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Java ATM 程式

2024-08-30 15:14:38651瀏覽

我們可以用Java建立一個ATM程式來顯示ATM交易。自動櫃員機 (ATM) 或提款機(英式英語)是一種電子電信系統,允許銀行公司的客戶進行金融交易。使用者必須從 ATM 應用程式畫面上顯示的選項中進行選擇。例如,提款、存款、查看餘額、退出可用選項。

廣告 該類別中的熱門課程 JAVA 掌握 - 專業化 | 78 課程系列 | 15 次模擬測驗

Java 中 ATM 程式的工作


  • 提款:用於提款,從用戶處獲取提款金額,從總餘額中扣除,並顯示訊息。
  • 存款:用於存入資金,從用戶處獲取存款金額進行添加,將其添加到總餘額中,並顯示訊息。
  • 查看餘額:查看餘額時,顯示使用者的總餘額。
  • 退出:透過退出目前交易模式將使用者返回到主頁或初始畫面。

Java ATM 程式範例

下面給出的是 Java 中的 ATM 程式的範例:

Java ATM 程式提款、存款、查詢餘額範例。


package jex;
import java.util.*;
class ATM {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
//declare and initialize balance, withdraw, and deposit
int balance = 50000;
int withdraw, deposit;
//create scanner class object to get choice of user
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println( "Welcome to ATM ... " );
System.out.println( "Select 1 for Withdraw" );
System.out.println( "Select 2 for Deposit" );
System.out.println( "Select 3 for Check Balance" );
System.out.println( "Select 4 for EXIT" );
System.out.print( "Select the appropriate options you want to perform:" );
//get the user selected option
int op = sc.nextInt( );
switch( op )
case 1: System.out.print( "Enter the amount to be withdrawn :" );
// accept the withdraw amount from the user
withdraw = sc.nextInt();
//check whether the balance is greater than or equal to the withdrawal amount
withdraw( balance, withdraw);
case 2: System.out.print( "Enter the amount to be deposited :" );
//accept the deposit amount from the user
deposit = sc.nextInt();
// call the function and add the deposit amount to the total balance
deposit( balance, deposit );
case 3:
// printing the total balance of the user
printBalance( balance );
System.out.println(" ");
case 4:
// exit from the menu
System.exit( 0 );
// function to print the current balance in an account
public static void printBalance(int balance)
System.out.println(" The Current Balance : " + balance);
// The function to Withdraw an amount and update the balance
public static int withdraw(int balance, int withdrawAmount)
System.out.println( "Withdrawn Operation :" );
System.out.println("The withdrawing Amount is : " + withdrawAmount);
if (balance >= withdrawAmount) {
balance = balance - withdrawAmount;
System.out.println( "Please collect your money and remove the card" );
printBalance( balance );
else {
System.out.println( "Sorry! the balanace is insufficient." );
System.out.println( );
return balance;
// The function to deposit an amount and update the balance
public static int deposit(int balance, int depositAmount)
System.out.println( "Deposit Operation :" );
System.out.println(" The depositing amount is : " + depositAmount);
balance = balance + depositAmount;
System.out.println( "Your Money has been successfully deposited" );
return balance;



Java ATM 程式


Java ATM 程式


Java ATM 程式

如上面的程序,創建了 ATM 類,其中包含withdraw()、deposit() 和 printbalance() 函數。 withdraw()函數用於執行提現作業;此功能接受餘額和提款金額。在withdraw()函數中,首先檢查餘額是否大於取款金額;如果為真,則透過從餘額中減去提款金額來更新餘額。接下來,函數deposit()用於執行存款操作;此功能接受餘額和存款金額。

在deposit()函數中,它透過將存款金額加到餘額來更新餘額。接下來,printbalance()函數用於列印餘額;它接受餘額。然後,在主函數中,建立一個整數的餘額變數。接下來,根據案例要執行的特定選項選擇,列印用於取款、存款、餘額和退出操作的選擇 Piton,如我們在上面的輸出中看到的。


自動櫃員機 (ATM) 是一種電子電信系統,允許銀行公司的客戶進行金融交易。我們可以用Java建立ATM程式來顯示ATM交易,使用者可以提款、存款、查看餘額、退出ATM。

以上是Java ATM 程式的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
