首頁 >電腦教學 >故障排查 >lol電腦設定偵測工具哪個比較好用?


2024-08-24 18:31:09976瀏覽

英雄聯盟電腦配置偵測工具琳瑯滿目,該如何選擇最適合自己的? php小編百草為您介紹幾款熱門的設定偵測工具,協助您輕鬆判斷電腦效能,掌握遊戲體驗。




CPU:奔騰 G5400 (其實賽揚就夠了,但賽揚應付其他工作會有點吃不​​消,還是奔騰好) 400左右。

記憶體:8G DDR4 選個大牌例如金士頓,300搞定




電源:400W 選全漢之類的 130塊搞定


還居然剩了。 。 。搞個比較有性價比的顯示器吧,三星的或是飛利浦的。

這個配置的話,應對lol絕對流暢(畢竟lol真的很不挑食)CF。 。 。現在的核芯顯卡都能跑,就不多說了。







了解電腦性能 - 透過檢測結果,您可以清楚地知道自己電腦的硬體配置情況,從而判斷其整體性能水平,是否滿足日常使用需求。選購硬體配件 - 在購買新的CPU、記憶體、顯示卡等硬體時,知道當前電腦的參數非常重要,可以幫助您選購與之匹配的配件,避免出現相容性問題。診斷電腦問題 - 如果電腦出現運作緩慢、藍屏等問題,查看電腦配置資訊有助於快速定位問題所在,為後續維修提供依據。記錄電腦變更 - 定期使用設定偵測工具,可以記錄您電腦硬體的變更歷史,為日後維護提供參考。



下載並安裝適當的設定偵測軟體,例如 CPU-Z、HWMonitor、Speccy等。這些工具大多免費且易於操作。開啟軟體,它會自動掃描您電腦的硬體參數,並以清晰直觀的介面展示結果。仔細查看各項硬體指標,如CPU型號、記憶體容量、硬碟容量等。必要時可記錄下來以便日後參考。如果發現某些硬體配置不符合您的需求,可以考慮升級或更換相應的硬體。



CPU-Z - 這是一款免費的硬體檢測工具,可以詳細顯示CPU、主機板、記憶體等資訊。介面簡潔,使用方便。 HWMonitor - 除了顯示硬體配置,該工具還能即時監測CPU、記憶體、硬碟等的使用情況,非常全面。 Speccy - 這款工具不僅能偵測硬體配置,還能提供相關硬體的溫度、電壓等更多細節資訊。 AIDA64 - 強大的系統資訊診斷工具,除了硬體資訊還能偵測系統穩定性、效能等。收費版本提供更多專業功能。


















英雄聯盟(League of Legends,簡稱LOL)是一款備受歡迎的多人線上戰鬥競技遊戲,但是想要暢玩這款遊戲,擁有一台符合要求的電腦是必不可少的。




下載工具:在官方網站上下載並安裝LOL電腦設定偵測工具。 運行工具:開啟工具,在介面上點選開始偵測按鈕。 等待檢測結果:工具會自動掃描你的電腦,檢測過程可能需要一些時間,請耐心等待。 查看評估報告:偵測完成後,工具會產生詳細的評估報告,顯示你的電腦是否符合LOL的系統需求,並提供最佳化建議。



準確度:工具採用成熟的偵測演算法,能夠精確判斷你的電腦是否符合LOL的系統需求。 便利性:只需簡單的幾步操作,即可完成檢測,無需繁瑣的手動配置。 及時性:工具能夠快速評估你的電腦配置,並給予最佳化建議,保證你在玩LOL時的流暢體驗。 可靠性:工具由經驗豐富的開發團隊設計,確保了其可靠性和穩定性。 適用範圍:工具不僅適用於LOL,還可用於其他一些對電腦配置有要求的遊戲和軟體。







6. Computer hardware performance testing tool - Comprehensive diagnosis of computer configuration

Computer hardware performance testing is a very important task. It can help us fully understand the computer's hardware configuration, so as to optimize and upgrade it in a targeted manner. Whether it is daily use or high-load scenarios such as gaming and video editing, it is necessary to detect and evaluate key hardware parameters such as the computer's CPU, memory, and hard disk.

The importance of computer hardware performance testing

Computer hardware performance testing can help us understand the overall configuration of the computer, including key parameters such as CPU model, main frequency, number of cores, memory capacity and frequency, hard disk capacity and read and write speed. Through comprehensive detection and analysis of these parameters, we can better evaluate the overall performance of the computer and carry out targeted optimization and upgrades.

