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苦惱於桌上型電腦無法無線上網?別擔心! php小編蘋果帶來詳細指南,一步一步教你如何擺脫網路線的束縛,盡享無線網路的便利。繼續閱讀,了解如何輕鬆實現桌上型電腦無線連接,告別網線困擾,擁抱自由自在的上網體驗!



1、啟動Windows 10作業系統,如圖所示。點選工作列搜尋框。

2、如圖所示,搜尋框輸入"控制面板"。 Cortana(小娜)顯示搜尋結果,點擊"最佳匹配→控制面板"項目。





7、如圖所示,彈出"WLAN 屬性"對話框設定無線網卡的屬性。













另外一種接受無線路由器網路訊號原理和筆記型電腦無線上網是一樣的,只要給桌上型電腦添加一塊無線網卡即可,目前可選購的無線網卡類型主要有:PCI 無線網卡和USB無線網卡。由於目前USB無線網卡價格便宜,100元以下就可以買到,可以透過USB介面實現,非常方便,是目前桌上型電腦首選的無線上網方式。









2、雙擊之後彈出一個頁面,選擇“安裝驅動程式” ,選擇購買型號網卡的驅動,先選定,再點安裝;

3. Download the wireless network card of the corresponding model from the official website of the wireless network card to install the driver. After the download is complete, unzip it;

4. Open the decompressed file and find "Setup.exe", double-click it. After completing the installation, restart the computer to complete.

5. Warm reminder: The USB wireless network card must be connected to a laptop or desktop; it is recommended to restart the computer after installing the driver.

5. How to connect the wireless set-top box to the desktop computer to access the Internet?

TVs that can connect to wireless WiFi networks and ordinary TVs can connect to the Internet in the following ways: Internet TV - As the name suggests, Internet TV is a TV that has network functions and can connect to a broadband network. Once connected, You can watch some of the resources that come with the TV.

If it is an Internet TV, it is recommended to connect an Internet set-top box, because this type of TV has now been discontinued and has basically been eliminated; smart TV - equipped with an open operating system (mainly Android system), They all have built-in wireless WiFi network cards, so you can connect to the Internet. You can watch the built-in resources or install third-party software for use. Compared with online TV users, the user experience is more humane and free. Nowadays, they are basically smart TVs, and non-smart TVs are gradually decreasing; ordinary LCD TVs cannot be directly connected to the wireless network, and can only be connected to the TV indirectly through the network set-top box, and then the box is connected to the wireless network. At this time, ordinary TVs are A device that outputs the network content of the box can also be said to be a display. Generally, TVs with built-in wifi are network smart TVs, which have the function of network set-top boxes; how to connect the TV to the wireless network to watch network TV programs:

1. Required conditions: a wireless router connected to the Internet, Internet TV (Take Skyworth Coola TV as an example, the connection and setting methods of other Internet TV are similar); (Router) (TV)

2. Start the TV and use the remote control to enter the TV The "Kukai Settings" interface of the machine;

3. Under the Kukai Settings interface, select "Network Settings";

4. Under the Network Settings interface, select "Wireless Network";

5. Under the wireless network settings interface, select "Automatically obtain IP";

6. Then, the system will automatically search for wifi signals, and the user selects Select the wifi signal and enter the corresponding password to connect to the wireless network.

7. After the connection is successful, the router will automatically assign an IP address to the TV. Once the TV obtains the IP address, it means that the TV has successfully connected to the wireless network.

8. At this time, the user can exit the settings and return to the Internet TV interface of the TV to select and watch Internet TV programs.

