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2024-08-23 06:41:24775瀏覽

電腦硬碟無法打開,令人沮喪且不便。這個問題可能源自於各種原因,包括硬碟故障、檔案系統損壞、病毒感染或硬體相容性問​​題。 php小編魚仔將深入探討硬碟無法開啟的常見原因和解決方法,幫助大家解決這個問題。繼續閱讀本文,了解恢復資料、修復硬碟和防止未來故障的詳細指南。



電腦硬碟打不開的原因及解決:  第一種C、D、E、F盤打不開最常見的原因就是你的電腦中毒了,而且比較嚴重,你的殺毒軟體都沒檢測出來,這時候你可以打開防毒軟體對電腦全盤防毒掃描一下,能發現病毒是最好的。  第二種C盤打不開的原因可能是磁碟壞道的問題,右鍵選擇電腦磁碟,點選屬性,然後選擇工具,點擊開始檢查,透過檢查工具檢查能解決問題最好。第三種打不開C、D、F、F電腦磁碟的原因是權限問題,如果你的用戶主不是管理員,那麼你就無法存取這些磁碟,需要登入管理員帳號,右鍵磁碟,在屬性中編輯使用者權限。  第四種打不開系統盤的原因可能就是電腦硬體出現了問題,可以考慮內存、硬碟等出現的問題,可以將機箱裡的電源進行放電,然後再開機試試。前面四種都適用C、D、E、F電腦磁碟都打不開的情況,如果你只是電腦D盤打不開,或者E盤打不開,那麼右鍵查看本地磁碟屬性的文件類型,Win7正常是NTFS格式的,如果不是你就得格式化這個磁碟,然後選擇正確的系統檔案類型。還有一種情況是雙擊D盤或C盤,提示說C盤沒有格式化,需要格式化,那麼就是這個盤文件出錯了,那麼你可以使用快速格式化,然後再使用數據恢復軟體恢復裡面的數據。  最後一種情況是由於重裝系統不正確,導致某些系統檔案遺失,恢復方法可以用分區軟體對硬碟重新分區格式化,然後再按正確步驟安裝新系統。






  FAT32的硬碟格式並不能支援4GB以上的文件,所以一般來說都是NTFS系統的,如果你是新裝機器,建議各位除了你的C盤和另外一個可能用來ghost的盤外其他盤都格式化成NTFS格式,因為直接格式化的NTFS 比FAT32轉的NTFS性能要高,另外之所以保留C盤為FAT32格式只是一個建議,有dos下安裝系統經驗的朋友可能會有體會。另外,如果你一直只用光碟機安裝系統,而且無需用dos,那麼全用NTFS是最好的了!  但如果你的各個分區已經用了很久,為了數據不能格式化,而只想轉化現在的某個FAT32分區為NTFS,只需要看下面的方法即可!  假設你要轉換你的F盤點擊“開始”——>運行————>輸入CMD,然後按回車鍵,出現命令提示符在命令提示符號後輸入"CONVERT F: /FS:NTFS"(不包括引號,注意在CONVERT後面留一個空格),回車後就會有提示了,然後按照提示去做就可以了。  如果你的磁碟改了名字,系統會要求你輸入當前磁碟卷標,那個卷標就是你改了的名字,比如說F盤,你曾經把磁碟名改為了"遊戲",那麼卷標就是遊戲。  轉換指令輸入後,如果你轉的盤正在使用,系統會提示,轉換會在你重啟機器後自動運行,在下次重啟時就會自動轉換完成。  注意:此方法不可逆轉,FAT32轉到NTFS後不可轉回,當然也沒必要轉回,一定要轉回可以格式化硬碟。你若嫌麻煩可以去下個DISK Genius,功能很強大的。裡面有很多功能你看看就懂了。祝你好運! !


你所說的應該是移動硬碟不響應吧插上有圖表沒反應! !這種情況一般都是由於硬碟盒和硬碟之間的連接不良造成的你可以試試用點力插下插頭順便問一下你的硬碟不會是三星的吧!


進入BIOS, 選擇IntegratedPeripherals 進入chipsetidedevices 進入SATAmode選擇IDE模式 按F10,確定。 重新開機Ok。



2. Next, you need to select System Protection in the left navigation bar

3. In the pop-up window, select the hard drive that enables restore points

4. Select disable restore points and delete previously saved data, then click OK ,

5. Select Disk Cleanup in the pop-up window.

6. Check all the options inside (it has been cleaned before, so there is not much garbage), and then click OK to release the hard drive.

8. What should I do if the hard drive is broken and the computer cannot be turned on?

Analysis: The computer shows that the startup disk is not found. If the CMOS startup items have not been modified before, it is generally because the hard disk fails such as poor contact or damage and fails to pass the power-on self-test, or the hard disk master boot record is damaged.


