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2024-08-17 06:35:37858瀏覽

當您的電腦發生故障或系統出現問題時,還原系統可以成為一種恢復電腦原始狀態的有效方法。 php小編小新整理了這篇教學課程,詳細介紹了電腦開機如何還原系統的步驟,包括如何建立還原點,以及如何使用安全模式或復原碟來還原系統。繼續閱讀以下內容,了解如何輕鬆還原您的電腦系統。



1. 打開控制台,點擊

2. 再點擊,選擇;

3. 接著點擊,選擇一個還原點,點擊;

4. 確保資訊無誤後點擊即可





在需要重裝的電腦上插入啟動U盤,開機並不斷按下U盤啟動快捷鍵在進入系統啟動選單中選擇帶有USB字樣的選項並回車進入系統引導選項介面,選擇Windows 10 PE進入系統進入系統後,軟體會自動開啟搜尋系統鏡像,找到鏡像,點選安裝準備安裝介面中無需更改,點選開始安裝,選擇繼續等待安裝,安裝完成後,拔除U盤,點選立即重新啟動接著無需操作,耐心等待系統安裝即可














點擊開始功能表並選擇「控制台」。 在控制台中,選擇“系統和安全性”。 選擇“系統”。 在左側導覽列中,選擇“系統保護”。 在「系統保護」視窗中,點選「系統還原」按鈕。 選擇所需恢復點,點選「下一步」。 再次點擊“下一步”,然後點擊“完成”。





點擊開始功能表並選擇「控制台」。 在控制台中,選擇“系統和安全性”。 選擇“備份和還原”。 在「備份與復原」視窗中,點選「設定備份」。 選擇您要備份的驅動器,並選擇備份的目標位置。 點選“下一步”。 選擇備份計畫(可選)。 再次點擊“下一步”,然後點擊“開始備份”。




在執行系統還原或備份前,請確保您有系統管理員權限。 在選擇還原點或備份時,最好選擇最近的一個點以確保還原到最新的正常狀態。 在執行系統還原或備份之前,建議將重要檔案備份到外部磁碟機或雲端儲存中,以免資料遺失。 還原系統將刪除最近安裝的軟體和更新,因此請確保您有必要的軟體安裝檔案和許可證。



However, we should always perform system restore and backup operations with caution, and back up important files before operation. If we can use these methods correctly, we will be able to easily deal with computer problems and protect our data.

5. How about restoring the graphics card driver on a PE system computer?

The following are the steps to restore the graphics card driver under the PE system:

1. First, after entering the PE system, insert the graphics card driver CD or USB flash drive.

2. Open "My Computer", find the installation file of the graphics card driver, right-click and select "Extract to the specified folder".

3. Find the driver installer in the unzipped folder, right-click and select "Run as administrator".

4. After the installation program is run, install according to the prompts and wait for the driver installation to be completed.

5. After the installation is complete, restart the computer and let the system automatically recognize the new graphics card driver.

6. Confirm that the graphics card driver has been successfully installed and you can open the device manager to view it.


1. Confirm that the selected driver is correct and do not install the wrong driver.

2. During the driver installation process, do not close the installation program midway, otherwise the driver installation may fail.

3. Before installing the driver, it is best to back up the system to prevent the system from being unable to start due to unexpected circumstances.

6. How to restore the computer system?

1. Enable System Restore Settings

Right-click "My Computer" - "Properties" - System Restore - Uncheck "Turn off System Restore on all drives" - Select drive C - "Settings" - Change "Can Set "Disk Space Used" to the minimum - OK - Select D, E, F - Settings - Check "Turn off System Restore on this drive" - ​​OK.

2. Create a system restore point

1. Start--All Programs--Accessories--System Tools--System Restore, open the "Welcome to System Restore" dialog box;

2. Select "Create a restore point" , click "Next" to open the "Create a Restore Point" dialog box;

3. In the "Restore Description Point" text box, enter a name to identify the restore point, such as entering "Before installing software", click Click the "Create" button, and the "Restore Point Created" dialog box will appear;

4. Click the "Close" button, and a restore point named "Before Software Installation" is stored in your computer. When the system is restored, find Follow the steps and the system will be restored to the state it was in before you installed the software.

3. Use System Restore

1. Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Restore – Open the “Welcome to System Restore” dialog box;

2. Select “Restore my computer to an earlier time” "—Next step, open the "Select a restore point" dialog box;

3. Click a date that you think is running normally as the restore point --- Next step, open the "Confirm restore point dialog box;

4. After confirmation , click Next, the system will restore;

5. You will be notified after success, confirm to exit

Use one-click restore wizard, like this:

1. Back up C drive

1. Restart, when the bottom of the screen When system****** appears, press F11 promptly to open the one-click restore wizard main interface.

