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Ansible 入門 - 初學者指南:日復一日的 DevOps 工具系列

2024-08-23 06:04:011182瀏覽

Getting Started with Ansible - The Beginner’s Guide : Day of days DevOps Tools Series

歡迎來到我們的「50 天 50 個 DevOps 工具」系列的第 30 天!今天,我們將探索 Ansible,它是 DevOps 工具包中最重要的工具之一。本部落格將向您介紹 Ansible 的基礎知識,分解其關鍵組件並向您展示如何從簡單的範例開始。我們會讓事情簡單明了,使其成為初學者的完美起點。

什麼是 Ansible?

Ansible 是一款開源自動化工具,可簡化設定管理、應用程式部署和編排等任務。它的設計簡單但功能強大,可讓您自動執行重複性任務並更有效地管理您的基礎架構。


無代理: Ansible 不需要在遠端系統上安裝任何代理,這減少了開銷。
人類可讀的 YAML Playbook: Ansible 使用 YAML(另一種標記語言)來編寫 Playbook,易於閱讀和編寫。

為什麼要使用 Ansible?

無代理架構:由於 Ansible 是無代理的,因此無需在客戶端系統上安裝任何額外的軟體,從而減少開銷和潛在的安全風險。

簡單語法: Ansible 使用 YAML 作為其 playbook,它易於閱讀和編寫,甚至對於自動化新手來說也很容易使用。

冪等性: Ansible 確保無論目前狀態如何都能實現所需的狀態。這意味著多次運行劇本不會導致問題或重複操作。

廣泛的社群支援: Ansible 擁有龐大且活躍的社區,擁有豐富的角色、模組和劇本,可以重複使用和客製化以滿足您的需求。

可擴展性:無論管理幾台伺服器還是數千台伺服器,Ansible 都可以很好地擴展,使其適合各種規模的組織。

Ansible 的核心元件

清單:這是 Ansible 管理的主機(伺服器)清單。庫存可以是靜態的(在文件中定義)或動態的(由腳本產生)。

模組:模組是 Ansible 的主力。它們在遠端主機上執行,以執行安裝套件、複製檔案或管理服務等任務。

Playbook: Playbook 是 Ansible 的設定、部署和編排語言。它們以 YAML 編寫,描述了一系列要在主機上執行的任務。




設定 Ansible

讓我們從在控制節點上安裝 Ansible 開始。安裝過程非常簡單,並且根據您的作業系統略有不同。

在 Ubuntu/Debian 上安裝 Ansible

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible -y

在 CentOS/RHEL 上安裝 Ansible

sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install ansible -y

安裝後,您可以透過執行以下命令來驗證 Ansible 是否已正確安裝:

ansible --version

寫你的第一本 Ansible 手冊

讓我們建立一個簡單的劇本來在遠端伺服器上安裝 Nginx。我們將從定義庫存開始。

第 1 步:建立庫存檔案


此清單檔案定義了一個名為 webservers 的群組,其中包含兩個伺服器。

第 2 步:寫劇本
接下來,我們將編寫一個劇本來在這些伺服器上安裝和啟動 Nginx。

建立一個名為 nginx_setup.yml 的檔案:

- name: Install Nginx on web servers
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes

    - name: Install Nginx
        name: nginx
        state: present

    - name: Start Nginx service
        name: nginx
        state: started
        enabled: true

Understanding the Playbook

name: A human-readable description of what the playbook or task does.
hosts: Specifies the group of hosts (from the inventory) where the playbook should run.
become: Indicates that Ansible should use elevated privileges (like sudo).
tasks: Lists the steps that Ansible will execute. Here, we’re installing Nginx and ensuring the service is started and enabled on boot.

Step 3: Run the Playbook
To execute the playbook, run the following command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts nginx_setup.yml

This command tells Ansible to run the tasks in nginx_setup.yml on the hosts defined in the hosts inventory file.

Real-Life Scenario: Automating Package Installation

Consider a scenario where you need to install a set of packages on multiple servers. Doing this manually would be time-consuming and prone to errors. With Ansible, you can automate this task easily.

Here’s a simple playbook to install multiple packages:

- name: Install essential packages
  hosts: all
  become: yes

    - name: Install packages
          - git
          - curl
          - htop
        state: present

In this playbook, Ansible installs git, curl, and htop on all servers listed in the inventory. The apt module ensures that each package is installed.

Real-Life Example: Simplifying User Management

Imagine you need to create a new user on multiple servers and assign them to specific groups. Manually performing this task on each server would be tedious. With Ansible, it’s a breeze.

Here’s how you can do it:

- name: Create a new user
  hosts: all
  become: yes

    - name: Create user "devuser"
        name: devuser
        state: present
        groups: sudo

This playbook creates a new user devuser on all managed servers and adds them to the sudo group.

Benefits of Using Ansible

Consistency: Ansible ensures that your systems are configured consistently, reducing the risk of configuration drift.
Efficiency: Automating repetitive tasks frees up time for more critical work.
Scalability: Whether managing a handful of servers or thousands, Ansible scales effortlessly.
Flexibility: Ansible’s modular approach allows you to customize and extend its functionality as needed.


Ansible is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool that can dramatically simplify the management of your infrastructure. With just a few lines of code, you can automate complex tasks, ensuring consistency and reliability across your environment. Whether you're setting up servers, deploying applications, or managing configurations, Ansible can help you do it more efficiently.

Tomorrow, we'll dive into more advanced Ansible topics, exploring features that can take your automation to the next level. Stay tuned!

? Make sure to follow me on LinkedIn for the latest updates: Shiivam Agnihotri

以上是Ansible 入門 - 初學者指南:日復一日的 DevOps 工具系列的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