For example, if you find that the CPU performance is insufficient, you can consider upgrading to a higher-performance CPU model; if the memory capacity is insufficient, you can increase the number or capacity of the memory; if the hard disk read and write speed is slow, you can replace it with a solid-state drive, etc. These targeted optimizations and upgrades all rely on the results of computer hardware performance testing.

Recommended computer hardware performance testing tools

There are many computer hardware performance testing tools on the market, among which the more commonly used and professional ones are:

CPU-Z: can detect hardware parameters such as CPU, motherboard, memory, etc. HWMonitor: can monitor CPU, GPU, hard disk and other hardware temperature and load conditions CrystalDiskMark: can test the read and write speed of the hard disk 3DMark: can test the computer's 3D graphics performance PCMark: can comprehensively test the computer's office, entertainment and other aspects of performance

These tools are free and powerful Computer hardware performance testing software can help us fully understand the computer's hardware configuration and provide a basis for subsequent optimization and upgrades.

How to use computer hardware performance testing tools

Using computer hardware performance testing tools is generally divided into the following steps:

Download and install the appropriate testing tool, such as the above recommended CPU-Z, HWMonitor, etc. Open the testing tool, it will Automatically scan and display the computer's hardware parameters. Check each hardware parameter carefully to understand the overall configuration of the computer. Based on the detection results, determine which hardware needs to be optimized or upgraded. Targeted hardware optimization or upgrade can improve the overall performance of the computer

By using the computer With hardware performance testing tools, we can have a comprehensive understanding of the computer’s hardware configuration. 7. Which game configuration testing tool is the best?

I don’t know much about Wegame’s configuration detection, but according to your description, if it’s just a problem of hardware heating, it has little to do with whether the configuration requirements meet the standards. If you are playing a game with a better picture, generally speaking The occupancy rate of the hardware can reach more than 80%, which is normal, and at this occupancy rate, it will definitely generate serious heat (different hardware may have different heat levels).

If it is a desktop computer, it may cause the fan to sound too loud. This can be solved by replacing a better radiator (lower sound, or better heat dissipation effect)

If it is a notebook, the fan may sound too loud, maybe It will also cause the keyboard to be hot to the touch. This can be improved by manually replacing silicone grease or using a mechanical keyboard.

Hardware heating is inevitable. Testing the configuration may just check whether you can run it smoothly. Heating is just a side effect of the hardware running.

8. Recommended computer hardware testing tools to quickly understand your computer configuration!

1. CPU-Z

As a commonly used hardware detection software, CPU-Z can provide detailed hardware information such as processors, memory, motherboards, and graphics cards. It can obtain computer hardware model, specifications, operating frequency and other data, and display it in a simple and easy-to-understand interface.

2. GPU-Z

Similar to CPU-Z, GPU-Z focuses on detecting graphics card information. It provides detailed data such as the graphics card model, driver version, temperature, core frequency, etc. It can also monitor the running status of the graphics card in real time to help users understand the performance and health of the graphics card.

3. AIDA64

AIDA64 is a powerful hardware detection tool. In addition to providing common hardware information, it can also perform comprehensive system stability testing, sensor monitoring, performance evaluation and other functions. Users can conduct comprehensive inspection and optimization of computer hardware through AIDA64.

4. CrystalDiskInfo

CrystalDiskInfo is used to detect the health status and performance of the hard drive. It can provide information such as the hard drive's temperature, rotation speed, bad sectors, remaining life, etc. to help users determine whether the hard drive needs to be replaced or repaired.

5. HWMonitor

HWMonitor is a tool used to monitor the status of computer hardware. It can display the temperature, voltage, fan speed and other information of each hardware component in real time, and provides historical data recording function to facilitate users to analyze the usage of the hardware.

6. FurMark

FurMark is a tool used to detect the performance and stability of graphics cards. It evaluates graphics card performance and temperature by running large graphics rendering tests. Users can stress test and troubleshoot graphics cards through FurMark.

7. MemTest86

MemTest86 is a tool specially used to test memory stability and reliability. By running a series of memory tests, it can detect whether there are errors and faults in the memory, and provide detailed test reports to help users diagnose and fix problems.

8. Prime95

Prime95 is a tool used to test CPU performance and stability. It evaluates the performance of the CPU by performing complex mathematical calculations and runs continuously to test the stability and temperature of the CPU over extended periods of use.

