex-grow: 1; /* Allow it to take remaining space */ padding: 10px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .add-prompt-button, .send-button, .save-button { padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #007bff; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; } .add-prompt-button:hover, .send-button:hover, .save-button:hover { background-color: #0056b3; /* Darker shade for hover */ } .conversation-title { padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; } .conversation-title:hover { background-color: #f0f0f0; /* Highlight on hover */ } .toggle-prompt-button { margin-right: 10px; padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #17a2b8; /* Different color for visibility */ color: white; border: none; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; } .toggle-prompt-button:hover { background-color: #138496; /* Darker shade for hover */ }
啟動你的 React 應用程式:
npm start
您的前端現在應該在 http://localhost:3000 上運作。
要在您的 dev.to 帖子中包含 GitHub 存儲庫 URL,以發布有關使用 CopilotKit、Flask 和 React 構建聊天機器人的信息,您可以將其格式化如下:
在這篇文章中,我們將逐步介紹使用 CopilotKit 作為前端、Flask 作為後端、React 作為使用者介面來建立互動式 AI 聊天機器人的步驟。
您可以在 GitHub 上找到該專案的完整程式碼:Chatbot with CopilotKit
您現在已經有一個使用 CopilotKit 作為前端、使用 Flask 作為後端建立的基本 AI 聊天機器人!您可以透過新增使用者身分驗證、儲存聊天記錄或改進 UI/UX 設計等功能來增強此專案。
以上是使用 CopilotKit 建立 AI 聊天機器人:使用 Flask 和 React 的逐步指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!