首頁 >電腦教學 >故障排查 >廣州電腦:從歷史到現狀,探討廣州電腦產業的發展


2024-08-24 06:46:54908瀏覽















1. 天河電腦城



2. 南城電腦市場



3. 沙園電子數位廣場



4. 金好電子市場









CPU 選擇

CPU是電腦的核心部件,決定了電腦的運算能力。對於日常辦公室和上網瀏覽來說,Intel Core i5或AMD Ryzen 5處理器就足夠了。如果需要進行影片編輯、3D建模等高效能應用,則可以選擇Intel Core i7或AMD Ryzen 7處理器。




儲存空間主要分為固態硬碟(SSD)和機械硬碟(HDD)兩種。 SSD讀寫速度更快,但容量較小,適合作為系統碟;HDD容量大但速度較慢,適合作為資料盤。對於日常使用,可以選擇128GB SSD + 1TB HDD的組合。


顯示卡決定了電腦的圖形處理能力。對於日常辦公室和上網瀏覽,整合式顯示卡就足夠了。但如果需要進行遊戲、影片編輯等高效能應用程式,則需要選擇獨立顯示卡,如NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650或AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT。














需求溝通:使用者與組裝師傅詳細溝通自己的需求,包括電腦用途、預算、效能要求等。 硬體選擇:根據使用者的需求,組裝師傅為使用者選擇合適的硬體組件,包括主機板、CPU、記憶體、顯示卡等。 組裝安裝:組裝師傅依照所選的硬體組件進行電腦組裝,並進行系統安裝與最佳化配置。 測試調試:組裝完成後,組裝師傅會對電腦進行測試調試,確保其穩定性和性能符合要求。 售後服務:如果電腦故障或其他問題,使用者可以聯絡組裝師傅進行維修和售後服務。




5. What are the rules for Guangzhou’s computer-based enrollment?

1. Students from the area/matching enrollment/accepted by the matching primary school

Every year, the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau will divide the enrollment areas for public primary schools in Guangzhou. Under the condition of "the same population and household", and the registration procedures are completed within the specified time, you can enroll in a public primary school near the location of your household registration according to the location.

2. Co-ordinated students/Co-ordinated enrollment

If school-age children cannot meet the corresponding admission requirements, they are co-ordinated students and need to be co-ordinated for enrollment. Coordination students must wait until public primary schools have admitted students from different areas before they can be admitted. And the schools you are admitted to are not like students from a certain area, who must only go to a certain school.

After the public primary schools have admitted students from the local area, each district education bureau will check the remaining places of the public primary schools in the district and arrange the admission of coordinated students. The admission rule is any primary school within 3 kilometers of the coordinator student's actual residence.

"Actual place of residence" refers to the place where the parents or other legal guardians of the school-age children have property rights and actually live there, or the parents or other legal guardians of the school-age children do not own real estate, but live in the grandparents' property or legally rent and actually live there the only location.

6. Guangzhou computer repair: Comprehensively understand Guangzhou computer repair services and find the solution that best suits you

Overview of Guangzhou computer repair services

Guangzhou computer repair refers to computer troubleshooting, hardware maintenance, and software debugging provided in the Guangzhou area and professional services for computer performance optimization. Whether you are an individual user or a business customer, you may need computer repair services to ensure that your computer equipment operates properly and performs at its best.

Guangzhou computer repair service content

Computer repair services in Guangzhou usually include hardware repair, software troubleshooting, system installation and optimization, data recovery, network troubleshooting and resolution, etc. Hardware maintenance covers troubleshooting and maintenance of various hardware devices such as computer hosts, monitors, keyboards, mice, etc.; software troubleshooting mainly solves abnormal problems of operating systems, office software, anti-virus software, etc.; system installation and optimization are targeted at computer systems. Perform a fresh installation or optimize an existing system to improve performance.

The importance of computer repair services in Guangzhou

In today's information society, computers have become an indispensable tool in people's work, study and life. Therefore, timely and effective computer repair services are crucial for both individual users and corporate customers. Through regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting, the service life of the computer can be extended to the greatest extent, work efficiency can be improved, and data loss and information leakage can be avoided.

How to choose a computer repair service provider in Guangzhou

In the Guangzhou area, there are many companies and individuals that provide computer repair services. How to choose a suitable service provider has become the focus of many people's attention. Users can filter by the following points: reputation and credibility, professional and technical level, service price and after-sales guarantee. Understand the reputation of the service provider by checking user reviews and word-of-mouth; consult to understand the technical strength and qualification certification of the service provider; compare prices and service content, and understand after-sales guarantee measures, etc., which can help users choose the most suitable computer repair service provider for them. business.


Generally speaking, Guangzhou’s computer repair service industry is highly competitive, but it also has many excellent service providers. Choosing a reputable, skilled, and reasonably priced computer repair service provider can protect your computer equipment and ensure that it operates properly and performs at its best.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article can help you better understand and choose Guangzhou computer repair services to ensure that your computer equipment runs stably for a long time.

