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2024-09-03 06:31:52411瀏覽

很多朋友在使用 iPad 時,都需要連接網路才能正常使用。但如果此時身邊沒有 Wi-Fi,又不想消耗 iPad 本身的流量,那麼該如何與電腦分享網路呢? php小編小新今天就來跟大家介紹 iPad 與電腦共享網路的方法。大家可以依照自己的實際情況選擇適當的方式來操作,詳細內容請見下文。










大家可能覺得奇怪,要用IPAD看電影,把電影傳到你的IPAD離去不就得了麼? 事情是這樣子的,俺家就一台電腦。因此每到晚上,兒子 都會跟我搶電腦用。節前入手了IPAD WIFI 32G,終於給兒子有一個玩的了。但他習慣了在電腦上看卡通了,因此還是宗來搶我的電腦用。把動畫片拷到IPAD裡吧,那32G的空間原本就不多,我 還想多裝點程式呢,而那些動畫隨便一個連續劇都有7、8個G。儘管有ifunbox,但傳起來也夠費勁的。 於是我就想了,既然我電腦一直開著,何不透過區域網,讓兒子在線看呢。 有人說了,你可以用Splashtop之類的遠端控制軟體啊,拜託,他用IPAD遠端控制了,我該怎麼用電腦啊! 於是我選擇了這兩個工具,電腦上的everything和IPAD上的Oplayer 用everything是因為我用這個神器已經很多年了,因此不必再去在電腦上裝其他的軟體,如果你沒聽說過這個程序,趕快下載裝一個,用它去搜尋你電腦裡的文件,簡直是神速,再也不怕找不到電腦裡的東西了。當然了,用它看電影的前提是你的電腦和IPAD在同一個區域網裡,如果是透過公網,那你就找一個HFS之類的軟體吧,還要對你網絡路由器做一個映射,而且看電影的效果可未必好。總之不在區域網路裡還是暫且不考慮這個事情啦。 everything我下面 附件上那個是最新版,還包括了語言檔案包,綠色的,解包到你的一個目錄裡,直接運行就可以了。你也可以去他官網去下載,不過建議一起下載語言包,否則是英 文的。 Oplayer我就不多介紹了,你要沒聽過,去論壇搜尋一下貼文吧。至於他能看什麼,我看過很多評論,但不管別人怎麼說,我電腦裡那些RMVB、甚至下載的FLV,還沒一個看不了的。 好了廢話少說,現在開講。 首先是在電腦上對everything做一點設定在everything裡選擇工具-選項先在常規裡設置隨系統自動運行,這樣開機後everything就可以自動運行了然後設置,HTTP服務,在HTTP選項下,選擇自動運行,這樣以後你的everything只要一運行HTTP服務就自動打開了,如果你願意手動,這步就不必要做。 看看HTTP伺服器哪項打鉤了沒有,如果沒有自己點一下這時候就已經打開HTTP服務了,下一步是確定自己電腦的IP位址,點開始-運行,輸入CMD 軟後輸入ipconfig 回車把圖上那個IP位址記下來,通常是192.168.0.XXX 下面開始設定IPAD裡的Oplayer 在Oplayer裡點設定(不做下面這兩部也可以,在瀏覽器裡把網址加入書籤也可以,願意每次不厭其煩的輸入也可以,不過照我說的做,你可以一勞永逸) 在開始頁面哪一項輸入http:// 後面是你剛才查到的IP地址點文件返回初始界面點瀏覽器哪一項你就會看到你電腦裡的硬碟了點擊你電影所在的硬碟和目錄,選擇你要看的電影程式問你的時候,你選擇播放檔案(選擇下載檔案也可以,那個電影就複製到你的IPAD裡了) OK啦



如今,行動裝置已成為人們生活中不可或缺的一部分。 iPad作為多功能的平板電腦,可滿足使用者在工作和娛樂中的需求。很多人喜歡在iPad上觀看電影,這不僅可以節省時間,還可以享受高品質的視聽體驗。但是,有時我們可能會遇到這樣的情況:我們在電腦上下載或購買了一部喜歡的電影,但是想將它傳到iPad上觀看卻不知道怎麼操作。別擔心!本文將為大家介紹幾種簡單且可行的方法,幫助將電腦電影傳到iPad。

Method 1: Use iTunes to transfer

We all know that iTunes is a multimedia management software officially provided by Apple, which includes the management and transfer functions of music, videos, books and other content. It's very simple to transfer movies to iPad using iTunes, just follow the steps below:

Connect iPad to computer and open iTunes software. In the iTunes interface, click the iPad icon in the upper left corner to enter the device management page. Select the Movies tab and check the Sync Movies checkbox. Click the "Add Files" button, select the movie files you want to transfer, and click the "Sync" button. After waiting for the transfer to complete, disconnect the iPad from the computer to watch the transferred movies on the iPad.

Transfer computer movies to iPad through iTunes is not only simple and convenient, but also supports multiple video formats. But it should be noted that due to some format limitations in iTunes, some movies may not be transferred directly to iPad. If you encounter this situation, you can try to convert the movie files to an iPad-compatible format before transferring them.

Method 2: Use cloud storage service

In addition to using iTunes to transfer, you can also use cloud storage services to transfer computer movies to iPad. Major cloud storage service providers such as Baidu Cloud, Tencent Weiyun, Google Cloud Disk, etc. all provide mobile clients to support viewing cloud-stored video files on mobile devices. The following are the steps to use cloud storage service to transfer movies to iPad:

Open the official webpage or client of the cloud storage service on your computer and upload the movie files you want to transfer. Download and install the corresponding cloud storage service client on the iPad. Open the cloud storage client and log in to your account to see the uploaded movie files. Select the movie you want to watch and click play to start watching on your iPad.

The advantage of using cloud storage services to transfer computer movies to iPad is that there is no need to connect the computer and iPad through a data cable. You only need to ensure that both the computer and iPad are connected to the Internet normally. However, using cloud storage services may consume a certain amount of network traffic, and you need to wait patiently when transferring large files.

Method 3: Use third-party transfer tools

In addition to the above two methods, there are also some third-party transfer tools that can help us transfer computer movies to iPad. These tools usually offer more features and conversion options to meet the needs of different users. The following are two commonly used tools:

AirDrop: AirDrop is a file transfer technology provided by Apple in iOS and Mac OS X systems, which enables file transfer between devices through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. To use AirDrop to transfer movie files to iPad, you only need to turn on the AirDrop function on both the computer and iPad, and then drag and drop the movie files into the AirDrop interface to complete the transfer. iTools: iTools is a powerful Apple device management tool. In addition to common functions such as backup, restore, and application installation, it also supports the transfer of files such as movies, music, and photos. To use iTools to transfer movies to iPad, just connect the iPad to the computer, select the "File Management" function, and then drag and drop the movie files into the iTools interface.

Transmitting computer movies to iPad through third-party transfer tools allows you to more flexibly choose conversion formats and set transfer parameters. At the same time, there are certain risks, and you need to ensure the security and reliability of the transfer tools.