2. Select "Backup" --- "OK" and restart to enter the backup interface.

3. In the backup interface, The backup progress is displayed. After completion, it will automatically restart. In the last partition of the first hard disk of my computer, there is a hidden C drive backup folder.

2. Restore the C drive system

1. Restart. When system****** appears at the bottom of the screen, press F11 in time to open the one-click recovery wizard main interface. It will automatically restart after 10 seconds and enter the recovery system interface.

2. In the recovery system interface, the recovery progress is displayed. After completion, it will automatically restart, clear all the data in the C drive, and restore the original C drive backup files to the C drive.

7. How to use Lenovo computer BIOS to restore the system?

Lenovo computer BIOS restore system is a kind of system restoration. A common system recovery method that can help users quickly restore to factory settings when encountering system problems. In this article, we will introduce in detail how to perform system restore operations through the BIOS of Lenovo computers.

Find the BIOS entry of Lenovo computers.

To restore the system using the BIOS of a Lenovo computer, you first need to enter the BIOS interface. Normally, press the F2 or Delete key when booting to enter the BIOS setting interface. Different models of Lenovo computers may be different. It is recommended to enter the BIOS interface when booting. Check the prompt information at the bottom of the screen or check the shortcut key to enter the BIOS for the corresponding model.

Find the "Restore Factory Settings" option in the BIOS

After entering the BIOS, use the arrow keys and Enter key on the keyboard to browse and select the menu. In this case, "Restore Factory Settings" or similar options will be in the "Main" or "Advanced" menu of the BIOS. The specific location will vary depending on different BIOS versions and models. You can check the BIOS prompt information or Lenovo official website. Website to find


Confirm System Restore Operation

After finding the "Restore Factory Settings" option, the system will ask to confirm the operation. Be sure to read the on-screen warnings and prompts carefully and understand that a system restore operation will erase all user data and restore the system to factory condition. If you agree to proceed, you will usually need to follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the system restore.

Wait for the system restore to complete

After confirming the system restore operation, the Lenovo computer will start the restore process. This process may take some time, depending on the performance of your computer and the complexity of the system recovery. During this process, please do not shut down the computer or perform other operations to avoid system damage.

Further operations after the system restore is completed

When the system restore is completed, the Lenovo computer will automatically restart. Users may need to reset some basic configurations, such as language, time zone, user account, etc. At the same time, personal files and programs also need to be reinstalled. If you have backed up the data before, you can restore it through the backup.

Through the above steps, users can use the BIOS of Lenovo computers to perform system restore operations. This is a very practical and fast method that can quickly restore to factory settings when encountering serious system problems, helping users solve system failures. I hope this article is helpful to everyone, thank you for reading!

8. How to restore the computer backup system?

If our computer is backed up, we can restore the system through one-click restore software, or we can restore it through the restore circle that comes with our computer. Most of us use one-click ghost.

9. How to restore the system of Lenovo desktop computer?

Lenovo desktop computer system restoration steps are as follows:

1. Click the "Start" menu command, and select "Settings" from the pop-up menu;

2. In the main menu of settings, select the "Update & Security" menu command;

3. A "Restore" command will appear on the left selection, click to restore the computer settings;

4. A command to reset this computer will appear on the right, and a "Start" menu will appear below, click to start the reset;

5 , and then select the scope that needs to be reset, whether to keep personal data files, and only delete applications and settings menus;

6. Confirm the software program to be deleted again, if you really want to delete it, click Next, and then follow the prompts After resetting the computer, restart the system and it will be restored.

10. How to turn off computer system restore?

Disable System Restore: System Restore can back up the system status at ordinary times and restore it to the previous backup status after a problem occurs. Although this function is more practical, it takes up a lot of hard disk space. Normally 12% of the available space of each hard disk partition is used to save restore points. If you don't need this feature, you can disable it. Right-click the "My Computer" icon and select Properties to open the System Properties dialog box. Then open the "System Restore" tab, select the "Turn off System Restore on all drives" checkbox, and confirm. The so-called one-click recovery principle is probably copied from the replicator. In fact, it just helps you ghost, which is the so-called cloning. The principles of the two are different. Cloning is to install a new system and then store the entire C drive as an image as a file. This file is static and will not change. The system restore that comes with XP dynamically records the user's hard disk usage records as the user uses it. In actual operation, he creates a disk image that is in the same track as the disk track. The former can restore the system to its initial state, while the software you installed before cannot be restored, but the space occupied is fixed. Although the latter can record dynamically, this dynamic recording is based on a certain stage. After all, some details cannot be recorded; and it increases as your hard disk space usage increases.

