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Waymap v. Web Vulnerability Scanner

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原創
2024-09-21 18:15:32890瀏覽

Waymap v. Web Vulnerability Scanner

Waymap - Web Vulnerability Scanner
Version: 1.0.3 Author: Trix Cyrus Copyright: © 2024 Trixsec Org

What is Waymap?
Waymap v1.0.3 is a fast and optimized web vulnerability scanner built for penetration testers. It helps in identifying vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Command Injection by testing against various payloads.

Next Update Very Soon: 1.1.3
LFI Module
RCE Module
Maybe Dork Scraper

Installation and Usage

Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/TrixSec/waymap.git

Install the required dependencies:

pip install .

Run Waymap:

python waymap.py --crawl 1 --scan sql/cmdi --target https://example.com


python waymap.py -h

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