7. Top ten computer technical schools in Guangzhou

In modern society, computer technology has become an indispensable field. With the rapid development of information technology, more and more people are realizing the importance of learning computer technology. As one of China's economic centers, Guangzhou has naturally given birth to many excellent computer technical schools. In this article, we will introduce you to the top ten computer technical schools in Guangzhou to help those who want to study computer technology in Guangzhou make a wise choice.

1. School of Software, Guangdong University of Technology

The School of Software, Guangdong University of Technology is one of the most reputable computer technical schools in Guangdong. The college has excellent faculty and advanced teaching facilities, providing students with a professional learning environment in computer science and software engineering. The college focuses on the combination of theory and practice to cultivate students' comprehensive abilities and innovative spirit.

2. School of Computer Science, South China University of Technology

The School of Computer Science, South China University of Technology is one of the most influential computer schools in Guangzhou. The college has multiple professional directions, covering computer science, artificial intelligence, network technology and other fields. The college has strong teaching staff and actively cooperates with enterprises to provide students with practical opportunities and employment support.

3. School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University

The School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University is committed to cultivating talents with comprehensive computer knowledge and practical skills. The college has strong teaching staff and complete teaching facilities. The college also focuses on cultivating students’ innovative abilities and encourages students to participate in scientific research projects and entrepreneurial practices.

4. School of Software, South China Normal University

The School of Software, South China Normal University ialah sebuah kolej yang mempunyai tahap akademik yang tinggi dan reputasi yang baik. Kolej ini menawarkan pelbagai kursus yang meliputi bidang seperti kejuruteraan perisian dan pengurusan maklumat. Kolej ini memberi tumpuan kepada memupuk kerja berpasukan dan kebolehan praktikal pelajar untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan keperluan pembangunan sosial.

5. Kolej Sains dan Teknologi Komputer, Universiti Pengajian Asing Guangdong

Kolej Sains dan Teknologi Komputer, Universiti Pengajian Asing Guangdong bertujuan untuk memupuk bakat dengan wawasan antarabangsa dan kepakaran komputer. Kolej ini menawarkan pelbagai arahan profesional, termasuk pembangunan perisian, keselamatan maklumat, dll. Kualiti pengajaran kolej telah diiktiraf secara meluas oleh masyarakat.

6 Pusat Pengajian Maklumat, Universiti Pertanian China Selatan

Pusat Maklumat, Universiti Pertanian China Selatan ialah sekolah teknikal komputer dengan ciri-ciri tersendiri. Kolej ini komited untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi maklumat dengan pertanian dan memupuk bakat dengan keupayaan aplikasi maklumat pertanian. Kolej ini memberi tumpuan kepada pengajaran praktikal dan menyediakan pelajar dengan peluang praktikal dan sokongan projek dalam bidang pertanian.

7 Kolej Data Besar Universiti Normal China Selatan

Kolej Data Besar Universiti Normal China Selatan ialah salah satu sekolah teknikal komputer yang memfokuskan kepada bidang data besar. Kolej ini mempunyai fakulti yang kukuh dan makmal dan pangkalan latihan yang kaya. Semasa pengajian mereka di kolej, pelajar akan didedahkan kepada teknologi canggih seperti analisis data besar dan perlombongan data, meletakkan asas yang kukuh untuk pembangunan kerjaya masa depan.

8. Pusat Pengajian Sains Data dan Sains Komputer, Universiti Sun Yat-sen

Pusat Sains Data dan Sains Komputer, Universiti Sun Yat-sen bertujuan untuk memupuk bakat dengan analisis data dan keupayaan teknologi komputer. Kolej ini mempunyai pelbagai bidang penyelidikan dan makmal untuk menyediakan platform untuk keupayaan penyelidikan saintifik dan potensi inovasi pelajar. Kolej ini juga secara aktif mempromosikan penyertaan pelajar dalam projek praktikal dan pertandingan saintifik.

9 Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer, Universiti Perubatan Guangzhou

Pusat Pengajian Sains Komputer, Universiti Perubatan Guangzhou ialah salah satu sekolah teknikal komputer yang berkaitan dengan perubatan. Kolej ini memberi tumpuan untuk mengaplikasikan teknologi komputer dalam bidang perubatan dan komited untuk memupuk bakat dengan keupayaan aplikasi maklumat perubatan. Kurikulum kolej disepadukan rapat dengan amalan perubatan dan bekerjasama dengan institusi perubatan untuk menyediakan pelajar peluang praktikal.

10 Sekolah Pendidikan Komputer, South China Normal University

The School of Computer Education, South China Normal University ialah salah satu sekolah teknikal komputer yang memfokuskan kepada pendidikan komputer. Kolej ini komited untuk memupuk bakat dengan pengajaran komputer dan keupayaan teknologi pendidikan. Kolej ini mempunyai tenaga pengajar yang kuat dan kurikulum yang komprehensif, menyediakan pelajar dengan latihan menyeluruh dari pendidikan komputer rendah hingga pendidikan komputer sekolah menengah.

