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在 Ubuntu 15.04 伺服器上設定 LEMP Linux、Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP) 和 PhpMyAdmin

2024-08-28 13:02:321127瀏覽

Setting Up LEMP Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server

LEMP 堆疊是用於 Web 開發和託管的開源技術的強大組合。 LEMP包含Linux,它是作業系統的組合,Nginx(發音為engine x)是一個Web伺服器軟體,用於處理來自伺服器的HTTP請求,它有助於靜態和動態內容的傳遞。 MySQL 或 MariaDB 用於高效的資料儲存和檢索,PHP 用於建立動態 Web 應用程序,使開發人員能夠與資料庫通訊並將動態資訊整合到 HTML 頁面中。

安裝和設定 LEMP 的每個元件,每次需要一個元件才能在 Ubuntu 15.04 伺服器上手動設定 LEMP 堆疊和 PhpMyAdmin。


  • 手動安裝

  • 預先建置的 LEMP 堆疊套件


在 Ubuntu 15.04 Server 上,可以透過單獨安裝和設定每個元件來手動安裝 LEMP 堆疊(Linux、Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP)和 PhpMyAdmin。


  • 使用 15.04 伺服器(此組合的作業系統)安裝或更新 Ubuntu。

  • 在給定程式碼的幫助下安裝 nginx,即 nginx。

  • 安裝 MySQL 或 MariaDB 作為此組合的資料庫管理系統。

  • 安裝 PHP 和 Web 伺服器的模組。

  • 設定 Web 伺服器,以存取和使用 PHP。

  • 新增位置,儲存檔案並重新啟動 nginx

  • 安裝並設定資料庫管理工具 PhpMyAdmin。

  • 存取網路伺服器中的工具。


圖形使用者介面 (GUI) 由基於 Web 的系統管理程式 Webmin 提供,用於控制類別 Unix 系統。透過網頁瀏覽器介面,系統管理員可以輕鬆控制伺服器的多個元件,包括系統設定、使用者帳戶、檔案系統、軟體包等。

Webmin 的好處

  • 遠端管理  借助 Webmin 基於瀏覽器的介面,系統管理員可以使用網路瀏覽器從任何電腦遠端管理其伺服器。這使得它對於不同技能水平的管理員來說都是用戶友好的,因為它消除了直接連接到伺服器或命令列專業知識的要求。

  • 多平台支援 − Linux、FreeBSD、OpenBSD,甚至某些Windows 電腦都可能使用Webmin,因為它是為在各種平台上運行而建構的類別Unix 作業系統。這使其成為管理許多平台上的伺服器的靈活工具。

  • 使用者管理  管理員可以使用 Webmin 快速建立、變更和刪除使用者帳戶和基於伺服器的群組。他們可以定義密碼規則、管理使用者權限以及規定誰有權存取哪些系統資源。

  • 檔案系統管理 - 管理員可以使用 Webmin 提供的檔案管理器檢視、修改、上傳和下載伺服器上的檔案。支援典型的檔案操作,包括維護符號連結、建立目錄和更改檔案權限。

  • 軟體包管理  管理員可以使用 Webmin 介面從其伺服器安裝、更新和移除軟體包。它支援多種套件管理程序,包括用於基於 Red Hat 的系統的 YUM(Yellowdog Updater,Modified)和用於基於 Debian 的系統的 APT(高級套件工具)。

  • System Monitoring  Real-time monitoring of system resources including CPU, memory, disk utilization, and network activities is made possible by Webmin. Additionally, it enables administrators to manage scheduled activities, keep track of active processes, and check system logs.

  • Security − Security technologies like SSL/TLS encryption are included in Webmin to provide secure connection between the browser and server. Additionally, it enables administrators to handle SSL certificates, set up firewall rules, and define access controls.

  • Extensibility  Webmin provides a significant selection of external modules that increase its capability. These community-developed modules offer extra functionality and support for numerous programs and services. These modules can be customized to satisfy our requirements.

Webmin provides a simple and user-friendly web-based interface which directs a server administration process. It gives system administrators the ability to effectively manage and monitor their servers, which makes it a crucial tool for administering Unix-like systems.


  • Update Ubuntu to 15.04 server.

  • Install Webmin, Version 15.04 of Ubuntu's default repositories do not contain Webmin. However, you may manually install Webmin by downloading the.deb package from the program's official website.

  • After it’s downloaded, navigate to the directory and install with the help of the given command.

sudo dpkg -i webmin_*.deb
  • Access Webmin using your server’s IP address. Then you can log in with your system details.

  • Install the LEMP components.

  • Install, configure and access PhpMyAdmin, With the help of its user-friendly web-based interface, Webmin makes it easier to install and operate server software. The installation of LEMP stack and PhpMyAdmin also are turned easy with this. It offers a better approach towards setting up and configuration of the server, without relying on the command line.


In conclusion, installing an LEMP stack on an Ubuntu 15.04 Server, which consists of Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin, creates a strong basis for web development and hosting. The detailed methods provided in this article can help you set up a sophisticated web server environment that can support dynamic websites and apps.

In conclusion, installing an LEMP stack on an Ubuntu 15.04 Server, which consists of Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin, creates a strong basis for web development and hosting. The detailed methods provided in this article can help you set up a sophisticated web server environment that can support dynamic websites and apps.

You have successfully developed a strong web server environment ready to host and build dynamic websites and apps by successfully configuring LEMP and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server. The Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP components of the LEMP stack offer a strong basis for the development of dependable and scalable online applications.

Last but not least, installing LEMP and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server prepares the ground for productive web design and hosting. Unlock your potential by utilizing the strength of the LEMP stack with PhpMyAdmin, then set off on a quest to create dynamic and captivating online apps.

以上是在 Ubuntu 15.04 伺服器上設定 LEMP Linux、Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP) 和 PhpMyAdmin的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
