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2024-08-30 06:40:02954瀏覽

Mastering Exception Handling: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

異常處理是軟體開發的關鍵部分,但它經常被低估、誤用或忽略。對於經驗豐富的開發人員來說,了解如何有效處理異常可以顯著提高程式碼的健全性、可維護性和整體系統的可靠性。這篇部落格文章深入探討了高階異常處理策略、常見錯誤以及超越程式語言的最佳實踐,儘管許多範例將引用 Java。






try {
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        // Do something that might throw an exception
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    // Move to the next element or terminate




try {
    // Some code that might throw an exception
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Log and move on
    logger.error("Something went wrong", e);







public void processOrder(Order order) {
    if (order == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Order cannot be null");

    if (!order.isValid()) {
        throw new OrderProcessingException("Invalid order details");

    // Continue processing the order



在像 Java 這樣的語言中,有檢查異常和非檢查異常。檢查異常強制呼叫者處理它們,而未檢查異常(RuntimeException 的子類別)則不會。他們之間的選擇應該經過深思熟慮。

  • 檢查異常: 當呼叫者可以合理地預期從異常恢復時使用這些異常。它們適用於操作失敗是其生命週期的正常預期部分的場景,例如可能找不到檔案的檔案 I/O 操作。

  • 未檢查異常:這些更適合正常情況下不應捕獲的程式錯誤,例如空指標取消引用、非法參數類型或違反業務邏輯不變量。



應該在有足夠上下文來適當管理異常的情況下進行處理。這與單一職責原則 (SRP) 相關,該原則規定類別或方法應該只有一個更改理由。異常處理可以被視為一個單獨的職責;因此,您的程式碼應該將異常處理委託給能夠完全理解和管理故障的元件。

For instance, low-level database access code shouldn’t necessarily handle the database connectivity issues itself but should throw an exception to be handled by a higher-level service that can decide whether to retry the operation, fall back to a secondary system, or notify the user.

Meaningful Exception Messages

When throwing an exception, especially a custom one, provide a clear and informative message. This message should describe the issue in a way that helps developers (and sometimes users) understand what went wrong.

throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to update order because the order ID is missing");

This is much better than:

throw new IllegalStateException("Order update failed");

A well-crafted message makes debugging easier and reduces the time spent diagnosing issues.

Common Anti-Patterns to Avoid

1. Swallowing Exceptions

As mentioned earlier, catching an exception without doing anything about it is a major anti-pattern. This not only hides the problem but can also lead to unexpected behavior down the line.

try {
    // Risky code
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Do nothing

Tip: If you’re catching an exception, make sure you’re adding value. Either handle the exception, wrap it in a more meaningful one, or rethrow it.

2. Catching Top-Level Exceptions

Catching Exception or Throwable broadly can mask different kinds of errors, including unchecked exceptions that you might not expect, like NullPointerException or OutOfMemoryError.

try {
    // Risky code
} catch (Exception e) {
    // Handle all exceptions the same way

Tip: Be specific in what you catch, and if you must catch a broad exception, ensure that you understand and can appropriately handle the various exceptions it might encompass.

3. Ignoring InterruptedException

When working with threads, it’s common to encounter InterruptedException. Ignoring it or rethrowing it without re-interrupting the thread is another common mistake.

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // Log and move on

Tip: If you catch InterruptedException, you should generally re-interrupt the thread so that the interruption can be handled correctly:

catch (InterruptedException e) {
    Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Restore the interrupted status
    throw new RuntimeException("Thread was interrupted", e);

Advanced Tips for Exception Handling

1. Leverage Custom Exceptions for Domain-Specific Errors

Custom exceptions can provide more clarity and encapsulate domain-specific error information. This is particularly useful in large systems where the same exception might have different meanings in different contexts.

public class InvalidOrderStateException extends RuntimeException {
    public InvalidOrderStateException(String message) {

This way, the exception itself carries meaningful information about the error context, and you can use the exception type to differentiate between different error conditions.

2. Use Exception Chaining

Exception chaining allows you to wrap a lower-level exception in a higher-level exception while preserving the original exception’s stack trace. This is useful when you want to provide more context at a higher level without losing the original error information.

try {
    // Some code that throws SQLException
} catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new DataAccessException("Failed to access the database", e);

With this, the original SQLException is preserved and can be inspected if needed, but the higher-level exception provides additional context about what was happening at a higher level of abstraction.

3. Centralize Exception Handling Where Appropriate

In some architectures, it’s beneficial to centralize exception handling in a single place, such as a global exception handler in a web application. This allows you to handle common concerns like logging, error response formatting, or retries in one place.

In Java, for example, Spring MVC allows for a global exception handler using the @ControllerAdvice annotation:

public class GlobalExceptionHandler {

    public ResponseEntity<String> handleDatabaseException(DataAccessException e) {
        // Log and respond appropriately
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body(e.getMessage());


Effective exception handling is both an art and a science. It requires thoughtful consideration of what might go wrong, how to detect it, and how to respond. By adhering to best practices—like avoiding exceptions for flow control, handling exceptions only where you have sufficient context, and designing meaningful custom exceptions—you can write code that is more robust, maintainable, and easier to debug.

Remember, exceptions should make your code more reliable, not more complex. Use them wisely to build systems that can gracefully handle the unexpected.

