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The Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is here, which means you'll be thrown back into Willemette for a few days exploring the mall, killing bosses, drinking orange juice, and saving survivors. There are 49 in total, and finding them all is a core part of the game. So to help you out, we've written a guide on all survivor locations in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Throughout your time playing the game, Otis will call you with information on survivors and bosses he spots on the CCTV around the mall. We've broken down all the survivors by day, but we've also highlighted a few "hidden" survivors that aren't tied directly to missions that Otis gives you over the radio. We've also provided some insight on special actions you must take to save certain survivors when walking up and chatting to them isn't enough.

All survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

There are 49 survivors in total for you to find, with 15 of them not directly tied to Otis calls. These are either hidden around bosses in the mall, or outright hidden in various plazas that you can easier miss. We've broken down all the survivors day-by-day first, but there's also a section at the bottom of the guide with the survivors you'll need to keep a keen out eye for.

  • All Day 1 survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • All Day 2 survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • All Day 3 survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
  • All hidden survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

All Day 1 survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Below are all the survivors you can find and save on day one in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

  • Jeff: On the roof outside the safe room vent entrance. Found by the elavator on your right as you leave the safe room.
  • Natalie: On the roof outside the safe room vent entrance. As you leave the safe room, walk right around to the side entrance to the storage room. There, you'll find Natalie by the side door.
  • Burt: Barricaded in Weber’s Garments in the Al Freza plaza. Break through the barrier, punch Aaron a bit, then talk to them to get them to follow you.
  • Aaron: Barricaded in Weber’s Garments in the Al Freza plaza. Break through the barrier, punch Aaron a bit, then talk to them to get them to follow you.
  • Bill: Hidden inside the Entrance Plaza. Go into the In The Closet clothing store and you'll find him behind some boxes in the back.
  • Sophie: Around 3PM during the first day, prisoners will be out in the central park. When you first see them, they'll be chasing Sophie. Kill them, then talk to Sophie to get her to follow you. Or, alternatively, you can talk to Sophie mid fight and she'll follow you een with the dangerous lads chasing you down.
  • Leah: Found in Riverfield Jewelry in Al Freza plaza. Croached on the ground, crying. Talk to her for a bit and she'll eventually follow you. You'll need to carry her back.
  • Greg: Greg is saved from the Wonderland Plaza ride after beating Adam. He also unlocks a shortcut back to the Paradise Plaza.
  • David: Found in the North Plaza, in an empty shop surrounded by food. Near the supermarket. Chat to him a bit and he'll follow you.
  • Yuji: Found during the evening. In the 2nd floor bookshop Sir Book-a-lot in Wonderland plaza. You need the japanese language magazine to interact with them, which you can find inside the same book shop.
  • Shinji: Found during the evening. In the 2nd floor bookshop Sir Book-a-lot in Wonderland plaza. You need the japanese language magazine to interact with them, which you can find inside the same book shop.

All Day 2 survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Below are all the survivors you can find and save on day two in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

