在這篇文章中,我們將學習 HTML 中的區域標籤。區域標籤定義圖像映射中的熱點並與超文本引用相關聯或連結以允許使用者在網頁上可點擊。它有助於在單擊地圖部分時連結不同的頁面。當圖像上需要多個連結時,標籤就變得很有用。
<area alt="text" class=" " coords=" " shape> ;
這裡 alt 用於在圖像未渲染時替換文字。
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="edu.jpg" class="lazy" html name alt="HTML 中的區域標記" > <map name=" name"> <area shape="shapeName1" coords="x,y coordinates" href="html%20linkPath"> <area shape="shapeName2" coords=" x,y coordinates " href="htmllinkPath"> </map>
說明: 這是一個沒有結束標籤的空標籤,而在 XHTML 中,它被宣告為 。並且此區域標籤始終嵌入
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="edu.jpg" class="lazy" alt="HTML 中的區域標記 logo"> // image from the saved folder. Also, we can get from the web URL directly and map with <map> tag.</map>
它帶有 src 屬性:描述圖像內容的來源和替代文字。
2. 其次,開啟有#map屬性的地圖元素。該圖像標籤帶有一個 use map,後面跟著“#”符號(use map =“#map”)。地圖名稱應與使用地圖的名稱相同。
<area shape="rect" cords='…….href="" ' alt=""> href comes with alt attribute by default.
一般來說,HTML 標籤具有一個或多個屬性,有助於向瀏覽器展示令人愉悅的視覺效果。使用三種屬性,即全域屬性、事件處理屬性和特定於元素的屬性。區域標籤提供標籤特定的屬性及其描述,如下所列,且 HTML 5 有一些新屬性。
屬性名稱 | 描述 | 範例 |
替代 | 在指定區域定義替代文本,以提高可訪問性。 | |
href | 定義超級引用意味著指向下一頁點/頁面 URL 的連結。它將一個區域更改為超連結。 | |
形狀 | 定義要在影像上完成的不同形狀。 | |
座標 | 給出適合影像中區域的特定值。座標指定如下:
預設:不需要電線。 長方形:左、上、右、下 圓:x、y、半徑 Poly: x1,y1, x2,y2,x3,y3… |
target | Specifies where to open the link page, or I can say the end target page. | |
Nohref | Defines that absence of href. This means the area doesn’t have a link to next page | |
type | Specifies the content type (MIME) | |
hreflang | Specifies language-type |
The description of these attributes has already been discussed in the previous article.
Below are examples of implementing area tags in HTML:
In the below example, I have created a jpg image diary.jpg. When u execute the code, the hand tool moves over the image at the specified cords; when you click on it, it directs you to the page rr.html.
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="diary.jpg" class="lazy" html alt="HTML 中的區域標記" > <map name="Diary"> <area shape="rect" coords="94,91,189,193" href="rr.html"> </map>
Code: rr.html
hello Online tutorial Class
<img class="logo lazy" src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="edu.jpg" alt="HTML 中的區域標記 logo" style="max-width:90%" style="max-width:90%" html> <map name="ccmap"> <area shape="rect" coords="89,9,294,50" href="sha.html" alt="HTML 中的區域標記"> <area shape="rect" coords="297,7,407,54" href="rr.html" alt="Welcome"> </map>
Code: rr.html
hello Online tutorial Class
Code: sha.html
hello Welcome to the Page
The Output below shows the logo of HTML 中的區域標記; clicking the word BA directs to the page Hello page.
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="new.png" class="lazy" alt="HTML 中的區域標記" border="0" html> <map name="Protocols"> <area shape="Poly" coords="74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27" href="https://www.manageengine.com/network-monitoring/what-is-snmp.html%22" alt="SNMP Tutorial" target="_blank"> <area shape="rect" coords="22,83,126,125" alt="FTP Tutorial" href="https://www.techtarget.com/searchnetworking/definition/File-Transfer-Protocol-FTP" target="_blank"> <area shape="circle" coords="73,168,32" alt="http Tutorial" href="https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/H/HTTP.html" target="_blank"> </map>
Explanation of the above program: In this example, we have created an image map using the image file called new.png, which has three clickable areas declared within it using the tag. The first clickable area is a polygonal shape that links to the SNMP page called www.managengine.com. The second clickable area is a rectangular shape that links to the FTP page called www.searchnetworking.com, and finally, the last clickable area is a circle that links to an HTTP page called www.webopedia.com.
Therefore, we have seen how the area tag is used in active areas in switching to the pages with brief information explaining how to use the tag in clickable areas with syntax and demo examples.
以上是HTML 中的區域標記的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!