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您應該避免的 ue.js 錯誤(以及如何修復它們)

2024-08-26 21:49:021223瀏覽

ue.js Mistakes You Should Avoid (and How to Fix Them)

Vue.js 是用於建立使用者介面和單頁應用程式的最受歡迎的 JavaScript 框架之一。它為開發人員提供了靈活、高效且強大的工具集來創建動態和互動式 Web 應用程式。然而,與任何其他技術一樣,Vue.js 可能很棘手,尤其是對於初學者而言。即使經驗豐富的開發人員也可能會犯錯,導致效能不佳或可維護性問題。在本文中,我們將探討五個常見的 Vue.js 錯誤,並提供有關如何避免和修復這些錯誤的實用建議。無論您是新手還是經驗豐富的 Vue.js 開發人員,本指南都將幫助您編寫更乾淨、更有效率的程式碼。

1. 沒有正確使用 Vue CLI

Vue 命令列介面 (CLI) 是 Vue.js 開發人員的必備工具。它提供了標準的工具基準和靈活的插件系統,可讓您自訂項目設定。然而,許多開發人員要么沒有充分利用 Vue CLI 的潛力,要么完全跳過它,這可能導致他們的專案缺乏結構。

錯誤:跳過 Vue CLI

一些開發人員,尤其是初學者,可能會跳過使用 Vue CLI,而是選擇手動設定他們的專案。這可能會導致專案結構不一致、錯過效能最佳化以及管理依賴項變得更加困難。

解決方案:利用 Vue CLI

Vue CLI 旨在簡化開發過程。它提供了強大的項目結構,與流行的工具集成,並提供簡單的配置選項。以下是如何開始:

# Install Vue CLI globally
npm install -g @vue/cli

# Create a new project
vue create my-project

您可以從預設配置中進行選擇,也可以手動選擇 TypeScript、Router、Pinia(而不是 Vuex)等功能。設定專案後,您可以使用 CLI 輕鬆服務、建置和管理您的應用程式。

範例:自訂 Vue CLI 專案


vue create my-custom-project

在設定提示中,選擇最適合您的專案需求的功能,例如 Babel、Linter,甚至自訂 Vue Router 設定。這種方法可確保您的專案結構良好且易於維護。

2. 過度使用 Vue Mixins

Mixins 是 Vue.js 中的一項強大功能,它允許您在元件之間共用通用邏輯。然而,過度使用 mixin 可能會導致意想不到的後果,例如程式碼重複、更難的調試和不清晰的組件結構。

錯誤:過度依賴 Mixins

Mixin 可以建立隱藏的依賴關係並使程式碼更難以理解。當多個元件共用同一個 mixin 時,可能很難追蹤特定邏輯的來源,特別是當不同的 mixin 組合在一起時。

解決方案:使用 Composition API 或 Provide/Inject

不要嚴重依賴 mixin,而是考慮使用 Vue 3 的 Composition API 或提供/注入功能。這些替代方案可以更好地分離關注點以及更模組化、可測試的程式碼。

範例:使用 Composition API

以下是如何使用 Composition API 取代 mixin:

<!-- Old way with mixins -->
export const myMixin = {
  data() {
    return {
      sharedData: 'Hello',
  methods: {
    sharedMethod() {
      console.log('This is a shared method');

// Component using the mixin
export default {
  mixins: [myMixin],
  created() {

現在,使用 Composition API:

  <div>{{ sharedData }}</div>

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const sharedData = ref('Hello');

    function sharedMethod() {
      console.log('This is a shared method');

    // Calling the method (e.g., in a lifecycle hook)

    return {

使用 Composition API 讓您的程式碼更加明確、更易於測試,並減少 mixins 引入的隱藏複雜性。

3. 狀態管理不當

狀態管理在任何應用程式中都至關重要,尤其是在處理複雜的 UI 時。 Vue.js 開發人員通常使用 Vuex 進行狀態管理,但隨著 Pinia 的引入,出現了更現代、更直觀的替代方案。然而,狀態管理解決方案使用不當可能會導致程式碼難以維護和擴展。



