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JavaScript 中的 `for...in` 與 `for...of`:

2024-08-31 06:34:071042瀏覽

`for...in` vs. `for...of` in JavaScript:

數據在醫療保健中發揮著至關重要的作用。從追蹤生命體徵到分析績效指標,臨床醫生經常依靠演算法來篩選大量數據。在 JavaScript 中,使用 for...in 和 for...of 之間的選擇會影響這些演算法的運作效率,尤其是在處理可列舉屬性和大型資料集時。

基礎知識:for...in 和 for...of


  • for...in:此循環迭代物件的所有可列舉屬性。這包括屬於物件本身的屬性以及透過原型鏈繼承的屬性。

  • for...of:在ECMAScript 6 (ES6) 中引入,此循環迭代iterable 物件的值(如數組、字串、Maps、集等)。它不包括不可枚舉的屬性。

場景 1:使用稀疏數組追蹤運動員生命徵象


let vitalSigns = [75, , , 80, , 72]; // Sparse array where some data points are missing
  • 用於...

當您使用 for...in 迭代此數組時,它將循環遍歷所有可枚舉屬性,包括那些為空的屬性:

for (let index in vitalSigns) {
    console.log(\`Index: ${index}, Value: ${vitalSigns[index]}\`);


Index: 0, Value: 75
Index: 3, Value: 80
Index: 5, Value: 72

這裡,for...in 僅迭代具有值的索引,有效地跳過未定義的值。當專注於現有數據點時,這可能是可取的,但它也可能掩蓋數據的缺失——這是醫療保健診斷中的關鍵考慮因素,其中缺失的數據可能與數據本身一樣重要。

  • 用於...的

另一方面,for...of 直接迭代值,其中可能包括未定義的值(如果存在):

for (let value of vitalSigns) {
    console.log(\`Value: ${value}\`);


Value: 75
Value: undefined
Value: undefined
Value: 80
Value: undefined
Value: 72

在這種情況下,for...of 有助於識別缺失的數據點,這對於臨床醫生診斷運動員可能至關重要。例如,如果某些生命徵象缺失,則可能表示監測設備有問題,或需要進一步調查運動員在此期間的狀況。

情境 2:使用自訂屬性分析診斷數據


let diagnostics = {
    heartRate: [70, 75, 80],
    bloodPressure: [120, 125, 130],
    timeOfDay: "morning", // Custom property not part of the core data
    activityType: "running" // Another custom property
  • 用於...

當使用 for...in 迭代此物件時,迴圈將迭代所有可枚舉屬性,包括那些不直接屬於核心診斷資料的屬性:

for (let key in diagnostics) {
    console.log(\`Key: ${key}, Value: ${diagnostics[key]}\`);


Key: heartRate, Value: 70,75,80
Key: bloodPressure, Value: 120,125,130
Key: timeOfDay, Value: morning
Key: activityType, Value: running


  • 用於...的

如果您將診斷資料轉換為值或條目數組,則可以使用 for...of 來僅關注您需要的資料:

let diagnosticData = Object.values(diagnostics).slice(0, 2); // Only heartRate and bloodPressure

for (let values of diagnosticData) {
    console.log(\`Values: ${values}\`);


Values: 70,75,80
Values: 120,125,130

在這裡,for...of 允許您將資料歸零,而不會被其他屬性分散注意力。這類似於臨床醫生在診斷過程中只專注於重要指標,過濾掉無關資訊以做出更準確的評估。


在醫療保健演算法中,效率通常至關重要,尤其是在處理大型資料集時。 for...in 和 for...of 之間的選擇會影響演算法的時間複雜度。

  • 稀疏數組:使用 for...in,迴圈會跳過缺少的索引,在處理稀疏數組時可能會更快。然而,這種跳過也可能意味著某些資料間隙被忽略,這可能是也可能不是需要的,這取決於診斷需求。

  • 可列舉屬性:for...in 將循環遍歷所有可枚舉屬性,包括繼承的屬性。如果您不小心,這可能會導致意外行為,尤其是在某些屬性可能與核心診斷資料無關的複雜物件中。這就是 for...of 可能提供更清晰、更可預測的迭代的地方,嚴格關注資料值。

In both cases, the decision on which loop to use should be informed by the specific requirements of your algorithm. Are you looking to process data efficiently and skip over irrelevant properties, or do you need to ensure that every potential piece of information is considered, even if it adds to the complexity?

Leveraging TypeScript for Clearer Data Structures

While JavaScript provides flexibility, introducing TypeScript can offer an additional layer of clarity, particularly in complex scenarios where distinguishing between core diagnostic data and additional context is crucial.

Bonus Insight

Defining Core vs. Non-Core Diagnostic Data

TypeScript allows you to explicitly define what constitutes core diagnostic data versus non-core data through interfaces, making your code more predictable and easier to work with.

interface DiagnosticData {
    heartRate: number[];
    bloodPressure: number[];

interface AthleteDiagnostic extends DiagnosticData {
    timeOfDay: string;
    activityType: string;

Example: Using Interfaces for Clarity

  • The DiagnosticData interface clearly defines the core data—heart rate and blood pressure—that are essential for diagnosing an athlete.
  • The AthleteDiagnostic interface extends this by adding non-core data, such as timeOfDay and activityType, which provide valuable context but are not part of the core diagnostic process.

This separation ensures that when you’re working with an AthleteDiagnostic object, it’s immediately clear which data points are central to the diagnosis and which are supplementary. This clarity is crucial in healthcare, where misinterpreting data can lead to incorrect conclusions.

Your Choice

Choosing between for...in and for...of in JavaScript is akin to selecting the right diagnostic tool in a clinician’s repertoire. Each has its strengths, whether you’re dealing with sparse arrays or objects with enumerable properties. In healthcare, where data accuracy and efficiency are critical—especially when diagnosing athletes—understanding these differences can help you build more effective algorithms that lead to better outcomes for patients.

Incorporating TypeScript into your JavaScript projects can further enhance clarity by clearly defining core versus non-core diagnostic data, making your code safer, more maintainable, and better suited for complex healthcare applications.

以上是JavaScript 中的 `for...in` 與 `for...of`:的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
