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C# 中的存取修飾符

2024-09-03 15:24:471041瀏覽

本文從 C# 程式語言的角度涵蓋了物件導向程式設計的最基本概念。這個概念被稱為-存取修飾符。要回答的第一個問題是 – 什麼是存取修飾符?簡而言之,存取修飾符控制可以在程式碼的哪一部分存取哪些物件/變數/常數/方法(實際上是所有內容)。存取修飾符在證明物件導向程式設計中的抽象概念方面發揮著重要作用。它們控製程式的哪些部分應該對最終使用者可見,哪些部分不應該對最終使用者可見。當然,最終用戶最不關心演算法中涉及的常數和變數。他只關心需要呼叫什麼方法來獲取輸出。

C# 中的存取修飾符類型


  • 私有(預設存取修飾符,枚舉和介面除外)
  • 受保護(略有限制)
  • 公(無限制,枚舉和介面的預設選擇)
  • 內部(同一程序集中公開)

除了這四種存取修飾符之外,還有兩種存取等級組合 -

  • 受保護的內部
  • 私人保護



私人是最受限制的存取等級。它也是所有常數、變數、使用者定義物件等的預設存取修飾符。預設情況下,只有枚舉和介面是公共的。因此,如果您沒有指定任何存取修飾符,C# 會為其指派預設修飾符。



using System;
class Employee //private by default
string name; //private by default
public string GetName()
return name;
public void SetName(string name)
this.name = name;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Employee emp = new Employee();
Console.Write("Employee name is " + emp.GetName());
// compile time error - 'Employee.name' is inaccessible due to its protection level
// Console.Write("Employee name is " + emp.name);


C# 中的存取修飾符

範例 #2

using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
int x = 5; //private to the Main method, accessible inside nested code blocks in the Main method
if (true)
int y = 10; //private to the if block, not accessible outside if block
Console.WriteLine("x = " + x);
Console.WriteLine("y = " + y);
Console.WriteLine("x = " + x);
// compile-time error - The name 'y' does not exist in the current context.
// Console.WriteLine("y = " + y);


C# 中的存取修飾符




using System;
class Parent
protected string x;
public Parent()
x = "abc"; //accessible to own class methods
class Child : Parent // derived class
public static void Main()
var parentObj = new Parent();
var childObj = new Child();
Console.WriteLine(childObj.x); //accessible to derived class object instances
// compile-time error - Cannot access protected member 'Parent.x' via a qualifier of type 'Parent'; the qualifier must be of type 'Child' (or derived from it)
// Console.WriteLine(parentObj.x);


C# 中的存取修飾符




在我們在私人存取修飾符範例中建立的同一個 Employee 類別中,如果我們更改公共的存取級別,我們將不需要任何 Getter 和 Setter 方法。事實上,最佳實踐是將物件設為私有並使用 C# Getter 和 Setter 屬性。


using System;
class Employee
public string name;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Employee emp = new Employee();
emp.name = "John";
Console.Write("Employee name is " + emp.name);


C# 中的存取修飾符






第 1 步:建立一個 C# 控制台應用程式並將以下程式碼放入其中:

using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Parent
internal int x;
public Parent()
x = 10;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var parentObj = new Parent();
// accessible within the same assembly
Console.Write("The value of x = " + parentObj.x);

第 2 步:建置解決方案以從 bin 資料夾取得 .dll 檔案。

C# 中的存取修飾符

第 3 步:建立另一個控制台應用程式並引用 ConsoleApp1 中的組件檔案。按一下下圖中的“新增參考”,然後瀏覽到步驟 2 中的 .dll 檔案的位置。它必須類似於 ~/ConsoleApp1/bin/Debug/ConsoleApp1.dll。

C# 中的存取修飾符

新增 .dll 檔案後,您應該在組件下找到它。

C# 中的存取修飾符

Step4: Place the below code in ConsoleApp2.

using System;
using ConsoleApp1; //referencing the first assembly
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var parentObj = new Parent();
//not accessible outside the assembly

Step5: When you build ConsoleApp2, you will get a compile-time error indicating that ‘x’ from ConsoleApp1 cannot be accessed in other assemblies due to its protection level.

C# 中的存取修飾符

5. Protected Internal

This is a combination of both Protected and Internal access modifiers. An important concept to understand here is that Protected Internal means Protected OR Internal. It is a union of both access modifiers. It must never be thought to be an intersection.

So, Internal objects are not accessible outside the assembly, while Protected objects are accessible to any derived class in any assembly. What if I want to protect my object only in other assemblies and not in the same assembly? Simple solution – declare it as protected internal.


Step 1: Let us modify our ConsoleApp1 to reflect the code below. Notice we have changed the access level of our variable ‘x’ to protected internal.

using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Parent
protected internal int x;
public Parent()
x = 10;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var parentObj = new Parent();
// accessible within the same assembly
Console.Write("The value of x = " + parentObj.x);

Step 2: Build the solution again and replace the .dll in ConsoleApp2 with the updated one.

Step 3: Update the code in ConsoleApp2 as below:

using System;
using ConsoleApp1; //referencing the first assembly
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program: Parent
static void Main(string[] args)
var progObj = new Program();
//accessible only via an object of the derived class.

Step 4: Run ConsoleApp2 to see the output.

C# 中的存取修飾符

6. Private Protected

This is a union combination of both Private and Protected access modifiers. Protected Internal means Protected OR Internal. So, Private objects are not accessible outside the code block in which it is declared, while Protected objects are accessible to any derived class in any assembly. What if I want to restrict my object’s access even in derived classes in other assemblies? Simple solution – declare it as protected internal.


Let us modify the access level of ‘x’ in ConsoleApp1 to Private Protected.

using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Parent
private protected int x;
public Parent()
x = 10;
public class Child: Parent {
public void DisplayX() {
// accessible only via derived class objects
Console.Write("Value of x = " + x);
public class Program
public static void Main()
var childObj = new Child();


C# 中的存取修飾符

Tabular Comparison

Following is a tabular comparison of Access Modifiers in C#:

Access Specifier Same Assembly Other Assembly
Same Class Derived Class Non-Derived Class Derived Class Non-Derived Class
Private Yes No No No No
Public Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Protected Yes Yes No Yes No
Internal Yes Yes Yes No No
Protected Internal Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Private Protected Yes Yes No No No


We have seen in the above article that access modifiers control the access of everything in the project. Various combinations of access levels cover the needs of various kinds of accessibility. The developers must choose wisely, keeping in mind the security and the absolute necessity of the object to be accessible in a certain block of code.

以上是C# 中的存取修飾符的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