6. How to connect a wireless network card to a desktop computer to access the Internet?

The specific method is as follows:

1. Connect the external wireless network card, such as usb wireless network card, to the computer, and select the computer icon on the desktop of the computer system;

# 🎜🎜#2. After selecting the computer icon, use the right button of the mouse to click on the computer icon;

3. In the pop-up right-click menu, select the management button and click to enter the computer management interface and select Device Manager ;

4. In the device manager of the computer, search for the network;

5. Under the network icon, check the status of the wireless network card;

#🎜🎜 #6. Select the wireless network card, right-click to view the Internet protocol of the wireless network card;

7. After checking the Internet protocol of the wireless network card, check whether the wireless driver is normal;

8. Check that the driver and Internet protocol of the wireless network card are normal. I enter the wireless management interface and search for wireless signals;

9. After finding the wireless wifi signal, click on it, and then enter the password to enter the wireless connection The use of network and wireless network card is completed.

7. Is it easy to use a wireless network card for desktop computers?

1. The wireless network can reach or even exceed the Gigabit speed, but the wired network can reach the 10G speed, so the wireless network cannot exceed the wired network speed. But it is still no problem to exceed the Gigabit cable of the Category 5e network cable in your hand.

2. USB network cards are generally not as good as pcie network cards. In terms of interface speed, USB3.0 is now similar to PCIEx1. However, the 2.4g wireless network card working in USB3.0 mode is obsolete, and Bluetooth is also obsolete, because the frequency of USB3 is close to the two, which will cause serious problems. Interference. In addition, due to size limitations, USB network cards generally do not perform very well. Those with good performance are more expensive than PCIe network cards with the same performance.

3. bcm43960 is good. It supports win10 as a desktop network card. Driver problems are usually solved by merchants. I remember that the 5g of this card can support up to 1.3g, which is probably higher than your wired rate. But the question is, you want to play games. The impact of bandwidth rate on games is not that big. Most games do not occupy high bandwidth. When playing games, what matters is the delay. Compared with wireless networks and wired networks, the delay of wired networks is almost certainly lower than that of wireless networks, and this is without considering wireless interference. So let’s play games on a cable network.

8. How to set up the wireless network card to connect to the desktop computer?

1. First, plug the wireless network card into the USB port of your desktop computer.

2. After the desktop computer detects the wireless network card, it will automatically detect the USB wireless network card driver. (Note: If it is an XP system, you may need to insert the driver CD into the computer for installation)

3. After installing the driver, a prompt window will pop up on the desktop.

4. Then right-click the "Network Icon" in the lower right corner of the desktop and select "Open Network and Sharing Center".

5. After entering the interface, we will see the connected "Local Area Connection". Then, click "Change Adapter Settings" on the left side of the interface.

6. After entering the interface, right-click on the newly installed wireless device and select the "Connect/Disconnect" option.

7. Then, the wireless connection list will pop up in the lower right corner of the desktop, select the wireless network you need to connect to, and then connect.

9. How to set up wifi for desktop computer wireless network card?

The desktop wireless network card can set up wifi through the following steps: 1. Required materials: Prepare a computer and a wireless network card; 2. Specific operation steps: 1. Confirm that the wireless network card can be used normally, and then press the key combination "win" Key + R" to open "Run"; 2. Enter "cmd" and click "OK" to open the "Command Prompt" window; 3. Enter "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Test" in the "Command Prompt" key=0123456789" (friendly reminder: the key value here must be more than 8 characters, otherwise the creation will fail), press Enter, and the system will automatically virtualize a wifi hotspot; 4. Click the icon in the lower right corner of the computer to open "Network and Sharing Center", then click "Change Adapter Settings" on the left, and an additional network connection will appear; 5. Right-click on the local connection and click "Properties"; 6. Switch to "Sharing" and click on Put a check mark in a box, select "Wireless Connection 2" in the selection box below, and click "OK"; 7. Finally, also enter "netsh wlan start hostednetwork" in the command prompt, press Enter, wifi hotspot It will be created successfully.

10. How to enable wireless Internet access on a desktop computer without using a wireless network card? Are there any other methods?

It’s not difficult to add a wireless network card function to a desktop computer, either USB or PCIE to wireless.

If you don’t have broadband or wireless routing at home, you can use 4G or 5G traffic to access the Internet.

