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您應該了解的熱門免費 API

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原創
2024-09-19 22:30:10492瀏覽

Top Free APIs You Should Know

API 或應用程式介面的使用對於建立現代軟體至關重要。它們提供應用程式到應用程式的通訊、數據共享以及來自不同平台和服務的服務存取。無論您是建立行動應用程式、網頁應用程式還是其他類型的軟體,API 都可以簡化您的開發流程並節省時間。本文將研究 2024 年您應該了解的 10 個免費 API,提供程式碼範例來幫助您了解如何使用它們,並回顧一些用例。

為什麼 API 對開發人員很重要?

透過為您的應用程式提供預製構建件,API 簡化了開發過程。若要管理付款、天氣資訊、使用者識別等功能,您可以整合當前服務,而不是從頭開始建立它們。沒有資金購買優質服務的新創公司、業餘愛好者和小型企業可能會從免費 API 中受益最多。

以下是您應該了解的 10 個最佳免費 API:

  1. OpenWeather API

OpenWeather API 是用於存取即時天氣資料的最受歡迎的免費 API 之一。它允許您檢索任何城市或地區的當前天氣、天氣預報和歷史天氣資料。


OpenWeather 非常適合需要即時天氣更新的應用程序,例如旅行應用程式、活動策劃或環境監測系統。

程式碼範例:在 Python 中取得天氣資料

import requests

api_key = "your_api_key"
city = "London"
url = f"http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city}&appid={api_key}"

response = requests.get(url)
weather_data = response.json()

print(f"City: {weather_data['name']}")
print(f"Weather: {weather_data['weather'][0]['description']}")




免費套餐包括每分鐘 60 次通話

參考:OpenWeather API 文件

  1. GitHub API

GitHub API 是與 GitHub 儲存庫互動的絕佳工具。您可以自動執行任務,例如管理問題、拉取請求,甚至為儲存庫事件設定 Webhook。


GitHub API 對於從事開源專案、自動化儲存庫管理以及將版本控制功能整合到他們的應用程式中的開發人員來說至關重要。

程式碼範例:在 JavaScript 中取得 GitHub 儲存庫詳細資訊

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const repo = 'nodejs/node';
const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${repo}`;

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(data => {
    console.log(`Repo: ${data.name}`);
    console.log(`Stars: ${data.stargazers_count}`);





參考:GitHub API 文件

  1. 新聞API

NewsAPI聚合了各種來源的新聞文章,為開發者提供了輕鬆存取即時新聞和文章的能力。此 API 對於新聞應用程式、內容管理平台或市場分析工具特別有用。


您可以使用 NewsAPI 顯示最新的新聞標題、搜尋特定主題或按技術、政治或體育等類別過濾新聞。

程式碼範例:用 Python 取得熱門標題

import requests

api_key = "your_api_key"
url = f"https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=us&apiKey={api_key}"

response = requests.get(url)
news = response.json()

for article in news['articles']:
    print(f"Title: {article['title']}")




免費套餐每天允許 1000 個請求

參考:NewsAPI 文件

  1. Twitter API

Twitter API 讓開發人員可以將 Twitter 中的即時社群媒體資料整合到他們的應用程式中。您可以獲得推文、用戶個人資料和趨勢。


使用 Twitter API 監控趨勢、取得使用者推文或追蹤特定主題標籤或主題的參與度。它對於社交媒體儀表板、內容行銷工具和情緒分析特別有用。

程式碼範例:在 Python 中取得使用者推文

import tweepy

api_key = "your_api_key"
api_secret = "your_api_secret"
auth = tweepy.AppAuthHandler(api_key, api_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name="elonmusk", count=5)

for tweet in tweets:
    print(f"{tweet.user.screen_name}: {tweet.text}")





參考:Twitter API 文件

  1. CoinGecko API

CoinGecko API提供加密貨幣市場數據,包括即時價格、交易量、市值和歷史數據。它支援超過 6000 種加密貨幣。



程式碼範例:在 Python 中取得加密貨幣價格

import requests

url = "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=bitcoin,ethereum&vs_currencies=usd"

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()

print(f"Bitcoin: ${data['bitcoin']['usd']}")
print(f"Ethereum: ${data['ethereum']['usd']}")



支援超過 6000 種加密貨幣


參考:CoinGecko API 文件

  1. OpenAI API

OpenAI API 提供對 GPT-4 等強大 AI 模型的訪問,允許開發人員建立生成文字、回答問題甚至創建對話代理的應用程式。


OpenAI is perfect for creating AI-driven chatbots, content generation tools, or applications that need natural language processing (NLP) capabilities.

