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lumion6的桌上型電腦配置? 5500左右?

2024-09-02 13:13:08959瀏覽

桌上型電腦如何設定滿足 Lumion 6 的流暢運作? 5500 元左右的預算如何分配? php小編百草將在下文中深入探討這個問題,為您提供詳盡的配置指南。透過本文,您將了解 Lumion 6 對電腦各方面的要求,以及如何針對 5500 元左右的預算進行最佳配置選擇,確保您的桌上型電腦能夠高效運行 Lumion 6。

lumion6的桌上型電腦配置? 5500左右?

一、lumion6的桌上型電腦配置? 5500左右?


不關閉電腦使用較長時間,畫面可能會閃爍,說明顯卡剛好處於一個瓶頸狀態,因此顯示卡配置要比上面說的稍微高一點。如果你要進行大場景渲染,例如呈現出小型地形、使用到Lumion模型庫裡面3萬以上的樹木,CPU用Intel i5以上(建議用i7從性價比角度看i7價格已經降下來)、顯卡最好要達到GTX 570 Ti(但GTX 560 Ti 、GTX 550 Ti 也勉強達到要求,560的價格已經下來、550的已經便宜到700多塊錢也可以派上用場),內存當然用16G。用Lumion做測試已經用了3年了。我告訴你的兩個是最基本的配置和要派上大用處性價比最優的配置: (1)CPU:AMD4核、內存:4G、顯示卡適配器:GT450 (2)CPU:Intel i7、內存:16G 、顯示卡適配器:GTX 560 Ti (盡量達到GTX 570 Ti、我用的是560,前段時間看570的價格還是很貴,不知道現在如何



請問是什麼樣的配置要求,如果沒有配置圖可以參考以下配置;Lumion6.0中文版最低配置:CPU:Intel Core i7 2670QM或Intel Xeon E3 1225顯示卡:NVDIA GTX 765M,AMD R9 M275X ,2G顯存記憶體:8G建議設定:CPU:Intel Core i7 4940MX或Intel Core i7 4790 AMD FX 9590顯示卡:GTX 980M,GTX 960,4G顯存記憶體:16G

三帶電腦設定可以三帶、這樣的電腦設定可以三帶電腦設定的起lumion6嗎?的渲染程式)所有的配置都可以圍繞著遊戲主機的方向推進。 ,要嘛賣掉換新的,要嘛就先把lumion給忘掉吧。配置?強,論單核心效能的話i5-9400F略好,互有優勢。 。 >



處理器:1 GHz及以上的處理器

記憶體:至少512 MB RAM

硬碟空間:50 MB可用空間





最小Pentium or higher









Windows 2000 Professional, Service Packs 1-4 are optional,

Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 1 is optional ,

Windows 2000 Server ,2、InterNET Explorer 6.0 or higher required 。

3、Microsoft DirectX required

DirectX 可以自動升級






If you set the upper limit of memory used by ABAQUS to exceed the actual physical memory, the called data will be read from virtual memory and hard disk, and the waiting time of the CPU will be greatly lengthened, resulting in an overall decrease in computing speed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the upper limit of the memory occupied by data is controlled. It must be the memory that the computer's physical memory can actually provide to ABAQUS.

9. What computer configuration is required for vs?

My computer has a Y470 i3 processor and 4G memory. I started using VS when I was fresh, using VS2010 Education Edition. I didn't expect it to be so slow, both in startup and compilation (I was learning C at the time). The Y470 i3 was very good when it first came out, and even now the machine is still very good. No way, I changed to VS2008, which is not as fast as VS2010. In fact, VS2008 is already very good, and some things now support VS2008 better, such as GTK+ and openGL (maybe what I said is wrong).

If you choose a machine, you can choose Lenovo’s ideapad series. For software compilation, CPU and memory are very important, but it also depends on the overall design of the computer. Buy something better, such as the thinkpad series. The Y470 series is from last year, but the configuration is still very good. If you have money, you can buy Y480. (If you don’t like games, buy an ideapad, and a lot of money will be wasted on a dedicated graphics card)

The graphics card may not be important, but the CPU must be strong. You can buy the memory yourself later, and the memory is very cheap.

10. What computer configuration is required for maxwell?

Maxwell is a computer graphics software used for rendering and simulation. It has certain requirements for computer configuration. The following are some recommended computer configurations to ensure the normal operation of Maxwell:

1. Processor (CPU): It is recommended to use a multi-core processor, such as Intel Core i7 or higher level processor. This will provide better rendering performance and speed.

2. Memory (RAM): The minimum requirement is 8GB RAM, but 16GB or higher RAM is recommended. More memory provides larger rendering scenes and smoother operation.

3. Graphics card (GPU): Maxwell mainly relies on the CPU for rendering and has relatively low graphics card requirements. Generally speaking, any graphics card that supports OpenGL 3.2 and above can meet basic needs.

4. Storage space: It is recommended to have at least 100GB of available hard drive space to accommodate the Maxwell software and files required for rendering.

5. Operating system: Maxwell supports Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems, choose the operating system version that suits you.

Please note that the above are some recommended configurations, not hard requirements. The specific configuration should be determined based on your specific needs and budget. If you have a specific project or scene that needs to be rendered, a higher configuration may be required. It is recommended that before purchasing a computer, you refer to Maxwell's official website or consult Maxwell's technical support for more detailed and accurate configuration recommendations.

以上是lumion6的桌上型電腦配置? 5500左右?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
