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2024-08-17 12:34:381105瀏覽







3、開啟時鐘喚醒選項下的daily event(每天),再在下面設定好每天開機的時間,啟動順序選主要。

4、只需要啟動一次就選single event(一次),然後在下面設定號碼幾月幾號幾點幾分。

5、要設定每週固定星期幾開機,那就選weekly event(每週),然後在下面設定具體星期幾和時間。設定好儲存退出即可完成定時開機的設定。



1. 開啟「控制台」並選擇「系統與安全性」。

2. 選擇「管理工具」並開啟「任務規劃程序」。

3. 在左側面板中,按一下「任務計畫程式庫」。

4. 在右側面板中,按一下「建立基本任務」。

5. 輸入任務名稱和描述,然後按一下「下一步」。

6. 選擇要執行任務的時間和日期,然後按一下「下一步」。

7. 選擇「啟動程式」選項,然後按一下「下一步」。

8. 輸入要啟動的程式的路徑和名稱,例如「C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe」。

9. 在“參數”欄位中輸入“/s”,這將關閉電腦。

10. 點選「下一步」並確認任務設定。














7、輸完時間後點擊下一步,會出現啟動程序對話框,直接在其中輸入C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe 這個程序,並在“添加參數可選」一欄中輸入-s (即關機指令);










6. In the program startup, startup means booting. Enter -s in the add parameter and click.

7. OK, click, the computer will start on time at 9:10 every day.

6. How to set the timer to start up a desktop computer?

Right-click the computer, select Manage to enter, expand System Tools, click Task Scheduler, click Create Basic Task, enter the name and description on the page, select the time point in the trigger, select the start time, Every few days, click to start the program, enter startup in the program or script box, enter -s in the add parameter, and click Finish after confirming that everything is correct.

7. How to set up shutdown for scheduled computer startup?

Scheduled shutdown: Click Start - Run - enter "cmd" - then enter "shutdown -s -t 60" in the black box that appears - and then press Enter. Can complete the scheduled shutdown command (60 in the command is the number of seconds, 60 means automatic shutdown after 60 seconds) scheduled boot: press the "Delete" key to enter the BIOS interface when the computer starts. Select the "Power Management Setup" menu in the BIOS setup main interface, set the Resume By Alarm value to Enabled, and set the boot date and time in "Date (of Month) Alarm" and "Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm" time. If "Date" is set to 0, it defaults to a scheduled power on every day. After setting, just press "F10" to save the settings. The machine will restart and the setting is successful. Automatically log in. Click "Start/Run", enter "rundll32 netplwiz.dll,UsersRunDll" and press Enter. The "User Account" window will pop up and then uncheck the "To use this machine, users must enter a username and password" option. Click Click OK and enter the account and password you want the computer to automatically log in to every time in the pop-up dialog box.

8. How to set a scheduled boot time for Dell computers?

The setting process for Dell computers to automatically switch on and off through CMOS settings is as follows:

1. First enter the "CMOS SETUP" program (for most motherboards, press DEL when the computer starts or F2 key to enter);

2. Then move the light bar to the "Power Management Setup" option and press Enter to enter its submenu;

3. Then move the " Resume by Alarm" item is set to "Enabled", and the monthly power on/off date is set in the "Date (of Month) Alarm" item (0 means every day, 1 means the 1st of each month, 2 means the 2nd of each month,... ...), set the boot time in the "Time(hh:mm:ss)Alarm" item;

4. Finally save the settings and restart (F10). After shutting down the computer, the computer will automatically starts at the moment.

9. How to set a scheduled startup on Lenovo computers?

To set the scheduled startup of Lenovo computer, you can follow the following steps:

1. Open the computer's bios setting interface, you can press the computer power button and then press continuously f1, f2, f10, delete and other keys to enter the bios setting interface.

2. In the bios settings interface, find "power management" or a similar option (this option may be different for different models of Lenovo computers).

3. In "power management", find "rtc alarm power on" or similar options.

4. Set this option to "enabled", and then set a specific power-on time (such as powering on at 6 a.m. every day).

5. Save the changes and exit the bios setting interface, then restart the computer.

In this way, the Lenovo computer will automatically turn on at the set time. To cancel the scheduled startup, just set the option in the above steps to "disabled".

10. How to set the scheduled startup of Lenovo computers?

To set the scheduled boot time on Lenovo computers, we can enter the BIOS settings. When the computer is turned on, keep pressing the F2 or F10 key to enter the BIOS system. In the BIOS system, we can find the "Power Management" option, and then select the "RTC Wakeup" sub-option.

In "RTC Wakeup", we can set the boot time. Select the time you want to power on and press "Enter" to confirm. Wait a moment, the setting is successful, test it to see if it can start automatically.

