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解決 ESrojects 中的循環依賴問題

2024-09-03 21:04:321248瀏覽

Resolving Circular Dependency Issues in ESrojects

使用 Madge 和 ESLint 來識別和修復 JavaScript 專案中的循環依賴關係的指南。


  • 建議使用 ESLint 和規則來檢查專案中的循環相依性。
  • 如果您的建置目標是 ES5,一旦模組匯出常數,它就不應該匯入其他模組。



例如:從 utils.js 匯出的 FOO 被匯入到 index.js 中,並且其值列印為 undefined。

// utils.js

// import other modules…
export const FOO = 'foo';

// ...
// index.js

import { FOO } from './utils.js';
// import other modules…

console.log(FOO); // `console.log` outputs `undefined`

// ...




安裝 Madge 工具

社群中有許多工具可用於尋找循環依賴項。這裡,我們以 Madge 為例。

Madge 是一個開發人員工具,用於產生模組依賴關係的視覺化圖表、尋找循環依賴關係並提供其他有用資訊。

第 1 步:配置 Madge

// madge.js
const madge = require("madge");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
madge("./index.ts", {
  tsConfig: {
    compilerOptions: {
      paths: {
        // specify path aliases if using any
  .then((res) => res.circular())
  .then((circular) => {
    if (circular.length > 0) {
      console.log("Found circular dependencies: ", circular);
      // save the result into a file
      const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, "circular-dependencies.json");
      fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, JSON.stringify(circular, null, 2), "utf-8");
      console.log(`Saved to ${outputPath}`);
    } else {
      console.log("No circular dependencies found.");
  .catch((error) => {

第 2 步:運行腳本

node madge.js



要注意的是,Madge 只能回傳直接循環相依性。如果兩個檔案透過第三個檔案形成間接循環依賴關係,則該檔案不會包含在 Madge 的輸出中。

根據專案實際情況,Madge 輸出了 6000 多行的結果檔。結果文件顯示,兩個文件之間可疑的循環依賴關係並不是直接引用的。尋找兩個目標檔案之間的間接依賴就像大海撈針一樣。


接下來,我請 ChatGPT 幫忙編寫一個腳本,根據結果檔案找出兩個目標檔案之間的直接或間接循環依賴路徑。

 * Check if there is a direct or indirect circular dependency between two files
 * @param {Array<string>} targetFiles Array containing two file paths
 * @param {Array<Array<string>>} references 2D array representing all file dependencies in the project
 * @returns {Array<string>} Array representing the circular dependency path between the two target files
function checkCircularDependency(targetFiles, references) {
  // Build graph
  const graph = buildGraph(references); // Store visited nodes to avoid revisiting
  let visited = new Set(); // Store the current path to detect circular dependencies
  let pathStack = [];
  // Depth-First Search
  function dfs(node, target, visited, pathStack) {
    if (node === target) {
      // Found target, return path
      return true;
    if (visited.has(node)) {
      return false;
    const neighbors = graph[node] || [];
    for (let neighbor of neighbors) {
      if (dfs(neighbor, target, visited, pathStack)) {
        return true;
    return false;
  // Build graph
  function buildGraph(references) {
    const graph = {};
    references.forEach((ref) => {
      for (let i = 0; i < ref.length; i++) {
        const from = ref[i];
        const to = ref[(i + 1) % ref.length]; // Circular reference to the first element
        if (!graph[from]) {
          graph[from] = [];
    return graph;
  // Try to find the path from the first file to the second file
  if (dfs(targetFiles[0], targetFiles[1], new Set(), [])) {
    // Clear visited records and path stack, try to find the path from the second file back to the first file
    visited = new Set();
    pathStack = [];
    if (dfs(targetFiles[1], targetFiles[0], visited, pathStack)) {
      return pathStack;
  // If no circular dependency is found, return an empty array
  return [];
// Example usage
const targetFiles = [
const references = require("./circular-dependencies");
const circularPath = checkCircularDependency(targetFiles, references);





index.js → 元件入口.js → request.js → utils.js → 元件入口.js


Webpack 捆綁程式碼範例

(() => {
  "use strict";

  var e,
    __modules__ = {
      /* ===== component-entry.js starts ==== */
      148: (_, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
        // [2] define the getter of `exports` properties of `component-entry.js`
        __webpack_require__.d(exports, { Cc: () => r, bg: () => c });
        // [3] import `request.js`
        var t = __webpack_require__(595);
        // [9]
        var r = function () {
            return (
              console.log("A function inside component-entry.js run, ", c)
          c = "An constants which comes from component-entry.js";
      /* ===== component-entry.js ends ==== */

      /* ===== request.js starts ==== */
      595: (_, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
        // [4] import `utils.js`
        var t = __webpack_require__(51);
        // [8]
        console.log("request.js run, two constants from utils.js are: ", t.R, ", and ", t.b);
      /* ===== request.js ends ==== */

