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建立非 Todo 應用程式的東西:線上多人貪吃蛇遊戲

2024-08-21 06:19:32915瀏覽

我最近偶然發現了科技影響者「the primeagen」的一句話,我不太記得了,但我記得它是這樣的:


這讓我開始思考我的程式設計之旅。我已經非常熟悉構建後端,甚至可以編寫 import express from 'express';已經變成了一件苦差事。

為了建立我的第百萬個革命性的待辦事項應用程序,我沒有經歷學習另一個JavaScript 框架的經典事件(因為顯然,世界需要更多這樣的應用程式),我決定做點別的事情。我一直在閱讀有關 WebSocket 協定的內容,發現它處理伺服器和客戶端之間雙向非同步訊息的能力非常令人著迷。我想用它來建構一些東西,但我需要脫離 JavaScript。

經過一番考慮,我選擇了一款簡單的多人 2D 遊戲。它將涉及計算(碰撞檢測)、資料結構(鍊錶、雜湊圖)和玩家同步。貪食蛇遊戲似乎很完美,有一些簡單的規則:

  1. 吃水果可以讓你成長,並為你的分數加 1

  2. 撞到其他玩家的身體會讓你縮小,隨機重置你的位置,並將你的分數歸零

  3. 正面碰撞會導致雙方玩家縮小,重置位置,並將分數歸零

所有這些計算都發生在伺服器端,以防止玩家篡改遊戲邏輯。我們將使用 Python 3 和 Pygame 進行圖形處理,並使用 websockets 函式庫透過 asyncio 處理非同步訊息。



你已經讀夠了我的咆哮,讓我們繼續有趣的部分:編碼。但如果您想跳過廢話並直接投入使用,只需前往 GitHub 存儲庫即可。


class Object :
    def __init__(self , x : float , y :float ,  width:int , height :int):

        #  init object's size and postion  #           
        self.x = x
        self.y = y 
        self.height = height
        self.width = width

    def render(self , screen , color) :
        pygame.draw.rect(screen ,color ,pygame.Rect(self.x , self.y , self.width , self.height))

class Player(Object) :

    def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, width: int, height: int):
        super().__init__(x, y, width, height)
        self.next = None
        self.prev = None
        self.tail = self
        self.direction = 'LEFT'
        self.length = 1
        self.color = 'red'

    # move the Snake to a certain direction
    # the "changed" will be a way to tell  either to continue in the same direction 
    # or change the direction of the head to the new direction
    # it is used in the game

    def change_direction(self, keys):
        changed = False
        if self.direction in ['LEFT', 'RIGHT']:
            if keys[pygame.K_w] and self.direction != 'DOWN':
                self.direction = 'UP'
                changed = True
            elif keys[pygame.K_s] and self.direction != 'UP':
                self.direction = 'DOWN'
                changed = True
        elif self.direction in ['UP', 'DOWN']:
            if keys[pygame.K_a] and self.direction != 'RIGHT':
                self.direction = 'LEFT'
                changed = True
            elif keys[pygame.K_d] and self.direction != 'LEFT':
                self.direction = 'RIGHT'
                changed = True
        return changed  

    # move the Snake to a certain direction with a certain speed
    def move(self, screen, dt):
        speed = 150 * dt 
        if self.direction == 'UP':
            self.move_all(screen, 0, -speed)
        elif self.direction == 'DOWN':
            self.move_all(screen, 0, speed)
        elif self.direction == 'LEFT':
            self.move_all(screen, -speed, 0)
        elif self.direction == 'RIGHT':
            self.move_all(screen, speed, 0)
    def bound(self , screen) :
        if self.y < 0  :
            self.y = screen.get_height()
        if self.y > screen.get_height() :
            self.y = 0

        if self.x < 0  :
            self.x = screen.get_width()
        if self.x > screen.get_width() :
            self.x = 0

    def get_pos(self) :
        arr = []
        current = self 
        while current :
            arr.append([current.x , current.y])
            current = current.next
        return arr

