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我與 ChatGPT 的聊天

2024-09-18 11:47:00717瀏覽



我只會說我最好的建議是過濾你餵給它的所有東西。限制查詢並要求程式碼驗證,包括指向您的資源的指標。如果它知道您使用 MSD 文件和 Geeks for Geeks 或 Free Code Academy。你訓練它並像狗一樣使用它來滿足你的需求。


現在在 scss 中使用@use而不是@import

並將其視為編碼夥伴的工作夥伴。過去的 1.75 年已經編織成了流線體驗。我的問題是它已更新...Chat-GPT 3.5 ....已於 2022 年 2 月更新。
它告訴我,在 2023 年 SASS / SCSS 最佳實踐是將內部文件 urls / src 更改為 @use,然後保留 @imports 作為引入外部來源的方法。

複製/貼上由終端機中的 browser-sync init 建立的 browser-sync 設定檔。然後瀏覽它,解釋鍵值對以及它們允許發生的情況。或者你正在努力實現什麼目標。當您在家上學或獨立研究時,沒有人可以交談。學會探索/利用它能做而你做不到的事情。

如果你給自己6到8小時的學習時間來學習。或者像許多有兩份工作來支付費用並需要學習的人一樣。正確使用 ChatGPT 或其中任何一個,並投入時間一起學習。我的 6 到 8 個小時就像 12 到 14 個小時一樣,因為我不再需要離開工作去記住 MSD 上的東西。或者用谷歌搜尋一些東西,然後花 45 分鐘分散注意力,或在 Facebook 上沉迷其中。

我已經從一個毫無頭緒的新手,下一步該做什麼?如何作為 Web 開發者獨自前進。

My chat ~:// 

您好,我有一個關於 jQuery 的問題,它今天使用/需要相關。它有 4 個版本控制,因此仍然得到維護,並且所有遺留程式碼都與該語言添加的任何新功能相容。

20 多年前,這是一次改變遊戲規則的開發,也讓普通 JavaScript 很早就在瀏覽器中站穩了腳跟。它仍然非常有用,表演者喜歡編譯的程式碼。

但如今整個網路在那時呈指數級增長,許多原來只有 jQuery 的內容現在已合併到預設瀏覽器狀態中。如果沒有提供任何內容或錯誤。 CSS 規範津貼和 NOW 邏輯以及當時不存在的全域 CSS 屬性。如果我可以大膽地說,所需的 jQuery 現在是本機的,或者其他程式(如 Bootstraps / React 等)已經實現了自動化。而不是即時或從頭開始建立每個物件。 jQuery 是第一個真正的函式庫,並為此鋪平了道路。

就瀏覽器現在所做的而言,它只能在 2010 年而不是 2000 年實現夢想。它增加的重量是否值得它所能做的……考慮到所有其他開發需求和領域的新規範改善了。值得,甚至限制其用於利基事件或過濾的用戶更改/偏好。

我確實記得從那時起就出現和消失了必須使用的工具。最初作為工具開發的 - 涼亭 - 西蘭花 - 吞嚥 - Gadsby - 變成了我們今天所擁有的。

我仍然可以使用 Ruby,如果不是 Rails .... 它是瀏覽器可以理解的原始一運行即用語言,並為 NODE && npm 鋪平了道路。所以,Yarn、React、Svelte、Express、Meteor、Electron、Docker 等都源自於這幾個 HUMBLE 程式碼解決方案。


我的重點是其他人的加入以及他們的知識水平。他們需要強大的普通 JS,因此學習 jQuery 來加快速度實際上會減慢速度.. 增加了對編碼的分割學習。如果你每週有6小時可以投資。但需要學習奇怪的文法,同時還要加上&&抽象語言的學習。


Chat-GPT ~://

Your question touches on the evolution of jQuery and its place in modern web development, especially considering the significant growth of the web ecosystem since its introduction over 20 years ago.

jQuery's Origins and Impact
When jQuery was released in 2006, it was a revolutionary library that solved many cross-browser compatibility issues, simplified DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, event handling, and animations. It allowed developers to write less code to accomplish more, abstracting away the headaches of early web standards. At that time, vanilla JavaScript lacked many features we now take for granted.

The Role of jQuery Today
However, over the past decade, browsers have dramatically improved. Many of the capabilities jQuery provided have been standardized and implemented natively in browsers. For example:

Query Selectors: Modern document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll provide native alternatives to jQuery's $(...).
AJAX: The fetch API is a modern replacement for $.ajax.
DOM Manipulation: The native DOM API has improved, and methods like appendChild, classList.add/remove, and innerHTML make common jQuery tasks simpler.
Event Handling: Native event listeners like addEventListener are robust and widely supported.
Weighing jQuery's Utility vs. Modern Alternatives
Given that much of what jQuery does is now baked into browsers, the need for jQuery has lessened. There are a few points to consider:

Performance: While jQuery was once a huge performance booster, adding the library today adds unnecessary weight to many modern web apps. For smaller sites or apps where performance and load times matter (which is almost all cases), reducing the amount of JavaScript, including external libraries like jQuery, is a priority.

Maintenance: jQuery is still maintained (currently version 3.x, with 4.x in progress), but many developers now prefer lighter, more focused tools or direct use of modern JavaScript APIs. It’s also important to note that keeping jQuery in legacy codebases for compatibility is common, but for new projects, it may not be as justified.

Learning Curve: For learners, focusing on vanilla JavaScript is more beneficial long-term. Vanilla JS today is powerful enough to handle almost everything jQuery was used for in the past, with cleaner, more readable code. For beginners, learning jQuery syntax might add unnecessary complexity, especially when they can directly use modern browser APIs and gain a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language.

Use Cases for jQuery:

Legacy Support: If you're working with older projects or need to support older browsers that still rely on jQuery, then it remains valuable.
Quick Prototyping: jQuery can be helpful in scenarios where you need to quickly prototype something or build a simple feature for an older codebase. However, it’s often not worth using in new projects unless there’s a very specific need.
The Modern Landscape: Frameworks & Tools
Today, frameworks and libraries like React, Vue, Svelte, and Angular have largely replaced jQuery in modern, large-scale web applications. Tools like Bootstrap also once relied on jQuery but now offer JavaScript-free alternatives.

Moreover, modern build tools (Webpack, Rollup, Parcel) and package managers (npm, Yarn) have improved the web development process significantly, allowing for better modularization and bundling. These tools offer flexibility to import only what you need, reducing the overhead of large libraries like jQuery.

Conclusion: Is jQuery Worth It?
For modern projects, especially if you’re building something from scratch, jQuery is generally not worth the extra weight. Focusing on native JavaScript features provides more performance, simplicity, and longevity. Given how many of jQuery’s original features are now available natively, it’s often better to skip jQuery and use pure JavaScript or a more modern tool/framework. For teams learning together, the clarity and power of vanilla JS will likely lead to better long-term outcomes than relying on a legacy library.

However, for legacy systems that still use jQuery, there’s no immediate rush to abandon it, though planning to refactor over time can improve maintainability and performance. In summary, for new projects and learners, strong vanilla JavaScript is the way forward.

I try and hit it with as much info I can handle but becareful because if you don't leash it. It will dump so much code and inrelevent info you choke on it. Don't give it the opertunity to dictate your walk but use it to bulldoze your path.
Peace ...

以上是我與 ChatGPT 的聊天的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
