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埃安霸王龍520光達版上市 同步亮相成都車展

2024-09-02 14:41:51235瀏覽


埃安霸王龙520激光雷达版上市 同步亮相成都车展




埃安霸王龙520激光雷达版上市 同步亮相成都车展

埃安有實力成為高階智駕普及者。身為全球極少數聚焦EV+ICV全端自研路線的車企,埃安厚積薄發,不斷刷新智慧駕駛技術的新高度。 2019年就先於業界大批量生產並搭載L2 智慧輔助駕駛車型,2024年更是率先獲得國家L3路測牌照,並在L4級自動駕駛領域深入佈局;毫無疑問,埃安已經邁入技術魚池井噴期,將持續為使用者帶來「先人一步的科技享受」。同時在全球唯一新能源汽車燈塔工廠領先的智造水準、完善可控的產業鏈,以及超過130萬車主基數支持下,為埃安高階智駕的普及奠定了基礎。而埃安暴龍,正是承載高階智駕普及重任的先驅。


為確保安全、道路的適應性與場景應用的最大化,以及給用戶帶來最安心且高效的體驗,埃安在行業如此卷的情況下,依然選擇了帶激光雷達的5R11V1L高階智駕方案,包括5個毫米波雷達,11個高清攝像頭,以及新一代固態可變焦激光雷達;同時還採用了英偉達Orin-X 高算力平台,結合第四代感知端到端深度學習大模型,大幅提高辨識準確率,並擁有持續進化和迭代的能力。軟硬體直接拉滿,足以體現埃安的誠意與決心。

埃安霸王龙520激光雷达版上市 同步亮相成都车展


埃安霸王龙520激光雷达版上市 同步亮相成都车展


埃安霸王龙520激光雷达版上市 同步亮相成都车展

Long-distance travel is also more worry-free, with a long battery life of 520km, the lowest energy consumption in its class at 12.8kWh/100km, and 400V+3C fast charging technology, which can recharge 260km of energy in 15 minutes, satisfying your needs of charging once a week and traveling on holidays. need. At the same time, for those car owners who want to pursue a more comfortable experience, Aian has also considered it and launched a luxury package, including front leather seats, front seat massage, passenger and rear seat small table, the only one in its class that supports freezing, Refrigerator with three modes: refrigeration and heating. For home users who pursue longer battery life and more luxurious enjoyment, the 189,860 LiDAR version is still the first choice.

埃安霸王龙520激光雷达版上市 同步亮相成都车展

If you choose Aian Tyrannosaurus Rex, you can also enjoy Aian's unique "fast, wide and near" energy replenishment network, with exclusive charging piles covering the high-speed aorta of 8 major countries. The number of projects built in the country ranks first in the industry, and you can enjoy Aian's convenient energy replenishment experience all over the world; you can also have "one-click exclusive" many-to-one services, ranging from accident handling and emergency rescue to car consultation, Daily maintenance, etc., 24 hours online service for you.

Aion is taking practical actions to reshape the high-end smart driving landscape

As the new energy vehicle industry enters the second half of fierce competition, smart driving has undoubtedly become a competing strategy for major car companies Highlands. In this battle between technology and cost, with the release of the Aion Tyrannosaurus 520 lidar version, Aion is taking practical actions to accelerate the arrival of the turning point in the penetration rate of high-end smart driving; at the same time, it will also continue to stimulate widespread participation and competition in the industry. Jointly promote the popularization of high-end smart driving. As a leader, Aian is leading China's new energy industry to make great strides from the "electric era" to the "intelligent era".

以上是埃安霸王龍520光達版上市 同步亮相成都車展的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
