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Survival crafting games are known for leaving the player to solve tricky puzzles. If Dawn of Defiance has you stumped, let me show you how to restore Statues and all the Place of Power Locations.

All Place of Power Locations in Dawn of Defiance

There are three Places of Power on the Isle of Arrival, and you must visit each to progress through the area.

Dawn of Defiance All Place of Power Locations and how to restore the Statues

The map is a little tricky to follow, but you can see all three locations in the picture above. Locating the Places of Power is only half the battle, as there are a couple of prerequisites. Each area is guarded by 3-5 Soldiers who can deplete your health bar in just a few attacks.

Armor is essential for the battles, so start by building a Hunter Station at your base with the following materials :

Hunting Station Recipe

  • Softwood x10
  • Thatch x15
  • Resin x2
  • Flax x5

I recommend crafting a complete armor set, as you’ll need all the defense you can get. You will also need a Crafting Station for a set of unique items required for the task:

Crafting Station Recipe

  • Softwood x10
  • Animal Bone x5
  • Hide Strips x5
  • Thatch x15

You can get Animal Bones from wildlife like Boars, and the Hide Strips commonly drop from defeated Soldiers. Build the three Giant Stone weapons and keep them in your inventory.

When you’re ready, head to the nearest Place of Power and defeat every enemy nearby.

Restore the Statues

Dawn of Defiance All Place of Power Locations and how to restore the Statues

Each Place of Power is home to a Statue waiting for restoration. If you have the Giant Stone Weapons in your inventory, interact with the Statue, and you’ll automatically give them the appropriate item.

I spent a long time trying to give the statues my weapons, so don’t make the same mistake I did. When you restore a Statue, a small Brazier will rise from the ground in front of it, requiring Ambrosia Dust to activate.

How to get Ambrosia Dust in Dawn of Defiance

The most frustrating part of restoring the Statues is collecting Ambrosia Dust. You need 50 to activate each Place of Power, and the resource can only be gathered at night.

Dawn of Defiance All Place of Power Locations and how to restore the Statues

You’re looking for these purple flowers (pictured above). I found a bunch in the center of the Isle of Arrival, but there are likely other spots. You can’t collect Ambrosia Dust during the day, but you can still track it down and wait for nightfall.

You can also collect Ambrosia Dust from fallen enemies. The Abandoned and Lost both drop the Dust, although their spawns are unreliable.

Once you have enough Ambrosia Dust, interact with the Brazier. Press the Interact key once again to claim your prize. I won’t spoil what you get from each Place of Power, but you’ll have an easier time getting around once you have them all.

《Dawn of Defiance》與 Obsidian 的《Grounded》有許多相似之處。如果您渴望從該類型中獲得更多內容,如果您知道去哪裡尋找,那麼您將有很多選擇。

