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4 年內部署 Web 應用程式的最佳站點

2024-09-10 14:31:021337瀏覽

部署 Web 應用程式是確保專案的可存取性和效能的關鍵步驟。選擇正確的平台可能會帶來快速而簡單的部署或複雜而昂貴的體驗。下面,我們將介紹 2024 年可用的一些最佳 Web 部署平台,包括那些為小型專案提供免費方案的平台。


  • 目錄
  • 平台
    • 1.網絡化
    • 2.維塞爾
    • 3.鐵路
    • 4.渲染
    • 5.數位海洋
    • 6.赫魯庫
    • 7. AWS(亞馬遜網路服務)
    • 8.Google雲
    • 9.微軟Azure
    • 10。 GitHub 頁面
    • 11。 Firebase
    • 12。 Cloudflare 頁面
    • 13。規模
  • 部署平台快速比較
  • 結論



Netlify 是使用靜態網站和 JAMstack 的開發人員的理想平台。它為持續部署提供了一體化解決方案,具有自動 SSL 憑證和建置流程自動化等內建功能。


  • 從 Git 儲存庫自動部署
  • 免費 SSL 憑證。
  • 整合CI/CD並支援多個前端框架。


  • 免費方案:每月最多 300 分鐘的編譯時間和 100 GB 頻寬。
  • 付款計劃:19 美元/月起,具有流量分析和更大頻寬容量等高級功能。


  • 易於使用和配置。
  • 非常適合靜態網站或 JAMstack 架構。


  • 不適合具有動態後端的複雜應用程式。

2. Vercel:JavaScript 框架的力量

Vercel 針對 JavaScript 應用程式進行了最佳化,尤其是 Next.js,為具有伺服器端渲染 (SSR) 或靜態網站生成 (SSG) 的網站提供出色的效能。


  • 從 Git 儲存庫自動部署
  • 透過 Next.js 等框架支援 SSRSSG
  • 自動和全域自動縮放。


  • 免費方案:無限部署,但有儲存和頻寬限制。
  • 付費方案:20 美元/月起,具有更高的儲存和頻寬限制,以及高級支援。


  • 現代 JavaScript 應用程式的理想選擇。
  • 進階渲染和連續顯示功能。


  • 高流量應用程式的成本會迅速增加。

3. 鐵路:對開發人員來說既簡單又多功能

Railway 是一個高度靈活的部署平台,設計用於後端和前端應用程式。它因其簡單性以及高效管理資料庫和雲端服務的能力而脫穎而出。


  • 支援全端應用程式。
  • 從 Git 儲存庫持續部署。
  • 自動縮放和 PostgreSQL 和 Redis 等服務。


  • 免費方案:每月 5 美元的免費積分。
  • 付款計畫:成本是基於資源消耗。


  • 簡單的資料庫和後端配置。
  • 非常適合中型項目。


  • 免費積分有限,因此大型專案的成本可能會增加。


Render 提供了部署全端應用程式的完整解決方案,並支援後端、前端和資料庫。它對簡單性和可擴展性的關注使其成為小型和大型專案的絕佳選擇。


  • 從 Git 持續部署。
  • 根據負載自動縮放
  • 支援 Docker 和多種程式語言。


  • 免費方案:靜態網站免費託管和每月 100 GB 頻寬。
  • 付款計劃:每月 7 美元起,享受擁有更多資源的動態服務。


  • 適合小型專案的免費方案。
  • 易於使用並透過高級服務進行擴充。


  • 有些高級服務僅在付費方案中提供。

5. DigitalOcean:經驗豐富的開發人員的力量

DigitalOcean 對於尋求對其基礎設施進行更精細控制的開發人員來說是一個強大的選擇。它提供虛擬伺服器(Droplets)、Kubernetes 和託管資料庫等服務,這使其成為需要高可擴展性和客製化的專案的理想選擇。


