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Symfony Station 公報 — 9 月 看看 Symfony、Drupal、PHP、Cyber​​sec 和 Fediverse 新聞!

2024-09-09 06:31:321010瀏覽

本公報最初出現在 Symfony Station。

歡迎來到本週的 Symfony Station 公報。這是您對 Symfony 和 PHP 開發社群中關注保護民主的重要新聞的評論。



  • 交響樂宇宙
  • PHP
  • 更多程式設計
  • 為民主而戰
  • 網路安全
  • 聯邦宇宙

再次感謝 Javier Eguiluz 和 Symfony 在他們的 Symfony 週中分享我們的公報。



一如既往,我們將從 Symfony 的官方新聞開始。

亮點-> 「本週,Symfony 5.4.43、6.4.11 和7.1.4 維護版本發布。同時,即將發布的Symfony 7.2 版本繼續調整和完善其一些新功能。此外,我們也為SymfonyCon 維也納發布了新的演講2024 年會議,包括有關GraphQL、REST、RPC 和HTTP 壓縮的會議。

Symfony 一週#922(2024 年 8 月 26 日至 9 月 1 日)


2024 年維也納 SymfonyCon:復活死者

SymfonyCon 維也納 2024:Symfony UX:2024 年亮點及下一步


SymfonyCon 維也納 2024:幕後作曲家


宣布對 Chrome 上的「分析所有請求」功能進行更改


Jolicode 一直是 Symfony 社群的大力支持者,所以我將重點放在他們的最新成果:


在我的職業生涯中,我參與過不少 Web 項目,隨著經驗的積累,我越來越多地在代碼審查中推動編碼標準、約定和命名精度。一個錯誤命名的服務、一個沒有任何線索的變數、一個毫無意義的命名空間、同一概念的多個名稱:這一切都使得閱讀程式碼變得更加困難,並且需要比我所能承受的更大的認知努力。 ?這就是所謂的視覺債務。今天,我想寫一篇關於標準路由/控制器/模板 Web 框架中涉及的命名。



Bhavin Nakrani 向我們展示:

如何在 Symfony 中使用嵌入(子)表單


理解並解決 Symfony 中 Doctrine 的 N+1 問題


Grav:現代、快速、簡單且極其強大的平面檔案 CMS,由 PHP、Markdown、Twig 和 Symfony 提供支援

我正在計劃寫下一篇關於 Grav 的文章。

Engin Meral 看著:

Symfony 作用域 HttpClient

效率 IT 探索:

結合使用 Composer 和 Symfony

Nacho Colomina Torregrosa 寫道:

使用 Supervisor 處理 Symfony 指令執行


Laravel 新聞報導:

Laravel 從 Accel 籌集了 5,700 萬美元的 A 輪融資



具體 CMS 有:

採用 Concrete CMS 的企業內部網路解決方案:用例與成功案例

TYPO3 有:

編碼員角:2024 年 8 月

社群預算創意報告:ACL 改善階段

2024 年第 4/2024 季度的預算想法已發布 — 立即投票!

2024 TYPO3 獎評審團揭曉

TYPO3 維也納營邀請您:

參加週五熱身派對前的「Heurigen 之旅」!

Joomla 有:

Joomla 第 1 組選舉 - 2024 年提名者公告



Joomla 官方 Facebook 頁面被 Meta 暫停:毫無根據的冒充指控讓全球開源社群陷入困境......


Drupal 具有:


Wim Leers 還有另一個更新:

體驗建構者:XB 第 14 週 - 早期的聖誕樹

Drupal Easy 向我們展示:

如何成功卸任 Drupal 領導者

麥克,感謝您為社區所做的一切。佛羅裡達州 DrupalCamp 是這個狗屎州為數不多的好東西之一。

HashBangCode 繼續系列:

Drupal 11:使用 Drush 進行批次

Darren Oh 分享:

From Drupal Forge trial sites to persistent hosting

SkyNet Technologies shows us:

How to maximize WCAG and ADA accessibility for Drupal multi-language sites? – Best Practices!

