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《星際大戰:亡命之徒》中所有 3 個 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault 鑰匙卡位置

2024-09-03 15:41:53445瀏覽

Vaults are always an attractive target, even if you’re friendly with the faction that owns them. If you’re wondering how to get inside the Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault, let me show you all three keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws.

Table of contents

  • Where is the Crimson Dawn Vault in Star Wars Outlaws?
  • How to get Zafi’s Vault Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws
  • How to get Eleera’s Vault Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws
  • How to get Odana’s Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws
    • Where to find Renpalli Station Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws

Where is the Crimson Dawn Vault in Star Wars Outlaws?

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Before we collect items to get into the Vault, let me show you where it is and how to get there. Head to Mirogana and north into the restricted area of Crimson Dawn territory.

You’ll have an easier time getting here if you’re in good standing with the faction, but the area surrounding the vault is prohibited no matter who you are. This is the case for every vault in the game.

There’s a giant fan blocking the only entrance to the vault. You can find a switch nearby to deactivate the blades, but it’s on a short timer.

The best way around this problem is to send Nix to the switch while you wait by the fan. Watch out for the pair of patrolling guards as you approach the vault. The guards have terrible vision in Outlaws, so you’ll be fine if you take your time.

You must reach the Vault and activate the Computer Terminal with a Data Spike. Once you’ve triggered the terminal, you’ll receive three pieces of Intel marking the location of the keycards needed to open the door.

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Ensure you swipe everything that isn’t nailed down, including the Renpalli Station Keycard (pictured above). You can’t get the final Keycard for the vault without it, so snag it and quietly leave the area.

While you’re in Mirogana, why not stop and help yourself to some treasures?

How to get Zafi’s Vault Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Zafi’s Vault Keycard is arguably the easiest to obtain, but this is a combat-centric task unless you’re a stealth master.

First, head to the Shipjacker Workshop to the north of Toshara. This area is hostile regardless of who you’re affiliated with. Defeat the enemies outside, and you’ll know when you’ve finished, as the “Hostile Area” tab at the top of the screen will swap from red to orange.

Resistance outside is pretty minimal. It’s far worse inside.

Head into the cave system, and you’ll find the Workshop. I failed miserably at a stealth operation here and found going in guns blazing works surprisingly well.

I recommend finding cover by the entrance and letting the enemies come to you. There’s a raised landing around the edge of the workshop, and one enemy there has a grenade launcher. You can take their weapon if you beat them, so keep an eye out, as it makes clearing the area much more manageable.

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Once everyone is defeated, head to the central platform and activate the switch. A hanging box will slowly move toward your platform. Command Nix to activate the switch and grab the box to be taken across to a shielded door.

Instruct Nix to open the vent near the door, shoot the generator with Ion rounds, and the door will open. The room is full of decent loot and, most importantly, Zafi’s Keycard.

You can also break a destructible wall with your blaster, although you may have to return later if you don’t have the upgrade.

How to get Eleera’s Vault Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Eleera’s Vault Keycard is easy to find and isn’t locked behind any complicated puzzles or prerequisites. The bad news is the key is tucked away in the heart of Crimson Dawn territory, with their best and brightest standing in your way.

The keycard will be much easier to obtain if you’re friendly with the faction. You can at least get close without being attacked. The timing is strict, but here’s how I got the card with minimal resistance.

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

First, head into Crimson Dawn territory. This task will be messy if the faction doesn’t like you. Walk deeper into the hideout until you see the shopkeeper and two guards on the ramp to the left.

You can see a control panel on the wall. Send Nix to sabotage it, and the Shopkeeper will run to the panel to chase him away.

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

This is your cue to climb the boxes near the shop and vault over the rail. You can do this without being seen, and everyone in the hideout will shoot at you if you’re spotted.

If you’re spotted, the area just behind the railings is littered with computer desks, which you can use for cover in a gunfight. It will be a tough battle, but it’s possible to kill every Crimson Dawn member in the hideout. Stay crouched, and your opponents should exhaust their reinforcements before you run out of health.

Once you’re past the guards, follow the path to the elevator at the back.

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Fortunately, no guards are waiting at the top of the elevator. The keycard is on your left (pictured above), and it’s easy to miss as the tabletop is covered with items.

Once you have the Keycard, you can exit via the elevator without alerting any other Crimson Dawn guards.

How to get Odana’s Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

The last remaining card belongs to Odana, and you’ll need a spaceworthy ship to grab it since it’s locked in Renpalli Station. If you haven’t ventured off Toshara yet, keep working on the main story. You will eventually unlock space travel after a story mission that explains the basics.

Where to find Renpalli Station Keycard in Star Wars Outlaws

Renpalli Station isn’t too difficult to navigate, although you will need the matching Keycard from outside the Crimson Dawn Vault to enter. I missed this in my playthrough (somehow) — don’t be like me; pick up the Renpalli Station Keycard off the table just outside the Crimson Dawn Cault laser door.

All 3 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault keycard locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Once inside, grab Odana’s Vault Keycard from the location marked above and return to Mirogana to open the Vault at your leisure.

You may be surprised to learn that Kay’s spacefaring adventures are canon. All of the recent video games are, and it’s interesting to see how they fit into the Star Wars timeline.

以上是《星際大戰:亡命之徒》中所有 3 個 Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault 鑰匙卡位置的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
