Java Predicate 是一個函數式接口,作為java.util.function 包的一部分,充當通用謂詞,指定為lambda 表達式的目標,用於引用任何方法或使用true 或布爾值評估任何基於布爾值的函數false 被指定為任何lambda 表達式或任何方法引用的目標;因此,它需要基於這些謂詞的分配的適當的評估條件,這有助於他們根據由物件組成的用例和實現的評估條件規則來評估特定實現的任何條件。
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package java.util.function; import java.util.Objects; @FunctionalInterface public interface Predicate<T> { boolean test(T t); // Body of the Program }
java中的謂詞是程式設計師的救世主,可以讓他們以更乾淨和可讀的格式編寫和創建程式碼。它有助於更好地格式化測試案例並增強測試案例。一般來說,謂詞只是一個布林格式的語句,有助於評估帶有約束的條件。 java 中的謂詞基本上用於透過將謂詞指定為從 java.util.function.package 取得的值來實作函數式介面。它使套件方法成為傳遞謂詞包的物件的目標,以獲取整個方法或程式碼庫的函數傳回的布林值(true 或 false)。它由一個測試方法組成,用於評估整個方法以及參考文獻和各自的功能。在Java中,沒有獨立函數的概念;因此,它所做的就是從這些介面定義和建立物件。 Iterable.filter() 方法可以與方法的物件搭配使用。帶有謂詞的 Lambda 表達式也發揮了很好的作用,並且可以輕鬆地與謂詞配合使用。
有許多方法使用 Java 謂詞方法,如下所示:
Thus, using these methods with the predicate helps in evaluating any of the conditions defined with the predicate’s method types.
Below are examples mentioned:
This program demonstrates the creation of a simple Predicate and then calling that Predicate method later point of time for evaluation condition with a test method as shown.
import java.util.function.Predicate; public class Frst_Java_Predicate_Ex { public static void main(String[] args) { Predicate<Integer> prdc = vl -> (vl > 20); System.out.println(prdc.test(80)); } }
This program demonstrates the predicate value with the boolean constraint evaluating the marks of the student by using a predicate where a constraint says that if the student secures marks more than 35, then that student passes; otherwise, the student will fail if it returns the value false.
import java.util.function.Predicate; public class Predict_Java_ex_2 { static Boolean checkMarks(int marks){ if(marks>35) return true; else return false; } public static void main(String[] args){ Predicate<Integer> pred = Predict_Java_ex_2::checkMarks; boolean rslt = pred.test(15); System.out.println("If marks is more than 35 then only the student will get pass otherwise fail." + rslt); } }
Java Predicate is one of the new packages and utility being introduced in java 8, which is very flexible with the lambda expressions and helps the programmers create a neat and clean enhanced code for reference and understanding. A predicate with the values helps in the evaluation of the conditions with the return types and values.