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用 Go 建構一個簡單的負載平衡器

2024-09-07 22:30:37653瀏覽


Building a simple load balancer in Go

在這篇文章中,我們將使用 Go 中的 循環演算法 建立一個簡單的應用程式負載平衡器。這篇文章的目的是逐步了解負載平衡器的底層工作原理。




  • 高可用性:透過分配流量,負載平衡器確保即使一台伺服器發生故障,流量也可以路由到其他健康的伺服器,從而使應用程式更具彈性。
  • 可擴展性:負載平衡器可讓您透過隨著流量的增加而添加更多伺服器來水平擴展系統。
  • 效率:它透過確保所有伺服器平等地分擔工作負載來最大化資源利用率。



  • 循環法:最簡單的方法之一。它在可用伺服器之間按順序分配請求。一旦到達最後一個伺服器,它就會從頭開始。
  • 加權輪循:與輪循演算法類似,只是每個伺服器都被分配了一些固定的數位權重。這個給定的權重用於確定路由流量的伺服器。
  • 最少連接:將流量路由到活動連接最少的伺服器。
  • IP 雜湊:根據客戶端的 IP 位址選擇伺服器。



循環演算法以循環方式將每個傳入請求傳送到下一個可用伺服器。如果伺服器 A 處理第一個請求,伺服器 B 將處理第二個請求,伺服器 C 將處理第三個請求。一旦所有伺服器都收到請求,它就會從伺服器 A 重新開始。


第 1 步:定義負載平衡器和伺服器

type LoadBalancer struct {
    Current int
    Mutex   sync.Mutex

我們先定義一個簡單的 LoadBalancer 結構,其中包含一個 Current 欄位來追蹤哪個伺服器應該處理下一個請求。互斥體確保我們的程式碼可以安全地同時使用。

我們負載平衡的每個伺服器都是由 Server 結構體定義的:

type Server struct {
    URL       *url.URL
    IsHealthy bool
    Mutex     sync.Mutex

這裡,每個伺服器都有一個 URL 和一個 IsHealthy 標誌,該標誌指示伺服器是否可以處理請求。

第 2 步:循環演算法


func (lb *LoadBalancer) getNextServer(servers []*Server) *Server {
    defer lb.Mutex.Unlock()

    for i := 0; i < len(servers); i++ {
        idx := lb.Current % len(servers)
        nextServer := servers[idx]

        isHealthy := nextServer.IsHealthy

        if isHealthy {
            return nextServer

    return nil
  • 此方法以循環方式循環遍歷伺服器清單。如果所選伺服器運作狀況良好,則會傳回該伺服器來處理傳入請求。
  • 我們使用 Mutex 來確保一次只有一個 Goroutine 可以存取和修改負載平衡器的 Current 欄位。這確保了循環演算法在同時處理多個請求時正確運行。
  • 每個伺服器也有自己的互斥鎖。當我們檢查 IsHealthy 欄位時,我們會鎖定伺服器的 Mutex 以防止多個 goroutine 並發存取。
  • 如果沒有互斥鎖,另一個 goroutine 可能會更改值,導致讀取不正確或不一致的資料。
  • 更新 Current 欄位或讀取 IsHealthy 欄位值後,我們會立即解鎖互斥體,以保持臨界區盡可能小。透過這種方式,我們使用互斥來避免任何競爭條件。

步驟 3:配置負載平衡器

我們的設定儲存在 config.json 檔案中,其中包含伺服器 URL 和執行狀況檢查間隔(更多資訊請參閱下一節)。

type Config struct {
    Port                string   `json:"port"`
    HealthCheckInterval string   `json:"healthCheckInterval"`
    Servers             []string `json:"servers"`


  "port": ":8080",
  "healthCheckInterval": "2s",
  "servers": [

Step 4: Health Checks

We want to make sure that the servers are healthy before routing any incoming traffic to them. This is done by sending periodic health checks to each server:

func healthCheck(s *Server, healthCheckInterval time.Duration) {
    for range time.Tick(healthCheckInterval) {
        res, err := http.Head(s.URL.String())
        if err != nil || res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
            fmt.Printf("%s is down\n", s.URL)
            s.IsHealthy = false
        } else {
            s.IsHealthy = true

Every few seconds (as specified in the config), the load balancer sends a HEAD request to each server to check if it is healthy. If a server is down, the IsHealthy flag is set to false, preventing future traffic from being routed to it.

Step 5: Reverse Proxy

When the load balancer receives a request, it forwards the request to the next available server using a reverse proxy. In Golang, the httputil package provides a built-in way to handle reverse proxying, and we will use it in our code through the ReverseProxy function:

func (s *Server) ReverseProxy() *httputil.ReverseProxy {
    return httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(s.URL)
What is a Reverse Proxy?

A reverse proxy is a server that sits between a client and one or more backend severs. It receives the client's request, forwards it to one of the backend servers, and then returns the server's response to the client. The client interacts with the proxy, unaware of which specific backend server is handling the request.

In our case, the load balancer acts as a reverse proxy, sitting in front of multiple servers and distributing incoming HTTP requests across them.

Step 6: Handling Requests

When a client makes a request to the load balancer, it selects the next available healthy server using the round robin algorithm implementation in getNextServer function and proxies the client request to that server. If no healthy server is available then we send service unavailable error to the client.

http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        server := lb.getNextServer(servers)
        if server == nil {
            http.Error(w, "No healthy server available", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
        w.Header().Add("X-Forwarded-Server", server.URL.String())
        server.ReverseProxy().ServeHTTP(w, r)

The ReverseProxy method proxies the request to the actual server, and we also add a custom header X-Forwarded-Server for debugging purposes (though in production, we should avoid exposing internal server details like this).

Step 7: Starting the Load Balancer

Finally, we start the load balancer on the specified port:

log.Println("Starting load balancer on port", config.Port)
err = http.ListenAndServe(config.Port, nil)
if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error starting load balancer: %s\n", err.Error())

Working Demo


In this post, we built a basic load balancer from scratch in Golang using a round robin algorithm. This is a simple yet effective way to distribute traffic across multiple servers and ensure that your system can handle higher loads efficiently.

There's a lot more to explore, such as adding sophisticated health checks, implementing different load balancing algorithms, or improving fault tolerance. But this basic example can be a solid foundation to build upon.

You can find the source code in this GitHub repo.

以上是用 Go 建構一個簡單的負載平衡器的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