      /* ===== utils.js starts ==== */
      51: (_, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
        // [5] define the getter of `exports` properties of `utils.js`
        __webpack_require__.d(exports, { R: () => r, b: () => t.bg });
        // [6] import `component-entry.js`, `component-entry.js` is already in `__webpack_module_cache__`
        // so `__webpack_require__(148)` will return the `exports` object of `component-entry.js` immediately
        var t = __webpack_require__(148);
        var r = 1001;
        // [7] print the value of `bg` exported by `component-entry.js`
        console.log('utils.js,', t.bg); // output: 'utils, undefined'
      /* ===== utils.js starts ==== */

    __webpack_module_cache__ = {};

  function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
    var e = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];

    if (void 0 !== e) return e.exports;

    var c = (__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { exports: {} });

    return __modules__[moduleId](c, c.exports, __webpack_require__), c.exports;

  // Adds properties from the second object to the first object
  __webpack_require__.d = (o, e) => {
    for (var n in e)
      Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) &&
        !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, n) &&
        Object.defineProperty(o, n, { enumerable: !0, get: e[n] });

  // [0]
  // ======== index.js starts ========
  // [1] import `component-entry.js`
  (e = __webpack_require__(148/* (148 is the internal module id of `component-entry.js`) */)),
  // [10] run `Cc` function exported by `component-entry.js`
  (0, e.Cc)();
  // ======== index.js ends ========



function lazyCopy (target, source) {
  for (var ele in source) {
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, ele)
      && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, ele)
    ) {
      Object.defineProperty(target, ele, { enumerable: true, get: source[ele] });

// Assuming module1 is the module being cyclically referenced (module1 is a webpack internal module, actually representing a file)
var module1 = {};
module1.exports = {};
lazyCopy(module1.exports, { foo: () => exportEleOfA, print: () => print, printButThrowError: () => printButThrowError });
// module1 is initially imported at this point

// Assume the intermediate process is omitted: module1 references other modules, and those modules reference module1

// When module1 is imported a second time and its `foo` variable is used, it is equivalent to executing:
console.log('Output during circular reference (undefined is expected): ', module1.exports.foo); // Output `undefined`

// Call `print` function, which can be executed normally due to function scope hoisting
module1.exports.print(); // 'print function executed'

// Call `printButThrowError` function, which will throw an error due to the way it is defined
try {
} catch (e) {
  console.error('Expected error: ', e); // Error: module1.exports.printButThrowError is not a function

// Assume the intermediate process is omitted: all modules referenced by module1 are executed

// module1 returns to its own code and continues executing its remaining logic
var exportEleOfA = 'foo';
function print () {
  console.log('print function executed');
var printButThrowError = function () {
  console.log('printButThrowError function executed');

console.log('Normal output: ', module1.exports.foo); // 'foo'
module1.exports.print(); // 'print function executed'
module1.exports.printButThrowError(); // 'printButThrowError function executed'

Webpack 模組捆綁流程

在 AST 分析階段,Webpack 會尋找 ES6 匯入和匯出語句。如果檔案包含這些語句,Webpack 會將模組標記為「harmony」類型,並為匯出執行對應的程式碼轉換:




  1. 問題症狀:模組導入了一個常數,但運行時其實際值未定義。

  2. 問題發生的條件:

    • 專案由Webpack捆綁並編譯成ES5程式碼(未與其他捆綁器進行測試)。
    • 模組 A 定義了一個常數 foo 並將其匯出,該模組與其他模組有循環相依性。
    • 模組 B 從模組 A 導入 foo 並在模組初始化過程中運作。
    • 模組 A 和模組 B 存在循環相依性。
  3. 根本原因:

    • In Webpack's module system, when a module is first referenced, Webpack initializes its exports using property getters and stores it in a cache object. When the module is referenced again, it directly returns the exports from the cache object.
    • let variables and const constants are compiled into var declarations, causing variable hoisting issues. When used before their actual definition, they return undefined but do not throw an error.
    • Function declarations are hoisted, allowing them to be called normally.
    • Arrow functions are compiled into var foo = function () {}; and function expressions do not have function scope hoisting. Therefore, they throw an error when run instead of returning undefined.

How to Avoid


We can use ESLint to check for circular dependencies in the project. Install the eslint-plugin-import plugin and configure it:

// babel.config.js

import importPlugin from 'eslint-plugin-import';

export default [
    plugins: {
      import: importPlugin,
    rules: {
      'import/no-cycle': ['error', { maxDepth: Infinity }],
    languageOptions: {
      "parserOptions": {
        "ecmaVersion": 6, // or use 6 for ES6
        "sourceType": "module"
    settings: {
      // Need this to let 'import/no-cycle' to work
      // reference: https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/issues/2556#issuecomment-1419518561
      "import/parsers": {
        espree: [".js", ".cjs", ".mjs", ".jsx"],

以上是解決 ESrojects 中的循環依賴問題的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
