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2024-09-20 18:39:29788瀏覽

Notcoin(NOT)仍在加密貨幣市場中苦苦掙扎。該代幣的價格在過去 30 天內暴跌了 31%,隨著網路活動和技術指標的疲軟,人們對其未來的擔憂越來越大。


Notcoin (NOT) 在加密市場中繼續面臨困難。該代幣的價格在過去 30 天內急劇下跌 31%,引發了對其未來前景的擔憂。本文分析了 Notcoin 面臨的挑戰,並探討了陷入困境的加密貨幣的未來。

大規模代幣銷毀未能增加 NOT 的財富

加密貨幣專案經常利用代幣銷毀來減少供應,旨在透過創造稀缺性來增加代幣的價值。然而,就 Notcoin 而言,即使大量銷毀 2.33 億個代幣也不足以扭轉其命運。

過去一個月,Notcoin 的價格大幅下跌,引發了對該代幣未來前景的質疑。代幣銷毀似乎並沒有提振信心,反而被對該專案網路活動和技術性能的更廣泛擔憂所掩蓋。


One of the most concerning aspects of Notcoin’s current performance is its weakening momentum in the spot market. According to data from TradingView, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for NOT/USD on a 4-hour chart has been on a consistent downward trend since September 9. The RSI is a key indicator that measures the strength of price movements, and a down-trending RSI suggests increasing selling pressure.

As the RSI approaches oversold territory, it’s becoming clear that sellers are dominating the market. This points to the possibility of further price declines unless there is a substantial reversal in market sentiment.

Adding to the pressure, only 23% of Notcoin addresses are currently in profit, according to IntoTheBlock data, with a staggering 65.50% of addresses holding losses. This creates a psychological barrier for investors, many of whom may opt to cut their losses if the token’s price continues to fall.

Declining Network Activity: A Major Concern

Beyond technical analysis, the on-chain metrics paint a grim picture for Notcoin. Network activity has been on the decline, with new addresses dropping by 41.9% over the past seven days. This is a clear indication that fewer users are interested in joining the Notcoin ecosystem.

More alarmingly, active addresses have plunged by 49.2% in the same period, signaling that even existing users are losing interest in the project. A decline in active addresses often reflects diminishing user engagement, which can be disastrous for the long-term viability of a cryptocurrency.

The sharp decline in user activity has also impacted transaction volumes. Since September 13, the number of transactions on the Notcoin network has consistently hovered below 50,000. On September 17, transaction volumes hit a 7-day low of 41.23K, indicating that user participation is drying up.

Adding to the bleak outlook is the drop in whale activity. On September 16, the number of large transactions hit a 7-day low of just three, showing that even deep-pocketed investors are backing away from the project.

Notcoin’s Price Outlook: Is There Any Hope?

At the time of writing, Notcoin is trading slightly above its $0.0070 support level. The token has been stuck in a falling wedge pattern since June, consistently testing lower resistance levels. The next key support zone sits around $0.0044, and with little buying interest in the market, a slip below this level could result in further losses.

Zooming in on the 4-hour chart, it becomes clear that the token has been consolidating between $0.007 and $0.0084 throughout September. While there was a brief rally to $0.0076 on September 17, the token was quickly rejected, continuing its downward trajectory under a descending resistance line.

Without a clear catalyst to ignite buying interest, the token is likely to face ongoing pressure. Investors hoping for a turnaround may have to wait, as both technical and on-chain indicators remain bearish.

Growing Correlation with Ethereum and Bitcoin

Interestingly, Notcoin’s price movement has increasingly become correlated with that of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). According to Into The Block, the 30-day correlation between Notcoin and Ethereum has risen to 0.81, nearing its highest value of 0.85 seen in August.

This growing correlation suggests that Notcoin’s price is increasingly tied to the broader market, particularly the movements of flagship assets like Ethereum. While this could provide some stability in the event of a market-wide rally, it also means that Notcoin is vulnerable to broader crypto market downturns.

Conclusion: What’s Next for Notcoin?

Notcoin’s struggles highlight the challenges faced by smaller cryptocurrency projects in sustaining user engagement and investor confidence. Despite burning a large number of tokens, the project is still facing declining network

