Array.prototype.slice 是一個 JS Array 方法,用於從現有數組中提取連續的子數組或「切片」。
JavaScript 切片可以接受兩個參數:切片的開始和結束指示符-兩者都是可選的。也可以在沒有任何參數的情況下呼叫它。因此,它具有以下呼叫簽名:
// slice(); slice(start); slice(start, end);
如果我想對數組進行切片以獲取其中的一部分,實際上有一個用於 Javascript 的內建函數 slice 。開箱即用,它將克隆原始數組。
[1,2,3].slice() // [1,2,3]
[1,2,3].slice(0) // returns [1,2,3]; Original array unmodified [1,2,3].slice(1) // returns [2,3]; Original array unmodified [1,2,3].slice(2) // returns [3]; Original array unmodified [1,2,3].slice(3) // returns []; Original array unmodified
[1,2,3].slice(-1) // [3] [1,2,3].slice(-2) // [2,3] [1,2,3].slice(-3) // [1,2,3]
當為負數時,表示從 n 結束開始計數的索引。例如,-1 指數組的最後一個元素,-2 指倒數第二個元素,等等。請注意,沒有 -0 ,因為最後一個元素之外沒有任何元素。根據具體情況,這可能非常明顯或令人困惑。
[1,2,3].slice(0,3) // [1,2,3] [1,2,3].slice(0,2) // [1,2] [1,2,3].slice(0,1) // [1]
結束索引,也稱為範圍索引,指向元素索引+1。這是什麼意思?為了解釋這一點,如果我們能聯繫到 for 語句就會相對容易一些:
for (let i = 0; i <p>變數 i 從 0 開始,即起始索引;並以結束索引 n 結束。結束索引不是數組的最後一個元素,因為那將是 n - 1 。但當談到結束索引時,n 代表“結束”,包括最後一個元素。如果這是您第一次使用結束索引,只需記住 for 語句是如何編寫的,或者只需記住獲取最後一個元素索引,然後加一即可。另一種思考方式是結束索引是開放式的,[start, end)。 </p> <p>與開始索引一樣,結束索引也可以為負數。 <br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">1,2,3].slice(0,-1) // [1,2] [1,2,3].slice(0,-2) // [1]
這裡要多加註意。 -1 指的是最後一個元素,因此如果用作第二個參數,則意味著最後一個元素將被排除,正如我們所解釋的,開放式。
[1,2,3].slice(0) // [1,2,3]
const elements = [ "Please", "Send", "Cats", "Monkeys", "And", "Zebras", "In", "Large", "Cages", "Make", "Sure", "Padlocked", ]; const firstThree = elements.slice(0, 3); // ["Please", "Send", "Cats"] const lastThree = elements.slice(-3, elements.length); // ["Make", "Sure", "Padlocked"] const fromThirdToFifth = elements.slice(2, 5); // ["Cats", "Monkeys", "And"]
如果我們不向 JavaScript slice 傳遞任何參數,我們將獲得包含所有項目的來源數組的淺表副本:
const allCopied = elements.slice(); // (12) ["Please", "Send", "Cats", "Monkeys", "And", "Zebras", "In", "Large", "Cages", "Make", "Sure", "Padlocked"]
沒有第二個參數的 JavaScript 陣列切片方法
如果我們不傳遞第二個參數,提取的 JavaScript 陣列切片將擴展到最後一個元素:
const fromThird = elements.slice(2); // (10) ["Cats", "Monkeys", "And", "Zebras", "In", "Large", "Cages", "Make", "Sure", "Padlocked"] const lastThree = elements.slice(-3, elements.length); // (3) ["Make", "Sure", "Padlocked"] const lastThreeWithNoSecArg = elements.slice(-3); // (3) ["Make", "Sure", "Padlocked"]
負偏移量的 JavaScript Array.prototype.slice
const latestTwoBeforeLast = elements.slice(-3, -1); // (2) ["Make", "Sure"]
如果我們傳入的 start 值大於 end 值,我們會得到一個空數組:
const somewhereWeDontKnow = elements.slice(5, 2); // []
同樣,如果我們傳入的 start 值大於陣列的長度,我們會得到一個空數組:
const somewhereInOuterSpace = elements.slice(15, 2); // []
const elements = [ "Please", "Send", , "Cats", , "Monkeys", "And", "Zebras", "In", "Large", "Cages", "Make", "Sure", "Padlocked", ]; const sparseItems = elements.slice(0, 6); // (6) [ 'Please', 'Send', , 'Cats', , 'Monkeys' ]
在本節中,我們對切片有點瘋狂。我們使用 Array.prototype.slice 開發了兩種有趣的方法,從傳遞給函數的參數列表建構陣列。
const createArray = (...args) =>; const array = createArray(1, 2, 3, 4); // (4) [1, 2, 3, 4]
const boundSlice =; const createArray = (...args) => boundSlice(args); const array = createArray(1, 2, 3, 4); // (4) [1, 2, 3, 4]
const mnemonic = "Please Send Cats Monkeys And Zebras In Large Cages Make Sure Padlocked"; const firstThreeChars = mnemonic.slice(0, 3); // "Ple" const lastThreeChars = mnemonic.slice(-3, mnemonic.length); // "ked" const fromThirdToFifthChars = mnemonic.slice(2, 5); // "eas"
Again, both arguments represent zero-based index numbers or offset values. Here too, the first argument -- 0 in the firstThree assignment -- stands for the starting index or offset in the source array. And the second argument (3) denotes the index or offset before which extraction should stop.
Using JavaScript String slice With No Arguments
Similar to Array slice, if we don't pass any argument to String slice(), the whole string is copied over:
const mnemonic = "Please Send Cats Monkeys And Zebras In Large Cages Make Sure Padlocked"; const memorizedMnemonic = mnemonic.slice(); // "Please Send Cats Monkeys And Zebras In Large Cages Make Sure Padlocked"
Similar to Array.prototype.slice, negative values for start and end represent offset positions from the end of the array:
const mnemonic = "Please Send Cats Monkeys And Zebras In Large Cages Make Sure Padlocked"; const lastThreeChars = mnemonic.slice(-3); // "ked" const latestTwoCharsBeforeLast = mnemonic.slice(-3, -1); // "ke"
In this post, we expounded the slice() method in JavaScript. We saw that JavaScript implements slice() in two flavors: one for Arrays with Array.prototype.slice and one for Strings with String.prototype.slice. We found out through examples that both methods produce a copy of the source object and they are used to extract a target contiguous slice from it.
We covered a couple of examples of how function composition and context binding with and Function.prototype.bind allows us to define custom functions using Array.prototype.slice to help us generate arrays from a list of arguments.
We also saw that String.prototype.slice is an identical implementation of Array.prototype.slice that removes the overhead of converting a string to an array of characters.
以上是Javascript Slice 方法及其範例的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!