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如何在 Windows 11 時鐘上顯示秒

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare原創
2024-09-19 02:19:08831瀏覽

是否曾經發現自己瞥過電腦時鐘,渴望獲得額外的精確度?好吧,微軟終於添加了在工作列時鐘上顯示秒的功能,這是初始版本中明顯缺少的功能。本文將指導您如何快速有效地在 Windows 11 時鐘上顯示秒。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock



這是為 Windows 11 時鐘添加秒數的最常見和最簡單的方法之一。請依照以下步驟操作。

第 1 步:按鍵盤上的 Windows 鍵,輸入設定,然後按一下「開啟」。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

第 2 步:導覽至「個人化」並選擇「工作列」選項。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

第 3 步:在工作列設定下,按一下工作列行為。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

第 4 步:最後,選取展開選單中「在系統匣時鐘中顯示秒數」旁的核取方塊。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

啟用該選項後,秒數將顯示在工作列右下角的時鐘上。 在 Windows 11 時鐘上新增秒數的另一種方法是使用命令列工具;繼續閱讀。

2.使用 Windows 終端機

您也可以使用 Windows Terminal 在系統匣中加入帶有秒的時鐘。請按照以下說明操作。

第 1 步:按鍵盤上的 Windows 鍵,輸入終端機,然後按一下「開啟」或「以管理員身分執行」。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

第 2 步:現在,輸入以下指令並按 Enter 鍵。

Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name ShowSecondsInSystemClock -Value 1 -Force

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock


也請閱讀:如何在 Windows PC 上新增多個時鐘



第 1 步:按鍵盤上的 Windows 鍵,輸入運行,,然後按一下「開啟」。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

第 2 步:在文字方塊中鍵入以下命令,然後按一下「確定」。

cmd /c powershell.exe Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name ShowSecondsInSystemClock -Value 1 -Force

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

就是這樣。執行此指令後,Windows 將在系統匣時鐘中顯示秒數。還有另一種方法可以在 Windows 11 上允許時鐘顯示秒;繼續閱讀。


此方法比上述方法更複雜,但步驟很容易遵循和執行。但是,由於我們將使用登錄編輯器,因此我們建議您在繼續執行下列步驟之前備份 Windows 註冊表。 

第 1 步:按鍵盤上的 Windows 鍵,輸入登錄編輯器,然後按一下「以管理員身分執行」。

注意:或者,按 Windows 鍵 R 開啟「執行」對話框,鍵入 regedit.exe,然後按一下「確定」開啟登錄編輯程式。

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

In the prompt, select Yes. 

Step 2: In the top address bar, enter the following path.


Note: You can manually navigate to the section too.

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

Step 3: Find and double-click on the ShowSecondInSystemClock key.

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

Step 4: Now, type 1 in the Value Data field and press OK.

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

Finally, reboot the system to implement the changes. And that’s it! After booting your PC again, you will have turned on a clock with seconds on the taskbar.

If this method is too much to follow, you can use available third-party applications to get the seconds clock in the system tray; keep reading.

Also Read: How to set, edit, and delete an alarm in Windows 11

5. Using Third-Party Tools

Multiple third-party applications are available that add seconds to the Windows 11 clock; some popular ones are ElevenClock and T-Clock Redux. We will use ElevenClock for the demonstration; let’s begin with the steps.

Step 1: Go to the Microsoft Store, search ElevenClock, and click the Install button. Or you can click on the below link and navigate to the download page directly.

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

Step 2: Once installed, launch the application and go to ‘Date & Time Settings.’

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, find ‘Show seconds on the clock,’ and check the box next to it.

Note: You may have additional customization options, such as fading in the seconds or adjusting the font size.

How to Show Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

Once you’ve completed these steps, you should see the seconds displayed in the system tray clock, providing more precise timekeeping for your Windows 11 experience.

FAQs on Showing Seconds on Windows 11 Clock

1. Does using third-party tools to show seconds have any drawbacks?

While third-party tools can provide additional customization options, they may have limitations or compatibility issues with future Windows updates.

2. Can I use a screensaver or desktop widget to show seconds?

Yes, you can use screensavers or desktop widgets that display the time with seconds.

Keep a Close Watch

The ability to show seconds on your Windows 11 clock might seem like a minor adjustment, but it can significantly impact your day-to-day activities. Now that you know how to show seconds on the Windows 11 clock, you can have that extra precision. You may also want to read how to synchronize Windows clock with Internet Time Server.

以上是如何在 Windows 11 時鐘上顯示秒的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
