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ps 2015電腦設定?

2024-09-02 15:16:44688瀏覽


ps 2015电脑配置?

一、ps 2015電腦設定?







C P U amd a4-3400 310

記憶體宇瞻4GB DDR3 1333 主機板技嘉a55m-ds2 405


硬碟WD 500GB 7200轉16MB SATA3 藍盤370

 電源金河田角鬥士ATX-375W大風車靜音版350W 90

 顯示器宏碁V203HVCb 🎜>

 顯示器宏碁V203HVCb 20885868748(8203HVCb 20888  總計:2093元

  配置評估:主機板配置選擇技嘉a55m-ds2雖說不上豪華,但也夠用,主板配置選擇技嘉a55m-ds2雖說不上豪華,但也夠用,擴充功能配有1條PCIE x16槽,使得使用者可以方便的外接獨立顯示卡。 CPU是amd a4-3400提供DirectX 11介面的原生支持,顯示效能非常不錯,而處理器核心也是雙核心設計,應對日常應用也綽綽有餘。





    AMD速龍II X4 641(盒) 435


  記憶體威㜀卡影 DDR3 1333(3,333(353335333533333333333333333章) Galaxy)GT630虎將D5 810/3100MHz 450

  硬碟WD 500GB 7200轉16MB SATA3 藍色碟盤405

。〕光碟機。 TR2 V100(BV100bns ) 119

  電源航嘉電源冷靜王鑽石版2.3 額定300 209

  鍵鼠雙飛燕KK-5200N針防水鍵鼠套裝57  鍵鼠雙飛燕KK-5200N針防水鍵鼠套裝57



三元組裝、4000元組裝設定  配置清單:

  CPU 酷睿i3 3220盒裝CPU 820



  顯卡七彩虹iGame650 烈焰戰神U D5 1024M 849

  硬盤希捷Barracuda 1TB 7200640 電源供應王鑽石版2.3額定300W 209

  機箱航嘉(Huntkey)禦輻王H405 249

  顯示器飛利浦239CLCL2SB 23英寸顯示器🎜>  顯示器飛利浦239CLCL2SB 23英寸顯示器🎜 0 無線光電鍵鼠套裝110





  CPU 英特爾(Intel)22奈米酷睿i5 3450盒裝CPU 1269

  顯卡微星(MSI)R6850 HAWK 860/4000 1GB/256位元999

<〜〜4184 硬碟盤轉碼

  電源遊戲悍將(Game Demon)紅旗RF425S 199

  機箱Tt(thermaltake)狂熱者V600 中塔機箱269

  顯示器飛利浦239CL2SB 23英寸LED背光寬屏液晶顯示器949

  鍵鼠羅技(Logitech)MK260 無線光電鍵鼠套裝110


組裝電腦配置建議有哪些組裝-5000元組裝-5000元組裝-50  關於組裝電腦配置推薦有哪些的介紹就到這裡,希望對大家有幫助。



CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K

Intel Core i7-4790K is one of the most powerful consumer-grade CPUs currently on the market. It adopts the fourth-generation Core microarchitecture, has 4 physical cores and 8 logical threads, plus a powerful 3.6GHz basic main frequency and 4.0GHz turbo frequency, and performs very well in game performance. Compared with the i5 processor at the same price, the i7-4790K can bring a smoother experience to games.

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980

Graphics card is the key to determining game performance. The most powerful consumer graphics card currently on the market is the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980. This graphics card uses Maxwell architecture, has 2048 stream processor units and 4GB of video memory capacity. It has excellent game quality and frame rate performance, and can easily handle games with 2K resolution or even 4K resolution. For players who pursue high-definition picture quality and smooth experience, GTX 980 is undoubtedly the best choice.

Memory: 16GB DDR3

Memory capacity also has a certain impact on game performance. Generally speaking, 16GB DDR3 memory is enough to meet the needs of most gamers. This memory configuration ensures that there will be no shortage of memory during the game, thus ensuring the smooth running of the game.

Hard drive: SSD + mechanical hard drive

In terms of hard drive, we recommend the combination of SSD + mechanical hard drive. SSD can provide faster system startup and program loading speed, while mechanical hard drive can be used to store large-capacity game files and other data. This combination can give full play to the respective advantages of SSD and mechanical hard drives, bringing excellent storage performance to gamers.

Power supply: 650W or above

For such a high-performance gaming computer, we recommend choosing a power supply above 650W. This not only provides sufficient power supply for the entire machine, but also has a certain power margin that can be used when upgrading other hardware in the future.


To sum up, the most powerful gaming computer configuration plan in 2015 is as follows:

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Memory: 16GB DDR3 hard drive : SSD + mechanical hard drive power supply: 650W or above

This configuration can not only meet the needs of most current games, but also has enough room for upgrades. If you are looking for a high-performance gaming computer, you may wish to refer to this configuration plan. I hope that through this article, you can choose a gaming computer that is truly suitable for you. Thank you for reading!

4. Recommendations for the best rendering computer configuration in 2015

Rendering is a very important link in the fields of 3D animation, visual effects and other fields. A rendering computer with excellent performance can greatly improve work efficiency and shorten rendering time. So, what kind of computer configuration is the best choice for 2015? Let us discuss it together.


For rendering work, CPU performance is very critical. Generally speaking, it will be more advantageous to choose a CPU with more cores and threads. Intel's Core i7 series processors are undoubtedly a good choice, such as i7-5820K, i7-5930K and other models. AMD's Ryzen series of processors are also good alternatives, such as the Ryzen 7 2700X. These CPUs not only have powerful multi-core performance, but are also relatively affordable.

Graphics Card

Graphics card performance is equally important, because rendering work requires a lot of graphics operations. NVIDIA's GeForce RTX series graphics cards are undoubtedly the most powerful choice at present, such as RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 Super and other models. AMD's Radeon RX 5700 XT is also a good choice with high cost performance. No matter which graphics card you choose, make sure it can meet your rendering needs.


Memory capacity is equally important for rendering work. Generally speaking, a memory capacity of 32GB or more will be more suitable. DDR4 memory is also the first choice because its performance and stability are better than DDR3.


For rendering work, SSD solid state drive is undoubtedly a better choice. Not only does it provide faster read and write speeds, but it also significantly reduces startup and loading times. You can choose a 500GB or 1TB SSD as the system disk, and use a large-capacity mechanical hard drive as the data disk.

Other configurations

In addition to the core components mentioned above, other accessories such as power supply, cooling system, and chassis are also equally important. The power supply should be selected with sufficient power, the cooling system should ensure that the CPU and graphics card can be maintained at the optimal operating temperature, and the chassis should have good ventilation design.

To sum up, the configuration of a best rendering computer in 2015 should be: Intel Core i7-5820K or AMD Ryzen 7 2700X CPU, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card, 32GB DDR4 memory, 500GB SSD + 2TB mechanical hard drive, more than 650W power supply, high-quality cooling system and chassis. Of course, the specific configuration must be adjusted appropriately according to your budget and needs.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope that through these suggestions, you can choose a computer with excellent performance and meet your rendering needs. If you have any other questions, please

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