  • Tonya:位於Kokonutz運動城Wonderland Plaza二樓。與他們兩人交談,但不要給羅斯一把槍。他會自己崩潰的。 相反,只要盡可能多地與托尼亞交談,你就會說服她和你一起去。羅斯會跟著,但你必須藉他一個肩膀。
  • Ross:位於Wonderland Plaza二樓Kokonutz Sports Town。與他們兩人交談,但不要給羅斯一把槍。他會自己崩潰的。 相反,只要盡可能多地與托尼亞交談,你就會說服她和你一起去。羅斯會跟著,但你必須藉他一個肩膀。
  • 希瑟:天堂廣場的兒童遊戲內部。
  • 帕梅拉:在天堂廣場的兒童遊戲外被殭屍襲擊。救她然後聊天!
  • Rich:北廣場五金店旁的上鎖房間內。必須先打敗五金店裡的懸崖老闆才能拿到開門的鑰匙。
  • Josh:北廣場五金店旁的上鎖房間內。必須先打敗五金店裡的懸崖老闆才能拿到開門的鑰匙。
  • 芭芭拉:北廣場五金店旁的上鎖房間內。必須先打敗五金店裡的懸崖老闆才能拿到開門的鑰匙。
  • Ronald:在天堂廣場吉爾三明治內尋找食物。給他任何食物和飲料,他都會跟你一起來。
  • Gordon:在阿爾弗雷扎廣場被發現,在櫃檯後面的地板上哭泣。除非你先打他,否則他不會和你一起走,所以用諸如跳踢之類的弱東西打他(不要打樁或用大錘打他)然後和他說話。然後他就會跟著你。
  • 珍妮特:在擊敗喬·斯萊德警察老大後,在仙境廣場二樓的可愛時裝屋中找到
  • 凱莉:在擊敗喬·斯萊德警察老大後,在仙境廣場二樓的可愛時裝屋中找到
  • 傑伊:在擊敗喬·斯萊德警察老大後,在仙境廣場二樓的可愛時裝屋中找到
  • 莉莉:在擊敗喬·斯萊德警察老大後,在仙境廣場二樓的可愛時裝屋中找到
  • 珍妮佛:當邪教出現時,在天堂廣場電影院外的木箱裡發現。殺死邪教分子並打開盒子來拯救她。小心不要被邪教徒毒死,因為他們會綁架你,讓你陷入困境。
  • 尼克:懸掛在仙境廣場的巨型兔子身上。從案例4.1開始。清除他們下面的殭屍,然後向他們扔一個物品,讓他們摔倒。
  • 莎莉:懸掛在仙境廣場的巨型兔子身上。從案例4.1開始。清除他們下面的殭屍,然後向他們扔一個物品,讓他們摔倒。
  • Floyd:位於入口廣場的 Ned's Knicknackery 內,於下午 5 點生成,與狙擊手戰鬥的時間相同。和他聊很多,直到他決定和你一起去,最好是狙擊手停止向你射擊之後。
  • 韋恩:一名與入口廣場的狙擊手戰鬥有關的倖存者。擊敗狙擊手,然後在樓梯附近的 Estelle's Fine Cosmetics 美容店與他聊天以啟用護送。
  • Jolie:晚上在入口廣場。在一樓與朱莉交談,然後帶她到二樓與兩人重聚。
  • Rachel:晚上在入口廣場。在一樓與朱莉交談,然後帶她到二樓與兩人重聚。
  • Kindell:作為案例 5.1 的一部分,在你遇到伊莎貝拉的房間外用獵槍射擊殭屍。跟他聊一會兒,他就會跟你一起來。



  • 謝麗爾:在邪教領袖老闆戰鬥後從電影院被救出。打開時尚模特:明星沙龍左邊的門,因為那是關押謝麗爾的地方。
  • Beth:在邪教領袖老闆戰鬥後從電影院被救出。綁在椅子上。
  • :在邪教領袖老闆戰鬥後從電影院被救出。綁在椅子上。
  • 米歇爾:在邪教領袖老闆戰鬥後從電影院被救出。綁在椅子上。
  • 內森:在邪教領袖老闆戰鬥後從電影院被救出。綁在椅子上。
  • Gil:在美食廣場找到。喝葡萄酒。最大化對話然後離開餐廳,一旦他在你身後大喊大叫就回到他身邊。
  • 喬納森:在去接這名倖存者之前拍下安全室通風口的照片。第三天在槍店內(殺死槍店老闆後)。進入商店,他們就會開始拍攝。不還手就離開商店,布雷特會跑過來跟你說話。與他交談,只要你有一張保存室通風口的照片,他們就會跟著你。值得首先保存,因為有時這可能會出錯並且他們會保持敵意。
  • Bret:在去接這名倖存者之前拍下安全室通風口的照片。第三天在槍店內(殺死槍店老闆後)。進入商店,他們就會開始拍攝。不還手就離開商店,布雷特會跑過來跟你說話。與他交談,只要你有一張保存室通風口的照片,他們就會跟著你。值得首先保存,因為有時這可能會出錯並且他們會保持敵意。
  • Alyssa:在去接這位倖存者之前拍下安全室通風口的照片。第三天在槍店內(殺死槍店老闆後)。進入商店,他們就會開始拍攝。不還手就離開商店,布雷特會跑過來跟你說話。與他交談,只要你有一張保存室通風口的照片,他們就會跟著你。值得首先保存,因為有時這可能會出錯並且他們會保持敵意。
  • 保羅:在仙境廣場戰鬥。擊敗保羅的頭目戰後,趁他著火時抓住附近的滅火器。用它來撲滅他身上的火,然後與他交談。之後他就會跟著你。如果你不小心將滅火器扔到了他的額頭上並打破了它,自動保存應該會帶你回到著火的他身邊。如果你不知何故打破了滅火器或用完了噴霧,附近的壁櫥裡有備用的
  • Mindie:走進仙境廣場一生中最接近的鞋子。擊敗保羅後,打開他身後的衣櫥門,你會發現黛比和明迪在裡面。
  • 黛比:走進仙境廣場一生中最接近的鞋子。擊敗保羅後,打開他身後的衣櫥門,你會發現黛比和明迪在裡面。
  • Tad:擊敗肯特後在天堂找到。
  • Leroy:在Wonderland Plaza期間發現。在美食廣場入口附近的一家藥局內。
  • Susan:在仙境廣場期間發現。在美食廣場入口附近的足球頂部。
  • Simone:第 3 天在天堂廣場的 CS 商店內找到。坐在靠近窗戶的地板上。




