GRYPHLINE 將在 2024 年東京電玩展 (TGS) 上展出兩款熱門新遊戲《明日方舟:Endfield》和《Poppucom》。
GRYPHLINE 攤位將設立兩款遊戲的試用角。日本版《明日方舟:恩德菲爾德》將在 TGS 上首次預覽。也將舉辦展覽和限量版新奇商品發放。除了搶先體驗遊戲之外,我們還期待以豐富的內容歡迎您的光臨。
◆ 《明日方舟:Endfield》和《Poppucom》 兩款遊戲都可以盡情試玩!
首次在TGS展出的《明日方舟:恩德菲爾德》試運行中,您將能夠體驗戰鬥、探索等多種內容,以及自動化建造系統“Gulse”工業系統”,這是遊戲的一大亮點。請借此機會欣賞將在TGS 首次推出的日文版。
*您可以自行參與試用。 (工作人員會支持你)
◆ TGS ticket giveaway campaign is underway at Official X!
We are currently holding a campaign where if you follow the official X (formerly Twitter) of ``Arknights: Endfield'' and ``Poppucom'' and repost the relevant post, 20 people will be entered into a lottery to win TGS general visitor tickets. Please join us!
In addition, details on trial play and limited novelty items will be announced soon on official X and the special website. Please take this opportunity to follow Official X and wait for further updates!
“Arknights: Endfield” Official X
“Poppucom” Official X
GRYPHLINE TGS special site
◆Tokyo Game Show 2024/GRYPHLINE booth
Location: Makuhari Messe Hall 3 General Exhibition
Booth number: 03-C05
Date: [Business Day] Thursday, September 26th and Friday, September 27th, 2024
[Public release date] Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th, 2024
Time: 10:00-17:00 *September 29th (Sunday) only 9:30-16:30
◆Exhibition title overview
“Poppucom” (POPUCOM)
Genre: Cooperative adventure game
Number of people: 2 or more people
Compatible platforms: Steam, PlayStation5/4, Epic
Price: TBD
Developer: Hypergryph
Official site: https://popucom.gryphline.com
“Arknights: Endfield”
Genre: 3D real-time strategy RPG
Supported platforms: iOS, Android, PlayStation5, PC
Price: Basic free
Developer: Hypergryph
Official site: https://endfield.gryphline.com
"GRYPHLINE" is a new publishing brand that aims to provide high-quality game content to users around the world. In expanding globally, GRYPHLINE is working on businesses such as "game development support," "localization," "marketing," and "customer service."
In addition to releasing "Ex Astris" in February 2024, we are currently planning to distribute two titles: "Arknights: Endfield" and "Poppucom."
GRYPHLINE official website: https://www.gryphline.com