QTA Tech looks at:

Drupal and Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Golems explores:

Mobile Apps Powered by Drupal Backend (Android, iOS)

Specbee shares:

Why we switched from GA4 to Matomo and How to set up Matomo in Drupal

The Drop Times has:

Getting Started with Dresktop: Managing Local Drupal Environments

Drupal GovCon 2024: LaunchDarkly and Drupal: A Solid Combo For A/B Testing

Promet Source compares:

DotNetNuke vs Drupal for Large Government Agencies

Dominique De Cooman is:

Dreaming about Drupal and its long term potential

Kanopi examines:

Default Content in Drupal

A Handy Visual Guide to Drupal Versions, from 7 to Modern Drupal

Tag1 Consulting continues its series:

Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Migrating field widget settings

Electric Citizen says:

Get Ready for Twin Cities Drupal Camp

Horizontal Digital has:

Why we migrated our blog from Wordpress to Drupal

Drupal's bundle classes offer granular control over node URLs

Previous Weeks

In2Code looks at:

Zero safe operator in the TYPO3 range


This Week

[php]architect has:

What’s the big Idea? PHPStorm for Vim Users

Roberto Butti shows us:

How to translate content programmatically using AI and TransformersPHP

True Facts (strange name) has:

PHP Illuminate Database: Powerful ORM and Query Builder Without Laravel

WebSocket with PHP

Ut Patrick explores a:

Technical Deep Dive into Webhooks in PHP

Violet Alexander shows us:

How to deploy a development environment on a Mac in the easiest way

Derick Rethans announces:

Xdebug Update: August 2024

Rob Allen shows us:

Prevent the Docker container from taking 10 seconds to stop

Packagist announces it's:

Shutting down Packagist.org support for Composer 1.x

Amit Jha details:

Integrating PHP with the Apache Kafka messaging system

Peter Fox shows us:

Fix your Type Hints with Configurable Rules and PHP Rector

Dragan Rapić has:

PHP Fiber-Based Game Development


Advanced use of PHP Fibers

Previous Weeks

[php]architect examines:

What’s New and Exciting in PHP 8.4

Strange Buzz looks at:

Playing with the Symfony tagged iterator

More Programming

Smashing Frames explores:

Why “AI” projects fail

Wired reports:

Major Sites Are Saying No to Apple’s AI Scraping

Terrible Minds says:

Generative AI Is Not Free

And it's fucking horseshit.

Ars Technica reports:

New AI standards group wants to make data scraping opt-in

Lullabot continues a series:

The Art of Jira: Ticketing Best Practices and the Issue Schema

Grant Horwood examines:

nginx: putting your site in ‘downtime’ for everyone except you

Ryan Mulligan looks at:

CSS @property and the New Style

Smashing Magazine explores:

Sticky Headers And Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination

Symfony Station Communiqué — September A Look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News!

Fighting for Democracy (sponsored by Battalion)

Here we feature several items from each section of Battalion's weekly "Defending Democracy" report.

Get all the news from the front of democracy's battle against autocracy via its latest "Defending Democracy" post. And please follow Battalion via RSS or on the Fediverse at @battalion@battalion.mobileatom.net. Or even Bluesky if that floats your boat.

Please visit Symfony Stations Support Ukraine pageto learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually, like ending apartheid in South Africa).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

The Next Web reports:

Uh oh, Elon: Half of European marketers plan to cut spending on X ads

The Register reports:

Data watchdog fines Clearview AI $33M for 'illegal' data collection

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Slate reports:

The Voting Rights Situation in Some Swing States Is Quite Alarming

The Financial Times reports:

The kleptocrats aren’t just stealing money. They’re stealing democracy

If you follow Battalion on the Fediverse, you may have noticed we are sharing quotes from Anne Applebaum's excellent book, Autocracy, Inc.. She wrote this article as well.


The Record reports:

White House calls attention to 'hard problem' of securing internet traffic routing

The Irish Times reports:

How Lidl accidentally took on the big guns of cloud computing


The Verge reports:

Sub.club is here to help the fediverse make money

Hachyderm has:

Hachyderm's Introduction to Mastodon Moderation: The Report Feature and Moderator Actions

Other Federated Social Media

Patchwork looks at:

Brazil, Bluesky & the Fediverse

TechCrunch reports:

Bluesky continues to soar, adding 2M more new users in a matter of days

CTAs (aka show us some free love)

  • That’s it for this week. Please share this communiqué.
  • Also, please join our newsletter list for The Payload. Joining gets you each week's communiqué in your inbox (a day early).
  • Follow us on Flipboardor at @symfonystation@drupal.communityon Mastodon for daily coverage.

Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our toddler stage, so it’s extra economical. ?

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

You can find a vast array of curated evergreen content on our communiqués page.


Symfony Station Communiqué — September A Look at Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Cybersec, and Fediverse News!

Reuben Walker

Symfony Station

以上是Symfony Station 公報 — 9 月 看看 Symfony、Drupal、PHP、Cyber​​sec 和 Fediverse 新聞!的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
