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《殭屍圍城》豪華重製版中所有 100 個 PP 貼紙位置

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原創
2024-09-23 19:15:34746瀏覽

PP stickers are hidden all over the Willamette mall in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, and putting your photography skills to work by snapping photos of them will reward you with a ton of bonus PP that will help you level up incredibly fast. Since there are 100 PP stickers to find in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, odds are that you’ll find at least a few of them by just aimlessly wandering around the mall.

Tracking down all 100 PP stickers in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is a gargantuan task, however, and you’ll need to photograph all 100 of them to earn the PP Collector trophy/achievement. This guide will show you where to find all 100 PP stickers in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, detailing the exact locations of each PP sticker in each of the mall’s plazas and other locations.

Table of contents

  • Paradise Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Colby Movieland PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Entrance Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Al Fresca Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Food Court PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Wonderland Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • North Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Leisure Park PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Maintenance Tunnel PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • Security Room and Movieland Annex PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Paradise Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

PP Sticker Location
PP Sticker #1 At the top of the giant clock near the safe room entrance.
PP Sticker #2 Inside the Colombian Roastmasters coffee shop.
PP Sticker #3 Underneath the sign in front of Tunermasters.
PP Sticker #4 Located on the sign outside of Jill’s Sandwiches.
PP Sticker #5 Located on the sign outside of Tyke n’ Tots.
PP Sticker #6 Found on a clothing advertisement halfway up the stairwell near the restrooms with the Wonderland Plaza shortcut.
PP Sticker #7 On the sign outside of Kid’s Choice Clothing.
PP Sticker #8 Found on a clock in Universe of Optics.
PP Sticker #9 Located on the first floor of SporTrance near the basketball hoops.
PP Sticker #10 Found on the stuffed bears behind the counter in Ye Olde Toybox.
PP Sticker #11 Located on the Love Spur sign by Players.
PP Sticker #12 Found on the face of a yellow Servbot in Child’s Play.
PP Sticker #13 On a vase in the center of Marriage Makers.
PP Sticker #14 On a shirt in the center of Tucci’s of Rome.

殭屍圍城豪華重製版中的Colby Movieland PP 貼紙位置

在入口走廊左側的鼠人標誌上。 在入口走廊右側的洛克人標誌上。 入口走廊上方的 Movieland 標誌上。 售票櫃檯後面的 Pride 海報上。 售票櫃檯後面的Dorry海報上。 在售票櫃檯後面的經銷商海報上。 在售票櫃檯後面的鼠人海報。 商品店前鼠人雕像的胸前。 商品店入口左側的紙板切口上。 在商品店鼠人雕像後面的紙板切口上。
PP 貼圖 位置
PP 貼紙#15
PP 貼紙#17
PP 貼紙 #18
PP 貼紙#21
PP 貼紙#24

殭屍圍城豪華重製版入口廣場PP 貼紙位置
PP 貼圖位置位置在Robaska Digital 金髮女郎的紙板剪紙上。 在 Robaska Digital 狐狸的紙板剪紙上。 入口處時鐘頂部歡迎標誌上方的大蜜蜂雕像上。 開Sports High 內的帳篷。 在商場正門入口處的門上。 在精緻班入口展示的一雙鞋上。 兒童城堡後面的毛絨熊。 在特別禮物中心的花瓶上。 在Estelle's後面的粉紅色廣告上精美化妝品。
&&&] PP 貼紙#25
PP 貼紙 #26
PP 貼紙 #27
PP 貼紙 #29
PP 貼紙#31
PP 貼紙#32

PP 貼紙#34在 Ned's Knickknackery 展示的皇冠上。 殭屍圍城豪華重製版中阿爾弗雷斯卡廣場PP 貼圖位置PP 貼紙位置美食廣場入口標誌上。 綠色哥倫比亞烘焙大師標誌上。 漢堡菜單上Fiefdom.PP貼紙貼紙#38在Brand NeU展示的一雙高跟鞋上。 在 Flexin' 前面的健身車上。 靠近 Flexin' 櫃檯後面的海報。 在 Flexin' 的紅色健身機上。 在Flexin' 角落的兩張魁梧男子海報之間.在健身房後面的綠色Flexin'標誌上。 在 Flexin' 的跑步機上。
PP貼紙# 36
PP 貼紙 #39
PP貼紙 #40
PP 貼紙 #41
PP 貼紙#42
PP 貼紙 #44
[&&&][&&&][&&&][&&&]PP 貼紙 #45[&&&][ &&&][&&&]《Eyes Like Us》後面的廣告。 [&&&][&&&][&&&][&&&]