解決方案:選擇 Pinia 以獲得更好的狀態管理

Pinia 是 Vue.js 官方推薦的狀態管理函式庫,與 Vuex 相比,它提供了更簡單、更模組化的方法。它是類型安全的,支援 Vue 3 的 Composition API,並且更易於使用。

Example: Using Pinia for State Management

Here’s how you can set up a simple store using Pinia:

# Install Pinia
npm install pinia

Create a store:

// stores/counter.js
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';

export const useCounterStore = defineStore('counter', {
  state: () => ({
    count: 0,
  actions: {
    increment() {

Using the store in a component:

    <p>Count: {{ count }}</p>
    <button @click="increment">Increment</button>

import { useCounterStore } from './stores/counter';
import { computed } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const counterStore = useCounterStore();

    // Use computed to map the state
    const count = computed(() => counterStore.count);

    return {
      increment: counterStore.increment,

Pinia’s API is intuitive, and its integration with Vue’s Composition API makes state management more straightforward and less error-prone.

4. Neglecting Component Communication

Effective communication between components is key in Vue.js applications. Mismanaging this communication can result in tight coupling between components, making your codebase harder to maintain and extend.

Mistake: Using $parent and $children

Relying on $parent and $children for component communication creates tight coupling between components, making the code difficult to scale and maintain. These properties are brittle and can lead to unexpected behaviors.

Solution: Use Props, Events, or Provide/Inject

Instead of using $parent and $children, leverage Vue's built-in props and events for parent-child communication. For more complex hierarchies, the provide/inject API is a better solution.

Example: Using Provide/Inject for Complex Communication

Here’s an example using provide/inject:

<!-- ParentComponent.vue -->
  <ChildComponent />

import { provide } from 'vue';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    provide('sharedData', 'Hello from Parent');
<!-- ChildComponent.vue -->
  <p>{{ sharedData }}</p>

import { inject } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup() {
    const sharedData = inject('sharedData');
    return { sharedData };

Provide/Inject allows you to pass data down the component tree without explicitly prop drilling, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.

5. Not Optimizing Performance

Performance is crucial for user experience, and neglecting it can lead to slow and unresponsive applications. Vue.js provides several built-in ways to optimize performance, but failing to use them can result in sluggish apps.

Mistake: Ignoring Vue's Performance Optimization Tools

Vue.js offers a variety of tools to optimize performance, such as lazy loading, the v-once directive, and computed properties. Failing to utilize these tools can lead to slower applications, particularly as they grow in size and complexity.

Solution: Implement Performance Best Practices

Here are some techniques to optimize your Vue.js applications:

  1. Lazy Loading Components: Split your application into smaller chunks and load them on demand.
   const MyComponent = () => import('./components/MyComponent.vue');

   export default {
     components: {
  1. Use v-once for Static Content: The v-once directive ensures that a component or element is only rendered once and will not be re-rendered in future updates.
     <h1 v-once>This will never change</h1>
  1. Utilize Computed Properties: Computed properties are cached based on their dependencies and are only re-evaluated when those dependencies change.
     <div>{{ reversedMessage }}</div>

   import { ref, computed } from 'vue';

   export default {

 setup() {
       const message = ref('Hello Vue 3');

       const reversedMessage = computed(() => {
         return message.value.split('').reverse().join('');

       return { reversedMessage };

There are many other things to keep in mind while improving the performance and by following these best practices, you can ensure that your Vue.js application remains fast and responsive, even as it grows in complexity.


Vue.js is a powerful framework, but like any tool, it requires careful handling to avoid common pitfalls. By leveraging the Vue CLI, being mindful of component communication, properly managing state with Pinia, avoiding the overuse of mixins, and optimizing performance, you can write cleaner, more efficient Vue.js applications. Remember, the key to mastering Vue.js—or any framework—is to continuously learn and adapt. The mistakes mentioned in this article are just a few examples, but by being aware of them, you’ll be better equipped to build scalable and maintainable applications. Happy coding!

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