首頁 >電腦教學 >故障排查 >怎麼查看電腦設定詳細資料?


2024-08-17 21:40:14716瀏覽

想知道自己的電腦配置是什麼嗎? php小編蘋果帶你一起探索如何查看電腦配置詳細資訊。本文將詳細介紹在 Windows 和 macOS 系統中,透過系統自備工具和第三方軟體,一步步查看 CPU、記憶體、顯示卡等硬體資訊的方法。了解電腦配置不僅可以幫助你了解機器的效能和能力,更能為升級或故障排除提供基礎。繼續閱讀,讓php小編蘋果帶你深入了解電腦配置的世界吧!




1. Windows系統:系統屬性->裝置管理員,可以查看電腦的處理器、主機板、顯示卡、音效卡、網卡等硬體設定;


3. Mac系統:系統屬性->設備,可以檢視電腦的處理器、主機板、顯示卡、音效卡、網路卡等硬體配置;

4. 可使用第三方工具,如CoconutBattery,輕鬆查看Mac系統的處理器、主機板、記憶體、硬碟、顯示卡、音效卡、網路卡等硬體配置。


首先要判斷自己對電腦的效能需求,比如說剪輯,剪輯其實就是素材拼接,也就是一加一等於二的簡單運算,所以CPU和顯示卡記憶體夠用就可以,如果是三維特效渲染,那就是函數運算,就要加高CPU,和顯示卡,想加快運算只能提升這兩個硬件,內存是倉庫,也是夠用就可以,所以如果我買電腦的話,在經濟條件允許的情況下,優先選配CPU和顯示卡,在看內存和SSD,如果啥也不懂,建議查閱國外的評測對比再購買,目前我自己買的Macmini,CPU頂配,SSD低配,內存低配,外接顯卡64,效能和別人測試對比,比十核心iMac Pro效能三分之一,我的一萬五,iMac Pro七萬,而且比任何配置垃圾桶都快


要查看Windows電腦的配置信息,可以透過按下Win鍵+ R,然後在彈出的運行對話框中輸入“dxdiag”並按回車鍵打開DirectX診斷工具,可以查看有關處理器、內存、顯示卡等硬體資訊。




指令提示符號1、按下Win鍵+R鍵→在出現的運作視窗中→輸入:cmd 回車。 2、在出現的命令提示字元介面中輸入:systeminfo 回車。 3.接著你所需要的電腦設定資訊就出現在介面裡了。






另一種查看電腦主機設定資訊的方法是透過運行視窗。按下“Win + R”組合鍵打開運行窗口,輸入“dxdiag”命令,點擊確定後會打開一個“DirectX 診斷工具”窗口,其中包含有關主機配置的詳細資訊。







In general, it is not difficult to check the computer host configuration. You only need to master a few methods to easily obtain the required information. Whether through system properties, run window, device manager or third-party software, users can meet their needs for viewing computer configuration information. I hope the above introduction can help users in need and let everyone better understand their computers.

6. How to check the computer hardware configuration information?

The method to check the computer hardware configuration information is as follows

1. First, open this software on your computer desktop.

2. After entering the homepage of 360 Driver Master software, select at the top of the page.

3. After entering the detailed hardware information page, you can see the configuration information of the computer host, and you can also see the information of the computer monitor.

7. Dos command to check computer configuration information?

1. Right-click on my computer and click Properties to check the simple configuration information. The information is not very detailed. It can be obtained through commands. You can view the system, memory, video memory, motherboard and other detailed information,

3. Click the start button in the lower left corner of the computer to find the run

4. Enter the cmd command in the running interface to enter the DOS virtual terminal

5. Enter the command dxag on the virtual terminal under DOS and press Enter to display all system detailed configuration information. Such as motherboard, memory, processor, manufacturer, video memory, IO, etc.

6. Find out all the detailed information you need about your computer here.

8. How to view computer configuration details?

The method to view computer configuration details is as follows

1. Click "My Computer" on the desktop, right-click the drop-down menu, and click "Properties".

2. Click computer properties and you will see the most basic computer configuration information, main frequency, memory, etc. This is the simplest and fastest way to view basic information.

9. How to check computer configuration information in win10?

The steps to view Win10 computer configuration information are as follows:

1. Right-click "This Computer" and click the Properties option.

2. Open the properties;

3. On the "System" page, we can see the processor information, installed memory, system type and other information of this computer under the win10 system . 🎜🎜#2. Pop up the options and select "Properties".

3. Pop up the "System Properties" interface, where we can see the computer's memory, main frequency and other technical parameter configuration information. , click the "Hardware" option as pointed by the arrow in the picture.

4. In the hardware options, select the "Device Manager" option. 5. Various computer options. The detailed configuration parameter information is displayed. Click the "+" sign to view the details.

6. The above is a method. We can also query the computer's detailed configuration parameter information by executing the DxDiag command. Method: WINDOWS key + R, enter "DxDiag" in the run box.

7, the "DirectX Diagnostic Tool" will pop up, and the system's BIOS information, processor, and memory will be displayed. #🎜 🎜#

8. Click on other options to query other information such as monitors and sound cards, and test the operation.