    # move the snake and its body to some coordinates 
    def move_all(self, screen, dx, dy):
        # Store old positions
        old_positions = []
        current = self
        while current:
            old_positions.append((current.x, current.y))
            current = current.next

        # Move head
        self.x += dx
        self.y += dy
        # self.render(screen, self.color)

        # Move body
        current = self.next
        i = 0
        while current:
            current.x, current.y = old_positions[i]
            # current.render(screen, self.color)
            current = current.next
            i += 1           

    def add(self ):
        new = Player(self.tail.x+self.tail.width+10 ,
                     self.tail.y ,self.tail.width ,                    
        new.prev = self.tail 
        self.tail.next = new
        self.tail = new
        self.length +=1

    def shrink(self , x , y):
        self.next = None 
        self.tail = self 
        self.length = 1
        self.x = x 
        self.y = y

    # used for the and the opponent player when 
    # receiving its coordinates
    def setall(self , arr) :
        self.x = arr[0][0]
        self.y = arr[0][1]
        self.next = None
        self.tail = self
        current = self 
        for i in range(1 , len(arr)) :
            x = arr[i][0]
            y = arr[i][1]
            new = Player(x ,y ,self.width , self.height)
            current.next = new 
            self.tail = new
            current = current.next 

   # render the whole snake on the screen 
   # used for both the current player and the opponent
    def render_all(self, screen, color):
        current = self        
        if self.next : 
            current = self.next
        while current :
            current.render(screen , color) 
            current = current.next

Object 類別是遊戲物件的基類,而 Player 類別則使用蛇特定的功能擴展了它。 Player 類別包含用於改變方向、移動、增加、縮小和渲染蛇的方法。


import pygame 
from objects import Player
import websockets 
import asyncio
import json

uri = 'ws://localhost:8765'


# Render the text on a transparent surface
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)

# playing the main theme (you should hear it)
def play() :

def stop():
    if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy():  # Check if music is playing

# initialize players and the fruit
def init(obj) :
    player = Player(*obj['my'][0])
    opp = Player(*obj['opp'][0] )
    food = Food(*obj['food'])
    return (player , opp , food)

async def main():

    async with websockets.connect(uri) as ws:
        choice = int(input('1 to create a room \n2 to join a room\n>>>'))
        room_name = input('enter room name: ')
        await ws.send(json.dumps({
            "choice" : choice ,
            "room" : room_name

        ## waiting for the other player to connecet
        res = {}
        while True:
            res = await ws.recv()
                res = json.loads(res)

            except Exception as e:

        player, opp, food = init(res) 
        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400))
        clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        running = True
        dt = 0
        while running:
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                    running = False

            my_pos = {
                'pos': player.get_pos(), 
                'len': player.length
            await ws.send(json.dumps(my_pos))
            response = await ws.recv()
            response = json.loads(response)

            # Update food position
            pygame.draw.rect(screen ,'green' ,pygame.Rect(response['food'][0] ,response['food'][1] ,20, 20))
            # Handle actions
            if response['act'] == 'grow':
            elif response['act'] == 'shrinkall':
            elif response['act'] == 'shrink':
                # restarting the song each time you bump into the other player

            # Render everything once per frame 
            player.render_all(screen, 'red')
            opp.render_all(screen, 'blue')

            ## score
            ## x | y => x you , y opponent
            text = font.render(f'{response["my_score"]} | {response["other_score"]}', True, (255, 255, 255))

            screen.blit(text, (0, 0)) 

            keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            changed = player.change_direction(keys)
            # keep moving in the same direction if it is not changed
            if not changed:
                player.move(screen, dt)

            dt = clock.tick(60) / 1000





import asyncio
import websockets 
import random
import json

def generate_food_position(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y):
    x = random.randint(min_x, max_x)
    y = random.randint(min_y, max_y)
    return [x, y, 20, 20]

rooms  = {}

def collide(a , b , width):
    return (abs(a[0] - b[0]) < width and
            abs(a[1] - b[1]) < width)