  • Jeff:在安全室通風口入口外的屋頂上。當你離開安全室時,在你右邊的電梯裡找到。
  • Natalie:在安全室通風口入口外的屋頂上。當你離開安全室時,向右走到儲藏室的側門。在那裡,你會在側門找到娜塔莉。
  • 比爾:隱藏在入口廣場內。走進 In The Closet 服飾店,你會在後面的一些盒子後面找到他。
  • Sophie:第一天下午3點左右,囚犯會到中央公園去。當你第一次看到他們時,他們會追趕蘇菲。殺死他們,然後與蘇菲交談讓她跟隨你。或者,你也可以在戰鬥中與蘇菲交談,她會跟著你,讓危險的小伙子追你。


  • Heather: Inside Child's Play in Paradise Plaza.
  • Pamela: Outside Child's Play getting mauled by zombies in Paradise Plaza. Save her then chat!
  • Jennifer: Found in wooden box outside cinema in Paradise Plaza when cult shows up. Kill the cultists and open the box to save her. Be careful not to get gassed by the cultists, as they'll kidnap you and put you in a tough spot.
  • Nick: Hanging from the giant rabbit in Wonderland plaza. Starting from case 4.1. Clear out the zombies beneath them, then throw an item at them to get them to fall.
  • Sally: Hanging from the giant rabbit in Wonderland plaza. Starting from case 4.1. Clear out the zombies beneath them, then throw an item at them to get them to fall.
  • Kindell: Shooting zombies with a shotgun outside the room you meet Isabella in as part of case 5.1. Chat to him a bit and he'll come with you.

Day three

  • Gil: Found in the food court. Drinking wine. Max out dialogue then leave restaurant, then go back to him once he yells after you.
  • Jonathan: Take picture of safe room vent access before going to pick this survivor up. Inside the gun store on day 3 (after you kill the gun store boss). Enter the store and they’ll start shooting. Leave the store without fighting back, and Bret wll run up to talk to you. Talk to him and they’ll follow you, granted you have a picture of the save room vent access on you. Worth saving first as sometimes this can bug out and they’ll stay hostile.
  • Bret: Take picture of safe room vent access before going to pick this survivor up. Inside the gun store on day 3 (after you kill the gun store boss). Enter the store and they’ll start shooting. Leave the store without fighting back, and Bret wll run up to talk to you. Talk to him and they’ll follow you, granted you have a picture of the save room vent access on you. Worth saving first as sometimes this can bug out and they’ll stay hostile.
  • Alyssa: Take picture of safe room vent access before going to pick this survivor up. Inside the gun store on day 3 (after you kill the gun store boss). Enter the store and they’ll start shooting. Leave the store without fighting back, and Bret wll run up to talk to you. Talk to him and they’ll follow you, granted you have a picture of the save room vent access on you. Worth saving first as sometimes this can bug out and they’ll stay hostile.
  • Paul: Fought in the Wonderland Plaza. After you beat Paul's boss fight, grab the nearby fire extinguisher while he’s on fire. Use it to put out the fire on him, then talk to him. After that he’ll follow you. If you accidentally throw the fire extinguisher at his forehead and break it, the auto save should take you back to him on fire. If you somehow break the fire extinquisher or run out of spray, there's a backup in the nearby closet
  • Susan: Found in Wonderland Plaza during. On top of a football near the food court entrance.

There you have it, that's all the survivors in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster! Gathering them all up is best for levelling up Frank, and it's tied to several achievements and challenges too! Good luck grabbing them all!