  • Droplets:具有高可用性的可擴充虛擬伺服器。
  • 支援 Kubernetes 和託管資料庫。
  • 自動備份和可擴充儲存。


  • 免費試用:60 天 200 美元積分。
  • 付款方案:基本 Droplet 每月 4 美元起。


  • 對基礎設施的靈活性和完全控制。
  • 非常適合需要高可用性和客製化的應用程式。


  • 初學者的學習曲線更陡。

6. Heroku:現代應用程式的雲端部署

Heroku 是最受歡迎且易於訪問的 PaaS 平台之一。它提供了簡單易用的基礎架構,非常適合尋求無憂體驗的開發人員。


  • 多語言支援:Node.js、Ruby、Python、Java 等。
  • 從 Git 持續部署。
  • 與資料庫和附加服務整合。


  • 免費方案:包括每月 550 小時的 dynos(虛擬伺服器)。
  • 付款計劃:7 美元/月起,具有更大的容量和性能。


  • 非常容易使用和配置。
  • 免費方案非常適合小型專案。


  • 大型專案的成本會迅速增加。

7. AWS(亞馬遜網路服務):雲端運算巨頭

AWS 是雲端基礎架構領域的市場領導者,提供從伺服器到人工智慧的廣泛產品和服務。它非常適合需要高可擴展性和靈活性的項目。


  • EC2、S3、Lambda:支援虛擬伺服器、儲存和無伺服器功能。
  • 企業應用程式的巨大可擴展性。
  • 先進服務,例如機器學習和人工智慧。


  • 免費方案:12 個月的限量免費服務。
  • 付款計畫:基於資源的使用情況。


  • 適合任何規模的項目,從新創公司到跨國公司。
  • 高度靈活性和客製化。


  • 配置和成本管理的複雜性。

8. Google Cloud:Web 專案的強大功能與安全性

Google Cloud 是另一個強大的選項,它提供強大的基礎設施,重點是安全性和高可用性。憑藉人工智慧和數據分析等先進服務,它非常適合尋求利用尖端技術進行擴展的專案。

Main Features:

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Scalable container management.
  • Support for artificial intelligence and data analysis.
  • High security and redundancy.


  • Free Plan: $300 in credits for the first 90 days.
  • Payment plans: Based on the use of resources.


  • Powerful infrastructure backed by Google.
  • Ideal for projects that require global scalability and advanced tools.


  • Similar to AWS in configuration complexity and cost management.

9. Microsoft Azure: Versatility and Extensive Business Integration

Azure is Microsoft's cloud platform, offering a wide range of services for the development and deployment of applications. It is especially suitable for companies that already use other Microsoft products, such as Office 365 or Active Directory.

Main Features:

  • Support for a wide range of languages ​​and development tools.
  • Native integration with Microsoft: Office 365, Teams, and Active Directory.
  • Robust security and regulatory compliance.


  • Free plan: Includes access to several services and $200 in credits for 30 days.
  • Payment plans: Based on the use of resources.


  • Ideal for companies that already use the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Complete support for enterprise-level development.


  • Complex for users who are not familiar with Microsoft.

10. GitHub Pages: Ideal for Static Projects

GitHub Pages is a great free option for deploying static websites directly from a GitHub repository. It is ideal for projects such as blogs, portfolios and technical documentation.

Main Features:

  • Free deployment from GitHub repositories.
  • Perfect for sites

static such as portfolios and blogs.

  • Automatic SSL Certificates.


  • Completely free.


  • Easy to use and completely free.
  • Ideal for small or personal projects.


  • Not suitable for dynamic or backend applications.

11. Firebase: For Mobile and Web Applications in Real Time

Firebase, from Google, is a comprehensive platform that allows you to build and deploy web and mobile applications. It offers a wide range of backend services, such as real-time databases, user authentication and serverless functions.

Main Features:

  • Real-time database and Firestore.
  • Integrated authentication with providers such as Google, Facebook and GitHub.
  • Fast and secure hosting for web applications and static sites.
  • Support for Firebase Functions to create serverless backend API.


  • Free Plan (Spark): Includes free hosting and limited access to the real-time database, Firestore and authentication.
  • Payment Plan (Blaze): Based on usage, with automatic scaling for larger projects.


  • Ideal for real-time applications, such as chats and games.
  • Wide range of integrated backend tools.
  • Easy scalability with managed services.


  • Not ideal for projects with traditional backend requirements.
  • Costs may increase as usage of the database and other services grows.

12. Cloudflare Pages: Fast Deployment with Integrated Security

Cloudflare Pages is an ideal platform for static websites, offering fast deployments and advanced built-in security. Plus, take advantage of Cloudflare's global network to ensure site speed and availability anywhere in the world.

Main Features:

  • Continuous deployment from Git repositories.
  • Advanced security with DDoS protection and automatic SSL certificates.
  • Fast DNS propagation thanks to Cloudflare's global network.
  • Support for JAMstack and serverless applications using Cloudflare Workers.


  • Free Plan: Unlimited deployments and free bandwidth with basic security and performance features.
  • Payment plans (Pro and Business): Include improvements in speed and advanced protection.


  • Ideal for static and JAMstack sites.
  • Advanced security built in without additional configuration.
  • Rapid spread and loading times thanks to global infrastructure.


  • Not suitable for applications with complex backend.
  • Advanced serverless features require the use of Cloudflare Workers, which are available under their own plans.

13. Scaleway: European Alternative to AWS

Scaleway is a European cloud computing platform that offers a full range of cloud services. With data centers located in Europe, it is a popular option for companies that need to comply with European Union privacy regulations (such as GDPR).

Main Features:

  • Virtual servers and managed containers.
  • Managed databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • Compliance with GDPR and other European regulations.
  • Storage blocks and storage of objects at competitive prices.


  • Free plan: Includes a virtual server (Instance DEV1-S) for the first month.
  • Payment plans: From €0.006 per hour for virtual servers with limited resources, and scalability to enterprise options.


  • Ideal for European companies seeking regulatory compliance.
  • Competitive prices compared to other cloud providers.
  • Managed database and Kubernetes services.


  • It does not offer the same breadth of services as AWS or Google Cloud.
  • Less extensive infrastructure globally compared to large providers.