殭屍圍城豪華重製版中的美食廣場PP 貼紙位置

]PP 貼紙貼圖#50PP 貼紙 #51PP 貼紙#52PP 貼紙#53PP 貼紙 #54PP貼紙#55PP貼紙#56
PP 貼紙 位置
PP貼紙#46 Chris's Fine Foods入口處的雕像上
PP貼紙#47 中央美食廣場標誌上方有一把槍的蜜蜂吉祥物。
PP 貼紙#48 美食廣場用餐區的牛頭標誌上。
PP貼紙#49 牛仔雕像紙板剪紙上
PP 貼紙貼圖]
在被盤子包圍的小鬍子男子雕像上Chris's Fine Foods。
在 Meaty Burgers 標誌上。
在 Frozen Dreams 標誌上。

殭屍圍城豪華重製版中的仙境廣場PP 貼紙位置PP 貼圖位置PP貼紙#57PP貼紙#58PP貼紙#59PP貼紙#60PP貼紙#61 PP 貼紙 #62PP 貼紙 #63PP 貼紙 #64PP 貼紙#65PP 貼紙#66PP 貼紙#67PP 貼紙#68PP 貼紙 #69在一張綠色和黃色的紙上PP貼紙#71
在 Sir-Book-a-Lot 入口標誌上。
在 Kokonutz 體育城入口標誌上。
在入口上方的 Space Rider 騎行標誌上。
紅色Scuffs and Scrapes 櫃檯旁的襯衫。
在 Homerunners 後面的海報上。 LAMPPP貼紙#70
掛在Small Fry Duds的櫃檯前。
Small Fry Duds櫃檯後面的廣告。 [&&&][&&&][&&&][&&&]

North Plaza PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

PP Sticker Location
PP Sticker #72 On the child statue in front of Crislip’s Home Saloon.
PP Sticker #73 On the entrance sign of Crislip’s Home Saloon.
PP Sticker #74 On the advertisement behind the counter of Crislip’s Home Saloon.
PP Sticker #75 On the gardening poster in the southwest section of Crislip’s Home Saloon.
PP Sticker #76 In the left window at the entrance to Huntin’ Shack.
PP Sticker #77 In the right window at the entrance to Huntin’ Shack.
PP Sticker #78 On the deer head behind the counter of Huntin’ Shack.
PP Sticker #79 On the deer head in the corner near the entrance of Huntin’ Shack.
PP Sticker #80 In a glass case inside Ripper’s Blades to the right.
PP Sticker #81 In a glass case inside Ripper’s Blades to the left.
PP Sticker #82 On the Seon’s Food and Stuff entrance sign.
PP Sticker #83 On the pharmacy sign inside Seon’s Food and Stuff.
PP Sticker #84 On the seafood sign inside Seon’s Food and Stuff.
PP Sticker #85 On the meats sign in side Seon’s Food and Stuff.

Leisure Park PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

PP Sticker Location
PP Sticker #86 On the northern face of the clock tower in the center of the park.
PP Sticker #87 On the eastern face of the clock tower in the center of the park.
PP Sticker #88 On the southern face of the clock tower in the center of the park.
PP Sticker #89 On the yellow sign above the Maintenance Tunnel entrance.

Maintenance Tunnel PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

PP Sticker Location
PP Sticker #90 On the back of the truck parked under Al Fresca Plaza.
PP Sticker #91 On the back of the truck parked under Entrance Plaza.
PP Sticker #92 On the back of the truck parked under Wonderland Plaza.
PP Sticker #93 On the back of the truck parked under Seon’s Food and Stuff in North Plaza.
PP Sticker #94 On the back of the truck parked under North Plaza.
PP Sticker #95 On the cow butcher cut diagram in the Meat Processing Area.
PP Sticker #96 On the conveyor belt angled upward in the Meat Processing Area.

Security Room and Movieland Annex PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

PP Sticker Location
PP Sticker #97 On the cork board above the save point couch in the Security Room.
PP Sticker #98 On the red tarp with a cult symbol painted on it.
PP Sticker #99 On the fallen fox cardboard cutout.
PP Sticker #100 On the vent leading to the Security Room. Only spawns after September 21 at 1 AM.

以上是《殭屍圍城》豪華重製版中所有 100 個 PP 貼紙位置的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