1. Turn off the power and open the case, re-plug and unplug the hard drive power cord and data cable (if it is a laptop, just re-plug the hard drive), then turn on the computer, press the DEL key (F2 or other for laptops) ) Enter the BOOT tab in CMOS to see if the hard disk information can be detected. If possible, set the hard disk as the first startup item. Press F10 to save and press Y to confirm to exit and restart.

2. If the hard disk is detected but still cannot be started, use the system U disk or CD to start the computer, run DISKGENIUS to detect the hard disk and rebuild the master boot record MBR.

3. If the above operations are ineffective, you need to reinstall the system. There are many ways to reinstall the system. It is recommended to reinstall the system using CD.

4. If the hard drive cannot be detected, replace the hard drive power cable and data cable. If it fails, replace the hard drive and reinstall the system.

9. Can’t open a partition of the computer hard drive?

Open "My Computer" - "Tools" - "Folder Options" - "File Types", and then the system will find many types of file types. You use the scroll bar to find "Drive", click it, and then find it below "Advanced" - "New" - In the pop-up dialog box, enter "open" for the operation item, enter "C:WINDOWSexplorer.exe" for the application used to perform the operation, [note, without quotation marks] and finally click OK. . First, right-click to open the disk. If that doesn't work, enter safe mode, right-click to open, execute "Tools/Folder Options" in the Windows menu, display all files in "View", and check "Hide protected system files" Remove. Check what files are inside, and then delete the self-running and other virus files in the root directory of the removable disk.

If it cannot be deleted, close the virus process in "Task Manager" (Ctrl+Alt+Del).

In addition, enter "msconfig" in "Run" (Win+R) to disable viruses during startup. Solutions to the problem that hard disk partitions cannot be opened by double-clicking: 1. If there are hidden files such as autorun.inf in each partition, it is best to restart the computer after deleting them.

2. Reset the opening method in the file type (take XP as an example). Open My Computer - Tools - Folder Options - File Types, find "Drive" or "Folder" (which one you choose depends on you If the problem encountered is that the drive cannot be opened by double-clicking, select "Drive"; if the folder cannot be opened, select "Folder").

Click "Advanced" below, click "New" in the "Edit File Type" dialog box, fill in "open" in the operation (this can be filled in at will, if there is "open" and it points to other unfamiliar .exe files It may point to a Trojan, select "Edit"), fill in explorer.exe in the application used to perform the operation, and confirm.

Then return to the "Edit File Type" window, select "open", set it as the default value, and confirm. Now open the partition or folder to see if it has returned to normal? 3. Registry method:

a. For partitions that cannot be opened by double-clicking, start - run - enter regedit, find [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDriveshell] and delete all under the shell, then close the registry, press F5 on the keyboard to refresh, double-click the partition and look again .

b. For folders that cannot be opened by double-clicking, start - run - enter regedit, find [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshell] and delete everything under the shell, then close the registry, press F5 on the keyboard to refresh, double-click the partition and look again.

10. Computer Hard Drive Development

Development of Computer Hard Drive

Computer hard drive, as a computer storage device, has experienced a long period of development. In the past, computer hard drives were mainly mechanical hard drives, which stored data through mechanical rotation. With the advancement of technology, solid-state drives (SSDs) have gradually emerged, gradually replacing mechanical hard drives with their advantages of fast reading and writing, stability and durability. Today, solid-state drives have become a mainstream device for computer storage.

The Development History of Solid State Drives

The development of solid state drives can be traced back to the 1970s, when it was used as the internal memory of computers. However, due to technical limitations and cost issues, SSDs were not widely used at the time. Until recent years, with the advancement of semiconductor technology and material science, the performance and capacity of solid-state drives have been greatly improved, and their prices have gradually been reduced, becoming a mainstream product in the computer storage market.

Types of Solid State Drives

According to different application scenarios and needs, there are many classification methods of Solid State Drives. Classified by interface, there are SATA SSD, PCIe SSD and M.2 SSD, etc.; classified by capacity, there are various specifications from tens of GB to hundreds of TB; classified by flash memory type, there are different types such as TLC, MLC and SLC. Among them, PCIe SSD has higher read and write speeds and larger capacity, and has become the main storage device for high-performance computers.

Advantages of Solid State Drives

Compared with mechanical hard drives, Solid State Drives have many advantages. First of all, solid-state drives have fast read and write speeds and low latency, which can greatly improve the overall performance of the computer. Secondly, the solid-state drive is shock-proof and drop-proof, making it more stable and reliable to use. In addition, solid-state drives also have the advantages of low power consumption, low temperature, and no noise. As a result, SSDs have become the storage device of choice among many computer users.

Future Development Trend

With the continuous development of technology, the future development trend of solid-state drives will become more obvious. First of all, with the continuous emergence of new materials and new technologies, the performance and capacity of solid-state drives will be further improved. Secondly, solid-state drives will gradually spread to more application areas, such as mobile devices, Internet of Things devices, etc. In addition, the price of solid-state drives will also gradually decrease, allowing more users to enjoy the convenience brought by solid-state drives.

