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PHP 中的公共函數

2024-08-29 13:08:00877瀏覽

像許多其他物件導向的程式語言一樣,PHP 也有一種方法來指示程式內函數的可訪問性。 public、protected 和 private 是使用的關鍵字,其中 public 表示該函數在某個 PHP 程式中是全域可存取的。將函數宣告為 public 有許多優點,其中一個優點就是可以在程式中的任何位置呼叫和使用該函數,而不受任何限制。

廣告 該類別中的熱門課程 PHP 開發人員 - 專業化 | 8 門課程系列 | 3次模擬測驗



公用函數在 PHP 中如何運作?

公共功能不受任何限制。公共函數在類別外部、PHP 和其他一些程式語言的程式碼中的類別內部工作。公用函數使其類別中的全部內容僅在其他類別被存取時才可供其他類別使用。儘管它是一個公共函數,但如果不訪問它什麼都不做。 PHP 公用函數如果不在其他類別/類別內存取它,就無法運作/實作任何東西。

在 PHP 中實作公用函數的範例





// BaseClass
class publ {
public $tagging_line = "Scientists & Engineers are the real Geeks";
function display() {
echo $this->tagging_line."\n";
// SubClass
class subc extends publ {
function show(){
echo $this->tagging_line;
// Object Declaration
$obj= new subc;
// Scientists & Engineers are the real Geeks!
echo $obj->tagging_line."\n";
// Scientists & Engineers are the real Geeks!
// Scientists & Engineers are the real Geeks!


PHP 中的公共函數




class Itemone
* This is the INSIDE PROGRAMMING CODE because it is actually written INSIDE of the class.
public $labelone;
public $priceone;
* This is OUTSIDE PROGRAMMING CODE because it is actually written OUTSIDE of the class.
$item = new Itemone();
$item->labelone = ' Phantam Drone - Mavic Pro ';
$item->priceone = 250.99;
echo $item->labelone;
* Printing your variable value which contains string. $item is the public function variable declaration to store values accessing from Item function
echo $item->priceone;


PHP 中的公共函數

範例 #3



class Itemone
* Here's the new INSIDE PROGRAMMING CODE and the Rules Which are to follow:
* 1. It will STOP ACCESS to the properties of it via $itemone->labelone and $itemone >priceone,
* with the help of the protected keyword.
* 2. FORCING the use of the public functions in the code.
* 3. The ONLY strings are now allowed OUT & IN of this class/classes for $labelone
* with the help of the getLabelone and setLabelone functions.
* 4. In OUT & IN of the class only floats are allowed now for $priceone
* by using getPriceone and setPriceone functions.
protected $labelone = 'Unknown ItemONE'; // Rule 1 - protected Variable.
protected $priceone = 0.0; // Rule 1 - protected Variable.
public function getLabelone() { // Rule 2 - public function declaration.
return $this->labelone; // Rule 3 - string OUT for $labelone.
public function getPriceone() { // Rule 2 - public function declaration for Priceone.
return $this->priceone; // Rule 4 - The float OUT for $priceone.
public function setLabelone($labelone) // Rule 2 - public function declaration.
* Make sure $labelone is a PHP string that can be used in a SORTING
* alogorithm, number, array, NOT a boolean or the object that can't be
* properly sorted -- AND to make sure that the getLabelone() function
* ALWAYS returns PHP string which is genuine.
* Using a RegExp would now improve this function, however, the main
* point is the one made above.
$this->labelone = (string)$labelone; // Rule 3 - string IN for $label.
public function setPriceone($priceone) // Rule 2 - public function.
* Make sure $priceone is a PHP float value so that it can be used in a particular
* NUMERICAL CALCULATION. Do not accept string, array, boolean or
* some of the other object/objects that can't be included in a simple calculation.
* Now This will ensure that the getPriceone() function will ALWAYS returns
* genuine, authentic and also full-flavored PHP's number and nothing but.
* Checking the positive values may/might improve this one function,
* however, the main point is the one made above.
$this->priceone = (float)$priceone; // Rule 4 - float IN for $price.



  • 它可以在整個程式/專案的任何地方存取。我的意思是 PHP 中的類別或公共函數的公共方法可以在類別外部或內部或子類別中呼叫。
  • 它可以在班級外部訪問,也可以在班級內部從另一個班級訪問。
  • 這個public使得存取功能沒有任何限制。它就像特定物件的公共財產。您可以從程式內的任何位置修改或檢索它。
  • 公用函數將顯示/提供程式碼的完整意圖。
  • 僅在存取時才在程式範圍內可見。



  • 公有方法/函數/修飾符/關鍵字可以在類別外部不受任何限制地調用,也可以在類別內部存取。
  • 當公用函數的程式碼需要執行其程式碼指令時,應該存取公用函數/修飾符,否則公用函數將不執行任何操作。
  • 使用公用函數/類似的方式在類別內存取。

以上是PHP 中的公共函數的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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