Code Example: Text Generation in Python

import openai

openai.api_key = "your_api_key"
prompt = "Explain the benefits of using APIs in web development."

response = openai.Completion.create(


Key Features:

AI-based text generation and processing

NLP capabilities for a variety of use cases

Free tier with limited requests

Reference: OpenAI API Documentation

  1. Firebase API

The Firebase API is a comprehensive platform for building and running web and mobile applications, offering real-time databases, authentication, hosting, and cloud functions.

Use Case

Firebase is great for real-time chat apps, user authentication, and cloud-based backends for mobile and web applications.

Code Example: Real-Time Database in JavaScript

const firebase = require('firebase/app');

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "your_api_key",
  authDomain: "your_project.firebaseapp.com",
  databaseURL: "https://your_project.firebaseio.com",


const db = firebase.database();
  username: "John Doe",
  email: "johndoe@gmail.com"

Key Features:

Real-time database

Authentication services

Free tier offers basic functionality for small-scale apps

Reference: Firebase API Documentation


The NASA API provides access to a vast collection of space data, including images, videos, and information about planets, stars, and other celestial objects.

Use Case

NASA API is ideal for educational apps, space-themed websites, and applications that visualize or use space data.

Code Example: Fetch NASA Image of the Day in Python

import requests

api_key = "your_api_key"
url = f"https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key={api_key}"

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()

print(f"Title: {data['title']}")
print(f"URL: {data['url']}")

Key Features:

Access to space images and data

Variety of endpoints for different datasets

Free tier with unlimited access to public datasets

Reference: NASA API Documentation

  1. Jikan API

The Jikan API is a free API for accessing information on anime, manga, and characters from MyAnimeList.

Use Case

Jikan is a must-have API for developers working on anime-related apps or websites. It allows you to fetch detailed information about anime series, episodes, characters, and more.

Code Example: Fetch Anime Details in Python

import requests

anime_id = 1  # ID for the anime "Cowboy Bebop"
url = f"https://api.jikan.moe/v3/anime/{anime_id}"

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()

print(f"Title: {data['title']}")
print(f"Synopsis: {data['synopsis']}")

Key Features:

Detailed anime and manga information

Supports filtering by genres, popularity, and airing status

Free tier provides unlimited access to all public endpoints

Reference: Jikan API Documentation

  1. Cat Facts API

The Cat Facts API is a fun and quirky API that provides random facts about cats. It’s a light-hearted API but can be a great addition to apps and websites that want to provide users with fun and interesting content.

Use Case

This API is perfect for entertainment apps, fun widgets, or even as a daily dose of fun facts for your users.

Code Example: Fetch Random Cat Fact in JavaScript

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(data => {
    console.log(`Cat Fact: ${data.fact}`);

Key Features:

Random cat facts

Free tier provides unlimited access

Reference: Cat Facts API Documentation


APIs are powerful tools that can significantly enhance your application's capabilities without requiring you to build everything from scratch. The 10 free APIs covered in this post can help you add features like weather updates, cryptocurrency data, social media integration, and even AI-driven text generation to your apps.

These APIs not only offer free tiers but also provide robust documentation and easy-to-use interfaces for developers of all levels. Whether you're building a simple app or a complex platform, these APIs can help you save time and focus on building unique features for your users.

Integrating these APIs is just a matter of writing a few lines of code, as shown in the examples. Now that you know which APIs to explore, start experimenting with them to see how they can take your development process to the next level!

以上是您應該了解的熱門免費 API的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