Quick Comparison of Deployment Platforms

Plataforma Ideal Para Plan Gratuito Precio (Planes de Pago) Características Clave
Netlify Sitios estáticos y JAMstack 300 minutos de compilación, 100 GB de ancho de banda Desde /mes CI/CD integrado, certificados SSL automáticos, fácil integración con Git
Vercel Aplicaciones JavaScript (Next.js) Despliegues ilimitados, límite de ancho de banda Desde /mes Autoscaling, soporte nativo para SSR y SSG, despliegue rápido desde Git
Railway Aplicaciones full-stack en créditos mensuales Basado en el uso Autoscaling, integración con bases de datos (PostgreSQL, Redis), despliegue automático desde Git
Render Aplicaciones full-stack 100 GB de ancho de banda, sitios estáticos Desde /mes Autoscaling, soporte Docker, despliegue continuo desde Git
DigitalOcean Infraestructura personalizada 0 en créditos durante 60 días Desde /mes Droplets, Kubernetes, almacenamiento y bases de datos gestionadas
Heroku Aplicaciones web y APIs 550 horas de dynos mensuales Desde /mes Despliegue fácil, soporte multi-lenguaje, integración con bases de datos
AWS Proyectos escalables a nivel empresarial 12 meses gratuitos con recursos limitados Basado en el uso EC2, S3, Lambda, escalabilidad masiva, soporte para AI y machine learning
Google Cloud Aplicaciones empresariales y AI 0 en créditos durante 90 días Basado en el uso Google Kubernetes Engine, integración con IA, seguridad y alta disponibilidad
Microsoft Azure Empresas que usan productos Microsoft 0 en créditos durante 30 días Basado en el uso Integración con Active Directory, Office 365, soporte para aplicaciones empresariales
GitHub Pages Sitios estáticos Completo - Despliegue desde Git, SSL gratuito, ideal para portafolios y blogs
Firebase Aplicaciones en tiempo real Hosting gratuito, base de datos limitada Basado en el uso Base de datos en tiempo real, Firebase Functions, autenticación integrada
Cloudflare Pages Sitios estáticos y JAMstack Ancho de banda ilimitado Desde /mes (Pro) Seguridad avanzada, despliegue rápido desde Git, integración con Cloudflare Workers
Scaleway Proyectos en Europa con cumplimiento GDPR 1 mes gratis (Instance DEV1-S) Desde €0.006/hora Droplets europeos, bases de datos gestionadas, soporte para Kubernetes
Ideal For Free Plan Price (Payment Plans) Key Features
Netlify Static sites and JAMstack 300 build minutes, 100 GB bandwidth From $19/month Integrated CI/CD, automatic SSL certificates, easy integration with Git
Vercel JavaScript Applications (Next.js) Unlimited deployments, bandwidth limit From $20/month Autoscaling, native support for SSR and SSG, rapid deployment from Git
Railway Full-stack applications $5 in monthly credits Based on usage Autoscaling, integration with databases (PostgreSQL, Redis), automatic deployment from Git
Render Full-stack applications 100 GB bandwidth, static sites From $7/month Autoscaling, Docker support, continuous deployment from Git
DigitalOcean Custom infrastructure $200 in credits for 60 days From $4/month Droplets, Kubernetes, storage and managed databases
Heroku Web applications and APIs 550 hours of dynos per month From $7/month Easy deployment, multi-language support, database integration
AWS Scalable enterprise-level projects 12 months free with limited resources Based on usage EC2, S3, Lambda, massive scalability, support for AI and machine learning
Google Cloud Business applications and AI $300 in credits for 90 days Based on usage Google Kubernetes Engine, integration with AI, security and high availability
Microsoft Azure Companies that use Microsoft products $200 in credits for 30 days Based on usage Integration with Active Directory, Office 365, support for enterprise applications
GitHub Pages Static sites Complete - Deploy from Git, free SSL, ideal for portfolios and blogs
Firebase Real-time applications Free hosting, limited database Based on usage Real-time database, Firebase Functions, integrated authentication
Cloudflare Pages Static sites and JAMstack Unlimited bandwidth From $20/month (Pro) Advanced security, fast deployment from Git, integration with Cloudflare Workers
Scaleway Projects in Europe with GDPR compliance 1 month free (Instance DEV1-S) From €0.006/hour European Droplets, Managed Databases, Kubernetes Support


Depending on your project needs, whether you are looking for a simple deployment platform for a static site or a complete infrastructure for enterprise applications, these platforms offer solutions for any type of development. Be sure to consider both the cost and technical features of each before making your decision.

Let me know, what is your favorite deployment platform? ?⚡️

Los Mejores Sitios para Desplegar Tu Aplicación Web en 4

BYXN's notebook? | Substack

My public notebook! ???. Click to read BYXN's notebook?, a Substack publication. Launched a month ago.

Los Mejores Sitios para Desplegar Tu Aplicación Web en 4 bhyxen.substack.com

Image by Akash Kumar from Pixabay

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