# detecting possible collides : 
def collides(a , b , food ) :
    head_to_head = collide(a[0] , b[0] ,30) ;
    head_to_food = collide(a[0] , food ,25  ) 
    head_to_body = False 
    this_head = a[0]
    for part in b :
        if collide(this_head , part  ,30) :
            head_to_body = True 

    return (head_to_head , head_to_body , head_to_food)

# return response as (act ,opponents position(s) , my position(s) , the food and the scores)
def formulate_response(id , oid , food , roomName) :
    this= rooms[roomName][id]['pos']
    other= rooms[roomName][oid]['pos']
    hh , hb , hf = collides(this ,other ,food)
    act = 'None'
    if hh :
        act = 'shrink' 
        rooms[roomName][id]['pos'] = initPlayer()
        rooms[roomName][id]['score'] =0 
        # rooms[roomName][oid]['pos'] = initPlayer()
        # rooms[roomName][oid]['respawn'] = True

    elif hb :
        act = 'shrink' 
        rooms[roomName][id]['pos'] = initPlayer()
        rooms[roomName][id]['score'] = 0   
    elif hf :
        act = 'grow'
        rooms[roomName]['food'] =  generate_food_position(20, 580, 20, 380) 
    return  {
        'act' : act , 
        'opp' : rooms[roomName][oid]['pos'] , 
        'my'  : rooms[roomName][id]['pos'] ,
        'food': rooms[roomName]['food'] ,
        'my_score' : rooms[roomName][id]['score'] ,
        'other_score' : rooms[roomName][oid]['score']

def initPlayer():
    return [[random.randint(30 , 600 ) , random.randint(30 , 400 ) , 30 , 30 ]] 

async def handler(websocket) :

    handshake = await websocket.recv()
    handshake = json.loads(handshake)  

    roomName = handshake["room"]
    if handshake['choice'] == 1 :
        rooms[roomName] = {}
        rooms[roomName]['food'] =generate_food_position(30 ,570 ,30 ,370)

    rooms[roomName][websocket.id] = {
            'socket' : websocket , 
            'pos' : initPlayer() , 
            'respawn' : False ,
            'score' :0
    if len(rooms[roomName]) >= 3 :
        await broadcast(rooms[roomName])
    id = websocket.id

    while True :
        room = rooms[roomName]
        this_pos = await websocket.recv()

        ## synchrnisation issue with this 
        ## after couple of times they collide head to head
        ## the cordinates shown on the screen aren't same 
        ## as the server 

        if room[id]['respawn']==True :
            rooms[roomName][id]['respawn'] = False

            # generate response :
            response = {
                'act' :  'shrinkall', 
                'my'  :  room[id]['pos']  , 
                'opp' :  get_other_pos(get_other_id(id ,room),room),
                'food': room['food']
            await websocket.send(json.dumps(response))

        else :
            # update player position  

            this_pos = json.loads(this_pos)

            rooms[roomName][id]['pos'] = this_pos['pos']
            rooms[roomName][id]['len'] = this_pos['len']

            other_id = get_other_id(id , room)
            food = room['food']
            response = formulate_response(id ,other_id ,food  ,roomName)  

        await websocket.send(json.dumps(response))

def get_other_id(id , room) :
    for thing in room.keys():
        if thing != 'food' and thing != id :
            return thing
def get_other_pos(id , room) : 
    return room[id]['pos']

async def broadcast(room) :
    for thing in room.keys() :
        if thing!= 'food' :
            init = {
                'my' : room[thing]['pos'] , 
                'opp' : room[get_opp(thing, room)]['pos'] ,
                'food': room['food']
            await room[thing]['socket'].send(json.dumps(init))

def get_opp(id  , room) :
     for thing in room.keys() :
        if thing!= 'food' and thing != id:
            return thing

async def main():
    async with websockets.serve(handler , 'localhost' ,8765 ):
        await asyncio.Future()

if __name__ == '__main__' :
    print('listenning  ... ')


Building Something That
現在,為什麼不嘗試一下,看看可以添加什麼?查看 GitHub 儲存庫並在貪吃蛇遊戲的下一個重大事件中留下您的印記。

以上是建立非 Todo 應用程式的東西:線上多人貪吃蛇遊戲的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
